China Carbon Credit Platform

A total of 59,200 tons of personal carbon emissions have been reduced in Quzhou's "Personal Carbon Account" to help green development

Release Time2 months ago

Donating old clothes, using disposable tableware as little as possible, and riding shared bicycles... These daily "green" behaviors related to food, clothing, housing and transportation are becoming a new trend, and the green points and green energy you gain can grow a tree, redeem a cup of coffee, get a coupon for a product...

As one of the first batch of national green finance reform and innovation pilot zones, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province began relevant exploration in 2018. The latest data from the People's Bank of China's Quzhou City Branch shows that as of now, Quzhou City has established a total of 2.18 million personal carbon accounts, covering 95% of the permanent population, collected more than 76 million pieces of warehousing data in accordance with the law, and reduced personal carbon emissions by a total of 59,200 tons. Carbon credits have become an important carrier for people to participate in carbon emission reduction.

What convenience does a "personal carbon account" bring to the people? What is the meaning behind it?

Personal carbon data leverages the carbon inclusive platform to "come alive"

In Quzhou, a "carbon account" is an account that records many of users '"carbon footprints". When it was first established in 2018, the People's Bank of China's Quzhou City Branch integrated the "green" concept on the basis of "personal bank accounts" and pioneered a bank personal carbon account in the country. By mining big data such as green payments contained in personal bank accounts, it saved paper, fuel, water, electricity and other dimensions convert the carbon emissions reduced by personal green behaviors.

In 2021, Quzhou City will vigorously promote the construction of a carbon account system and iteratively upgrade bank personal carbon accounts to personal carbon accounts. The data source will be expanded from single bank data to "online services." The four major scenarios of (banking, insurance, government affairs), transportation (public transportation, bicycles, new energy vehicles), recycling (garbage recycling) and water and energy conservation have been built to integrate the data layer, management layer and application layer. The personal carbon account system has created a "personal carbon report" and established a carbon efficiency evaluation mechanism using the "personal carbon report" as the carrier.

The reporter learned from Kecheng Agricultural and Commercial Bank that under the guidance of the People's Bank of China Quzhou Branch, the bank handles online transfers, wealth management, credit cards, mobile branches and other financial services for customers in the bank. Online traffic police fines, court cases and other fees are paid, water, electricity, television fees, etc. withheld and paid, ETC, public transportation and other transportation carbon reduction. A total of more than 30 low-carbon behaviors are collected without feeling and collected into Quzhou City's personal carbon account system for behavior summary, emission reduction accounting, Carbon efficiency evaluation, and then generate a "personal carbon report". With a carbon report, eligible users can enjoy a series of activities such as public transportation, shared bicycles, parking, and charging new energy vehicles.

Gather "personal carbon data" to open a green channel for loan financing

Different from many places, Quzhou's personal carbon accounts not only have various welfare activities such as daily consumption discounts, but commercial banks also aggregate multi-source "carbon footprint" data into "personal carbon data", becoming a green channel for loan financing.

"Carbon Loan" is a green financing product of Kecheng Rural Commercial Bank. Recently, Mr. Liao, a 37-year-old citizen of Xianxuejie Community, Fushan Street, Kecheng District, was interested in a new energy vehicle. However, he suffered from insufficient funds to purchase it. He happened to learn about the promotion information of Kecheng Rural Commercial Bank's "Carbon Loan", and he immediately initiated an appointment application through Yunshuifu's personal carbon account. After receiving Mr. Liao's application, the bank's staff quickly checked his personal carbon report. The results showed that Mr. Liao's identification in his personal carbon account was "dark green" and he was a "carbon reduction ambassador." Through systematic calculations, without adding any asset certificates, Mr. Liao's carbon loan credit line was increased from 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, and the loan interest rate was reduced from 4.05% to 3.4%. He couldn't help but admire: "I didn't expect that the habits of online business handling, public transportation, and participating in garbage recycling in daily life would bring me such unexpected benefits."

Individual carbon account entities are evaluated in three colors according to carbon emission reduction, as "dark green, medium green, and light green". Banks apply "personal carbon data" to access, credit granting, credit use, post-loan management, etc. of the financing process. During the entire life cycle. In 2023, Kecheng Rural Commercial Bank will extend credit to 11712 personal carbon account customers, with a total credit extension of 334 million yuan.

The reporter learned from the People's Bank of China's Quzhou City Branch that currently, the banking institution has launched a total of 28 personal carbon loan products. 27 banks except rural banks have all implemented "one-click applications" for cloud flash payment of personal carbon loans, and issued a total of 88,900 personal carbon account loans with preferential interest rates, with an amount of 18 billion yuan, with a balance of 10.6 billion yuan.

Use more scientific standards to guide the use of personal carbon accounts

"The essence of establishing a personal carbon account is to promote everyone to establish low-carbon awareness and implement it in actions, which helps to understand personal carbon base and provides evidence for personal low-carbon actions." Tong Chunying, deputy researcher at the People's Bank of China's Quzhou City Branch, said. "However, the consumer-side carbon emission reduction scenarios are complex and scattered, and the carbon emission footprint is scattered. It is difficult for low-carbon scenarios to effectively cover the diversified consumption needs of different users."

From an institutional perspective, obtaining "carbon footprint" also faces the problem of obtaining multi-dimensional data.

It is understood that carbon emission reduction behavior data is scattered among different departments and platforms, and there is no corresponding institutional method on how to reasonably and legally obtain customer behavior data. With the continuous deepening and advancement of "double carbons", the behaviors that can be included in "carbon emission reduction" may continue to be enriched. How to measure and convert them into carbon account points requires more scientific and unified standards.

In addition, the city's personal carbon accounts are generated from various information data in the city. They are a local statistical score and fail to achieve coverage across the province. If the subsequent personal carbon account system is further promoted, it will also face system docking. problem. This is exactly the problem that the People's Bank of China's Quzhou City Branch is focusing on solving.

At present, Quzhou City is guiding financial institutions to do a good job in docking and transformation of personal carbon account data submission interfaces. The public platform of the Municipal Government Data Bureau will uniformly collect basic data to achieve continuous data collection and digital collection; In addition, focusing on the carbon emission accounting standards mentioned by many parties, Quzhou City has explored and formed a set of practical and reference carbon emission conversion system for personal low-carbon financial behaviors based on reference to mature and public carbon emission standards such as the Beijing City Green Exchange.
