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Regarding energy transformation, what were the highlights of the press conference of the State Council Information Office?

Release Time2 weeks ago

On August 29, the white paper "China's Energy Transformation" was officially released. The State Council Information Office held a press conference and invited relevant comrades from the National Energy Administration to introduce and interpret the main contents of the white paper.

Rapid development of renewable energy

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's energy has entered a new stage of high-quality development.

Data shows that as of the end of 2023, the installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation has increased 10 times compared with ten years ago, and the installed capacity of clean energy power generation accounted for 58.2% of the total installed capacity. Over the past ten years, a total of more than 100 million kilowatts of backward coal-fired power production capacity have been eliminated, and pollutant emissions from the power industry have been reduced by more than 90%.

Zhang Jianhua, director of the National Energy Administration, said that under the guidance of the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation", China has unswervingly accelerated energy transformation and embarked on an energy transformation path that is in line with national conditions and meets the requirements of the times.

As a promoter and contributor to global energy transformation, my country's achievements in the development of renewable energy are equally outstanding. As of the end of 2023, China's renewable energy power generation installed capacity accounted for approximately 40% of the world's total, and the annual new installed capacity in 2023 accounted for more than half of the world.

The achievements are due to continuous technological progress, complete industrial and supply chains and a good market environment. These include promoting the demonstration and application of new technologies, rapid iterative upgrades of technologies and products through the implementation of measures such as photovoltaic leader bases and the development of large new energy bases; having relatively complete supply chains for new energy industry chains such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation, and actively integrating into global clean Energy industry chain; dynamically improving policies and measures such as renewable energy feed-in tariffs, consumption guarantees, and market allocation to attract all sectors of society to participate in the development and construction of new energy.

While accelerating the development of its own new energy sources, my country actively shares high-quality and low-cost clean energy products with other countries. "This effectively promotes the cost of global wind power and photovoltaic development, and truly provides green power for the world's energy transformation, creates new opportunities for deepening international cooperation in clean energy, and contributes China's strength to the world's energy transformation." Zhang Jianhua said.

Steadily increase the proportion of nuclear power in energy and power consumption

Nuclear power is a clean, low-carbon, and efficient high-quality energy source. It is an important base load power source in the power system. The development of nuclear power is of great significance to ensuring energy security and promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

my country's nuclear power started in the 1980s. After 40 years of exploration and practice, it has established a complete industrial system, becoming one of the few countries in the world with a complete nuclear power industry system. "The ten years since the new era have been the period for the fastest development of nuclear power in my country. We have accumulated rich experience and engineering capabilities in nuclear power technology research and development, engineering design, equipment manufacturing, construction and operation." Zhang Jianhua said.

Data shows that there are a total of 102 nuclear power units approved in operation and under construction in mainland China, with a total installed capacity of 113.13 million kilowatts. Among them, 56 are in operation, with an installed capacity of 58.08 million kilowatts.

In recent years, my country's nuclear power units in operation have maintained a state of multiple and full production, accounting for less than 2% of the country's total installed capacity, but the power generation is close to 5%, giving full play to the supporting role of baseload power supply. Especially in the eastern coastal areas, nuclear power has become an important supporting power source and main power source. Nuclear power generation in Liaoning, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan provinces accounts for more than 20%.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that nuclear power must be actively developed in a safe and orderly manner. Zhang Jianhua said that it is necessary to coordinate development and safety, adhere to the strictest standards for planning and approval, the highest quality for project construction, the strictest requirements for operation management, and the strictest measures to strengthen supervision.

"In addition, we actively promote the comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy in heating, heating, steam supply, seawater desalination, etc., and steadily increase the proportion of nuclear energy in energy and power consumption. Actively participate in global nuclear power construction, share China's experience, and make our due contribution to the global joint response to climate change." Zhang Jianhua said.

The path and pace of achieving the "double carbon" goal must be determined by yourself

Responding to the challenge of climate change and achieving sustainable use of energy are related to human well-being. The white paper clearly states that China adheres to the principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, jointly responds to the challenge of climate change, and protects the planet home on which mankind depends for survival.

Over the past ten years, China's non-fossil energy consumption growth has contributed more than 40% to the world. The annual power generation of non-fossil energy has increased by 2.2 trillion kilowatt-hours, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 2 billion tons. The growth trend of carbon emissions in the whole society has also been significantly curbed.

However, Song Wen, director of the Legal and Institutional Reform Department of the National Energy Administration, said that to see that China is still a developing country, we are promoting modernization with a huge population, and the people's energy demand for a better life is still growing, which is uncertain and unpredictable. Factors are also increasing, and huge efforts are still needed to achieve the "double carbon" goal.

"To achieve the 'double carbon' goal, it is not that others ask us to do it, but that we must do it ourselves. The 'double carbon' goal we have committed to is unwavering." Song Wen said that the energy industry will make greater efforts to promote the high-quality development of new energy, solidly carry out green and low-carbon transformation of energy, and promote an average annual increase in the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption by about 1 percentage point.

Li Chuangjun, director of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Administration, revealed that since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the Paris Agreement and its relevant decisions, relevant Chinese departments are working hard to study and demonstrate a new round of nationally determined contribution goals in light of the new situation and new changes.

He emphasized that the "double carbon" goal promised by China is unwavering, but the path, method, pace and intensity to achieve this goal should and must be made by itself and will never be influenced by others.

"China will base itself on its national conditions, adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, scientifically plan and research and propose new goals and new measures, and make greater contributions to jointly addressing climate change and jointly building a clean and beautiful earth." Li Chuangjun said.
