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How to tell the world the story of China's industrial structure upgrading?

Release Time2 weeks ago

Promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and promoting industries to move towards the middle and high end of global value chains is the key to building a modern industrial system and promoting high-quality development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has insisted on putting the focus of economic development on the real economy, focusing on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries on the one hand, and the development and growth of strategic emerging industries on the other. The industrial structure has been continuously optimized and upgraded, and the construction of a modern industrial system has been accelerated. A large number of vivid practical cases have emerged and rich practical experience has been accumulated. We must seize opportunities, create conditions, and tell the world the story of China's industrial structure upgrading.

The need to sing the bright theory of China's economy. China's great achievements in upgrading its industrial structure are strong proof of China's stable and improving economy. Interpreting the internal logic of China's industrial structure upgrading and its contribution to the world will help enhance the international community's confidence in China's economic development and proactively sing the bright theory of China's economy.

The upgrading of industrial structure is a concrete manifestation of economic transformation, and behind it are major changes in economic development strategies. Guided by the new development concept and with high-quality development as the theme, China is deeply implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, promoting new industrialization, accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power, a quality power, a aerospace power, a transportation power, a network power and a digital China, and contributing to industrial development Continue to inject new momentum. Telling the world the story of China's industrial structure upgrading will help reveal China's strategic intentions and practical actions to actively promote industrial transformation and upgrading based on changes in the internal and external environment, and demonstrate the intrinsic transformation from relying on labor-intensive industries to relying on technology and knowledge-intensive industries. Driving force helps the international community better understand the new concepts, new strategies, and new paths of China's economic development in the new era.

The upgrading of China's industrial structure has improved the quality and efficiency of industrial development, significantly reduced energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP, and made the industry's green development more complete. It has become China's proposal to achieve "carbon peak" before 2030 and achieve it before 2060. Strong confidence for the goal of "carbon neutrality". During the COVID-19 epidemic, China provided the international community with a large amount of anti-epidemic materials, including vaccines and testing reagents, in a timely manner, not only because of China's strong production capacity, but also because of the continuous promotion of the upgrading of industrial structures such as biomedicine. Telling the world the story of China's industrial structure upgrading will help reveal the contribution of China's industrial structure upgrading to environmental protection and resource utilization efficiency improvement. It reflects that while pursuing its own development, China actively undertakes to promote green and sustainable development of the global economy. The responsibility of a major country helps the international community better understand that China's development is development that benefits the world and mankind.

The upgrading of China's industrial structure demonstrates that China's economy is highly resilient, has great potential, and is full of business opportunities and vitality in emerging fields such as smart manufacturing, green energy, and digital economy, and will provide strong momentum for the stabilization and recovery of the world economy. Telling the world the story of China's industrial structure upgrading will help reveal the new opportunities for economic development and new space for international cooperation that China's industrial structure upgrading has brought to the world, and help the international community understand China's concepts and actions to promote common development through open cooperation; By sharing successful cases and experiences and lessons learned in upgrading China's industrial structure, we will provide experience and reference for the industrial development of other countries, especially developing countries, strive for a wider range of partners, promote the reform and improvement of the global economic governance system, and work together to build an open, inclusive, and mutually beneficial new global economic order.

Focus on key areas of industrial structure upgrading. China's industrial structure upgrading has achieved remarkable results and achieved fruitful results. We must seize key points and highlight highlights, focus on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, and the innovative development of modern service industries, and flexibly use statistical data and practical cases in various forms to tell the world. Good story of China's industrial structure upgrading.

Traditional industries are the "fundamentals" of China's economy. The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries can also develop new productive forces. China does not simply withdraw traditional industries as "low-end industries", but insists on promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, revitalizing traditional industries and realizing the transformation from scale expansion to quality improvement. China continues to strengthen technological innovation and the promotion and application of advanced and applicable technologies in traditional industries, promotes the penetration, integration and application of digital technology into the entire process of various fields of traditional industries, vigorously promotes the application of green and low-carbon technologies, equipment and products, and accelerates the transformation of traditional industries to high-end and intelligence. Move towards green and green. For example,"hand-torn steel" is a high-precision basic material and is known as the "pearl" on the "crown" of stainless steel. China has successfully developed the world's thinnest "hand-torn steel". In May 0,XiJinpingDuring an inspection and investigation at TISCO Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd., the General Secretary picked up a piece of "hand-torn steel" with a thickness of only 0.02 mm, gently twisted it with his fingers, and praised: "Hundred steel mills are made. Soft fingers." This is a microcosm of the transformation and upgrading of China's traditional industries.

