China Carbon Credit Platform

Promote green development with product carbon footprint management

Release Time3 weeks ago

How much "carbon" will be emitted by producing 1 pound of durian?

The School of Resources and Environmental Sciences of Nanjing Agricultural University has independently developed carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission models in orchards, as well as the "Life Cycle Assessment-Fruit Carbon Footprint" method. By collecting samples from farms in Hainan, the main durian producing area in my country, and investigating farmland management, the carbon footprint of durian was finally calculated. The results show that for every kilogram of durian produced, about 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gases are emitted. After picking durian, the company can put a carbon footprint certification mark on it to let consumers know about carbon emissions.

Just like walking leaves footprints, human production and life will inevitably produce carbon dioxide, leaving footprints on the earth. Product carbon footprint is the most widely used concept in carbon footprint. It refers to the total carbon emissions generated during the entire life cycle of a product. It is an important indicator to measure the green and low-carbon level of production enterprises and products.

Establishing a carbon footprint management system is conducive to guiding enterprises to develop and produce low-carbon products, and is also conducive to guiding the consumption of low-carbon products. It is also conducive to actively responding to international carbon-related trade policies, promoting green, low-carbon and high-quality development and helping to achieve "double carbon" The goal is of great significance. For this reason, not long ago, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other 15 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan on Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System", which clarified the management of product carbon footprints in the future from aspects such as establishing a management system, building a work pattern, and promoting international mutual trust in rules."Task Statement" and "Construction Drawings" for system construction.

We should be soberly aware that my country started late in carrying out product carbon footprint management, and there are still problems such as imperfect standard system, weak data foundation, and insufficient technical support. To make good use of the carbon footprint and help "sustainability", we must fully understand the importance of establishing a carbon footprint management system, coordinate and form synergy among all parties, and ensure that relevant work is implemented and effective.

To promote green development with product carbon footprint management, we need to consolidate the basic carbon footprint support system. If the foundation is not solid, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake. Starting from basic work, we should promote the release of general principles and standards for product carbon footprint accounting, carbon footprint accounting rules and standards for key products, and establish and improve a product carbon footprint factor database and systems such as identification certification, hierarchical management, and information disclosure, so that carbon footprint work can be "regulated.", there are numbers available." At present, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has gradually carried out the preparation of carbon footprint accounting standards for key products, and selected a number of products, including photovoltaic modules, new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, etc., to be tested first and provide reference for the formulation of subsequent standards. Establishing and improving the carbon footprint standard system will better promote the standardization of product carbon footprint management and certification.

Establishing a carbon footprint management system is a systematic project involving multiple industries, multiple products, multiple links, and multiple fields, and requires extensive participation of social entities. For example, strengthening technical cooperation and experience sharing among upstream and downstream enterprises will help promote accurate calculation and application of carbon footprints in the industrial chain and promote coordinated emission reduction in the industrial chain. Strengthen the organic connection between product carbon footprint and trade, finance, etc. policies, enrich and expand the application scenarios of product carbon footprint, and form a multi-party linkage, joint construction, sharing and sharing work situation, so that product carbon footprint management can help carbon emission reduction.

Product carbon footprint is also the focus of international carbon-related trade policies. Taking the automobile industry as an example, under the background of the "Three New Things" accelerating exports, the automobile industry's participation in international carbon dialogues has been increasing frequently and the establishment of mechanisms has been accelerated. Proactive response and active participation in promoting the construction of international carbon footprint accounting and evaluation methods, identification and certification rules and data systems that are beneficial to us can help companies in relevant industries seize the initiative in the increasingly fierce international competition.

The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "build a carbon emission statistical accounting system, a product carbon labeling certification system, and a product carbon footprint management system." Promote the detailed, implemented and implemented carbon footprint work in an all-round, full-chain and full-process manner, and continuously improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism. The "green content" of development and the "gold content" of ecology will surely increase simultaneously.
