China Carbon Credit Platform

The two sessions of the Sankei Representative Committee members discussed the development of biomass energy

Release Time6 months ago

In this year's government work report, it is proposed to vigorously develop a low-carbon economy and promote the development of waste recycling industry.

Most of the sources are agriculture and forestryProduction processIn addition to grains, fruits, straws, trees and other lignocellulose (referred to as lignin),Agro-processing industryBiomass energy from scraps, agricultural and forestry wastes, and livestock manure and waste from animal husbandry production processes has made significant contributions to the development of a low-carbon economy.

The Biomass Special Committee of the All-China New Energy Chamber of Commerce has estimated that biomass energy will account for at least 17% of China's future energy terminal market, and its contribution to carbon emission reduction will exceed 20%.

This year, a number of representatives and members of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress continued to actively promote the development of biomass energy, and topics related to the development of biomass energy have once again aroused heated discussions.

The development of renewable energy non-electricity utilization projects lags significantly behind that of power generation projects

The Renewable Energy Law explicitly encourages the development of biomass gas, heat and bio-liquid fuels. However, the actual situation is that, as a renewable energy source, the development of biomass is extremely unbalanced, and the development of renewable energy non-electric utilization projects lags significantly behind that of power generation projects.

At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, Yuan Aiping, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of Hunan Qiyuan Law Firm, said that at present, China's renewable energy non-electricity utilization policy support and economic incentives are insufficient, and biomass heating, bio-natural gas, bio-liquid fuel and other products lack specific support policies, which are restricted by franchising and difficult to enter the market fairly.

According to reports, the development of biomass fuels in China is relatively lagging behind. The annual production of bio-natural gas is only 300 million cubic meters, 3.5 million tons of fuel ethanol and 2 million tons of biodiesel, while there is no large-scale production of more advanced biomethanol and biojet fuel. At the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the country's renewable energy non-electricity utilization was about 50 million tons of standard coal, accounting for only 7.35% of renewable energy utilization.

Cheng Huiqiang, director of the Resource Utilization and Circular Economy Division of the Department of Environmental Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission, has also publicly stated that China's biomass industry still has broad room for development, and it is urgent to vigorously promote diversified utilization in the future.

Zhang Naiwen, deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Jiangsu Yueda Group Co., Ltd., proposed at the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress this year: "China's green power resources and biomass resources are endowed with unique endowments, green electricity to green hydrogen and coupled with CO2 to green methanol can not only solve the problem of large-scale consumption of fluctuating green electricity, but also achieve additional CO2 consumption; ”

Zhao Lixin, deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, believes that bio-natural gas, as a recognized low-carbon renewable energy source, has a unique role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in areas that are difficult to electrify.

Zhao Lixin said that at present, some foreign-funded enterprises in China, such as CMA CGM, Maersk, BMW, Volvo, etc., have begun to seek cooperation with China's bio-natural gas production enterprises to purchase green gas in order to achieve the company's decarbonization goals.

According to the forecast of the Biomass Energy Industry Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, China's bio-natural gas demand will increase to 10 billion m³/year in 2030 and more than 63 billion m³/year in 2060.

With the growth of market demand for various biomass renewable energy, the development of renewable energy non-electric utilization in the future is worth paying attention to.

What needs to be done to encourage the diversified development of biomass energy and non-electric fields?

It is understood that vigorously developing the biomass energy industry is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of China's new resource concept of conservation and intensive recycling, and is the only way to achieve a comprehensive conservation strategy to improve resource utilization efficiency and ensure national resource security.

China attaches great importance to the development of biomass energy. The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Renewable Energy" clearly points out that it is necessary to steadily promote the diversified development of biomass energy. The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Bioeconomy" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission has also included bioenergy as one of the key development areas.

In fact, after the establishment of carbon tariffs in some developed countries, biomass energy has also ushered in unprecedented development opportunities.

Li Yin, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Harbin Jiuzhou Group, pointed out that after Europe passed the bill including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), in response to the CBAM, enterprises can reduce the impact of carbon tariffs on China's product exports by increasing the proportion of biomass energy.

"But at present, China's biomass energy is mainly based on electricity utilization, supplemented by energy. If we can effectively increase the output of non-electric use of biomass energy, we can reduce the cost of carbon tariffs for Chinese products exported to the EU. Li Yin pointed out in his proposal to strengthen the development of the biomass energy industry in response to the CBAM, China should also strengthen green energy certification, do a good job in docking with the international green energy certification system, and strengthen China's right to speak in the field of international green energy.

Yuan Aiping also pointed out in the proposal on building a mechanism for realizing the ecological and environmental value of renewable energy non-electric use that it is necessary to speed up the construction of a green certification system, encourage non-electric use enterprises to actively access the voluntary certification platform for zero-carbon energy certificates, carry out green certification and trading, establish a subsidy system for terminal green products, increase corporate income, strengthen international cooperation and exchanges, promote international mutual recognition of green certification mechanisms, reduce the impact of EU carbon tariffs and other policies, and promote the non-electric use of renewable energy to participate in the carbon market.

In addition, Zhao Lixin and Zhang Naiwen put forward similar views on two biofuels, bio-natural gas and green methanol prepared from biomass waste, respectively. They believe that on the one hand, it is necessary to formulate a green certification standard and specification system specifically for bio-natural gas and green methanol, including the establishment of an independent institution with professional capabilities and qualifications to carry out green certification of bio-natural gas to ensure the objectivity and fairness of the results;

According to reports, strengthening the construction of biomass energy certification standard system is conducive to promoting the clean production and use of biomass energy, guiding relevant technological innovation and progress, and is of great significance for promoting the healthy and long-term development of China's biomass energy industry and promoting the optimization of China's energy structure and achieving the "double carbon" goal.