Strategic emerging industries are new pillars and new tracks leading future development. China's new generation of information technology, high-end equipment, new energy, new materials, biomedicine and other strategic emerging industries are booming, generally showing a good trend of improving innovation capabilities, accelerating cluster development, and improving integrated development. The added value accounts for the GDP. The proportion has exceeded 13%, becoming a new engine for stimulating economic growth and playing a prominent role in upgrading the industrial structure. China insists on combining effective markets with promising governments, strengthening the key driving role of scientific and technological innovation in strategic emerging industries, promoting the development of integrated clusters of strategic emerging industries, and achieving breakthroughs in key areas such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products. 5G, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet have formed leading advantages in digital economic fields such as.XiJinpingThe General Secretary emphasized that developing new energy vehicles is the only way for my country to move from a major automobile country to a powerful automobile country. China's new energy vehicles are rapidly emerging, from unknown to global leaders. In 2023, production and sales will account for more than 60% of the world's total, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years, and achieving overtaking in new fields and new tracks.

Modern service industry is the key direction for industrial structure upgrading. China's producer services industry is moving towards specialization, and the lifestyle services industry is extending towards high-end. The modern service industry has become an important force driving the upgrading of industrial structure and promoting the transformation of production and lifestyle. China attaches great importance to the empowerment of digital technology and actively cultivates new business formats and models in the service industry. The service industry is characterized by online and offline integration and cross-border integration of industries. Emerging service industries such as online ride-hailing, telecommuting, online education, and digital culture are constantly emerging. New business formats such as the economy, platform economy, and live broadcast economy are on the rise.XiJinpingThe general secretary emphasized that China will promote the accelerated development of new business formats and new models such as cross-border e-commerce. With the help of the Internet, 1.83 trillion yuan of products will be sold from China to all parts of the world in 2023. Cross-border e-commerce will make it more convenient for residents and enterprises to "buy the world" and "sell the world." China promotes the deep integration of modern service industries and advanced manufacturing industries, develops and upgrades producer service industries such as finance, logistics, and information services around the common service needs of manufacturing industries, and supports the development of service-oriented manufacturing. The supporting role of the service industry in the modernization of the industrial chain has been continuously strengthened., injecting strong momentum into the upgrading of China's industrial structure.

Adhere to multiple measures to tell a good story. Storytelling is the best way of international communication. It is necessary to continuously expand international communication channels and methods, comprehensively improve international communication efficiency, and make the story of China's industrial structure upgrading widely known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Strengthen the construction of an international discourse system. Carefully study the psychological characteristics and acceptance of different foreign audiencesXiHabit, grasp the research interests, intersection of interests, and emotional resonance points of the international community, and use internationally accepted language and expression methods to refine the core concepts and successful experiences of China's industrial structure upgrading so that they can be easily understood and accepted by the international community. Enhance the global communication power of China's industrial structure upgrading story. toXiJinpingGuided by economic thoughts, we will condense the theory of industrial upgrading with Chinese characteristics and the value of the times, incorporate it into the scope of academic discussions on global industrial economy, and enhance China's theoretical contribution to international economic governance.

Strengthen achievement display and case promotion. Focusing on China's fields of international influence such as intelligent manufacturing, digital economy, high-end equipment, and new energy, we select a number of typical cases of industrial structure upgrading, and show the world the specific practices and outstanding results of China's industrial structure upgrading through authoritative channels. Intuitive and vivid cases enhance the persuasion and credibility of international communication. Formulate a systematic international communication strategy and flexibly adopt various forms such as international conferences, media reports, live live case broadcasts, social platform push, and white paper release to allow the world to have an in-depth understanding of the process, impact and future prospects of China's industrial structure upgrading.

Strengthen cross-border cooperation and experience sharing. Actively participate in the reconstruction of global industrial and supply chains, accelerate the joint construction of international cooperation industrial parks, promote in-depth interaction between China and other countries around the world in industrial technology research and development, production capacity cooperation, market development, etc., and jointly write a new chapter in global industrial structure upgrading through mutually beneficial and win-win international cooperation. Build international industrial exchange platforms such as international cooperation forums and expos, build bilateral or multilateral dialogue mechanisms, share experiences and lessons from China's industrial structure upgrading, help other developing countries avoid detours in industrial upgrading, and jointly promote global balance, coordination, and inclusiveness development.

Strengthen cultural integration and the transmission of values. Organic integration of Chinese traditional cultural elements with modern industrial development concepts, when telling the story of industrial structure upgrading, it highlights the values contained in Chinese traditional culture such as reforming the old, integrating man and nature, and constantly improving self-improvement, making it a positive energy for the construction of global industrial civilization. Relying on foreign agencies, Chinese-funded enterprises, friendly cooperation institutions, etc., we will promote the export of cultural soft power, shape the image of China's industrial brand, enhance the global recognition, influence and voice of "Made in China", and demonstrate China's role and mission in global industrial structural adjustment.

the authors are respectivelyXiJinpingDirector of the Third Research Department of the Economic Thought Research Center,XiJinpingAssociate Researcher, Center for Economic Thought Research
