China Carbon Credit Platform

Our province strengthens ecological environment zoning management and control to provide green support for high-quality development

Release Time2 months ago

    In recent years, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has continued to improve the ecological environment zoning management and control system with ecological protection red lines, environmental quality bottom lines, resource utilization online and ecological environment quasi-person lists as the core, and has built a systematic and refined ecological environment zoning management and control system. By strengthening the implementation and application of ecological environment zoning management and control results, we will build a solid bottom line of ecological priority and green development, and help promote green and high-quality economic and social development in the province.

It is understood that the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment gives full play to the environmental access constraints and leading role of ecological environment zoning management and control on key industries and key areas, strictly controls access barriers, resolutely curbs the blind launch of high-energy-consuming, high-emission, and low-level projects, and guides All localities use the results of ecological environment zoning management and control to guide the regulation of industrial structure and optimize layout.

As of now, the analysis rate of compliance between environmental impact assessment and ecological environment zoning management and control of construction projects in the province has reached 100%. At the same time, we actively explore the use of ecological environment zoning control requirements as the basis for law enforcement, guide the on-site supervision and inspection work of Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve, National Park, Provincial Forest Park, etc., and regard the implementation of ecological environment zoning control requirements as ecological environment supervision. Key content, resolutely stop production and construction activities in violation of the provisions of the Shengjie Environmental Access List.
