China Carbon Credit Platform

"Never let a grain of waste sand flow into the Yangtze River"丨"Carbon" Lushan City (4)

Release Time6 months ago

In the production process of automobiles, there is one indispensable molding material, that is, coated sand. It is needed for the casting and molding of brake discs, frames, engines and other parts of automobiles. Waste sand after casting and molding contains a variety of pollutants, which will cause environmental pollution if not properly disposed of. Recently, the reporter came to Chongqing Yangtze River modeling materials (clique) Co., Ltd. (Abbreviated as "Changjiang Materials"), to visit the recycling of foundry waste sand.

In the production hall, rows of large, high-speed equipment are processing waste sand, and in the next office, staff monitor the process through a monitoring system. This is the CZS series foundry waste sand recycling equipment independently developed by Changjiang Materials, after a series of processes, the waste sand becomes new sand that can be reused.

"Through these pretreatment, thermal regeneration, regeneration treatment, cooling and other processes, the waste sand becomes finished recycled sand, the energy consumption is only 50% of the previous one, and the emission is about 20% of the national standard. Behind this series of processes, there are 45 patented technologies as support. Xiong Yin, general manager of Yangtze River Materials, pointed to rows of large environmental protection equipment and said.

"China's annual production of foundry sand will exceed 50 million tons, if the foundry sand is discharged at will, it will cause irreversible pollution to the water body and soil, and there are places along the Yangtze River that waste sand is piled up into mountains, and the pollution is relatively large. Xiong Yin said, "The application of foundry waste sand recycling treatment technology not only saves production costs, but also effectively reduces the emission of pollutants in the foundry industry." ”

Once upon a time, the development of China's foundry industry has been making great progress, but then the problem of waste sand treatment has become a big problem. How to solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by on-site landfill of waste sand, Xiong Ying, then chairman of Yangtze River Materials, began nearly 30 years of painstaking research, he led the team to overcome difficulties, independent research and development of casting waste sand combined method energy-saving flexible regeneration technology and equipment, so that waste sand can participate in recycling, with the recycling mode of "resources-production-consumption-reproduction", maximize the efficacy of waste sand, and create a virtuous cycle of "low mining, high utilization, low emission and reuse".

"The core of the technology is to recycle the waste sand into the furnace. Xiong Yin said, "The recycled sand is almost the same as the newly transported sand in terms of function, and the dust separated in the production process will also be reprocessed and used as casting accessories, building materials, soil amendments, etc., so as to realize the waste sand in a real sense, and the comprehensive recycling rate will reach more than 96%." ”

In view of the odor emissions generated in the waste sand treatment process, "we adopt a new VOC treatment method, improve the exhaust emission standard on the basis of the national standard, reduce energy consumption by 40% with advanced equipment imported from abroad, and make the comprehensive VOC gas emission at least 80% lower than the national standard." Xiong Yin introduced, "In addition, the R&D team, together with Tsinghua University and Southwest University, independently developed the most environmentally friendly binder in the current casting industry. ”

The raw sand of the Yangtze River Molding Materials Group is produced in the desert of Inner Mongolia, thousands of miles away, and is mined and processed and then transported to its 16 bases across the country.

"The use of recycled sand with high strength and more wear resistance is equivalent to saving 80% of the logistics cost of shipping back the raw sand. This reduces the discharge of silica sand resource development and foundry waste sand, and mitigates the harm to the soil, atmosphere and water environment. Xiong Yin said, "With the support of advanced technology, our goal is to never let a grain of waste sand flow into the Yangtze River, and not a grain of waste sand will become a burden on the environment." ” 

In 2018, "Casting Waste Sand Recycled Sand and Recycled Sand Coated Sand" has been included in the "National Catalogue of Products for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Resources". 

The reporter learned that since 2015, the Yangtze River Materials has processed a total of 2.5 million tons of casting waste sand, and the amount of diesel fuel generated by new sand mining and transportation logistics alone can save about 30,000 tons, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 100,000 tons (For every 1 ton of diesel burned, about 3.15 tons of carbon dioxide are produced)。

At present, many automotive precision casting enterprises in Chongqing are partners of Changjiang Materials. "We provide sand and services for more than 500 automobile, motorcycle, aviation and railway parts casting enterprises and domestic and foreign oil and gas exploration industries. They transfer the waste sand to us, and then we recycle it intensively. Xiong Yin told reporters.

"Chongqing continues to promote the source reduction, resource utilization and safe disposal of solid waste, promotes the implementation of the 'zero-waste city' global action, and innovatively promotes the joint construction of Sichuan-Chongqing 'zero-waste city', and embarks on a road of conservation, intensification and resource recycling. The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment said.

RegionChina,Inner Mongolia,Chongqing