China Carbon Credit Platform

Accelerate the formation of low-carbon production and lifestyle, and jointly create a green and low-carbon future

Release Time6 months ago

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) regards "the extensive formation of green production and lifestyle, the steady decline of carbon emissions after peaking, the fundamental improvement of the ecological environment, and the basic realization of the goal of a beautiful China" as one of the overall goals of China's development in 2035. This means that accelerating the formation of low-carbon production and lifestyle is not only our pursuit of a better life, but also the only way to achieve the "double carbon" goal.

At present, we still face some problems on the road to a low-carbon life: residents lack an in-depth understanding of the specific scenarios and behaviors of low-carbon lifestyles, the low-carbon product information disclosure system is not perfect, there are few products that disclose carbon emission information on the market, and the standards are not uniform, making it difficult for residents to compare, judge and choose; the policy system to guide green and low-carbon life is not perfect, the carbon inclusive mechanism is "many and scattered", and the incentive effect on individual residents to adopt a low-carbon lifestyle is not obvious.

To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the top-level design of the low-carbon lifestyle guidance policy for residents. Accelerate the formulation of carbon emission standards for life behaviors and products, and improve the authority and comparability of carbon emission information disclosure such as carbon labels. Make full use of carbon labeling and other information disclosure systems to enrich carbon inclusion scenarios, realize carbon inclusive multi-platform and regional docking and mutual recognition, design a linkage mechanism between carbon inclusion and the national carbon emission rights trading platform, realize the benign interaction between carbon labeling, carbon inclusion platform, individual carbon emission trading and national carbon emission rights trading, and encourage residents to form a low-carbon lifestyle.

It is necessary to give full play to the positive role of grassroots governance in communities. There are huge differences in the groups of residents, such as personal factors such as psychological factors, demographic factors, education level and income, family factors such as family structure, size and family property rights, and social and natural factors such as social norms, geographical location, and climate, all of which will have an impact on residents' carbon emissions. Community governance can be more active, flexible, targeted and flexible, and more suitable for local publicity and education methods should be adopted to form social norms for green and low-carbon lifestyles and accelerate the popularization of low-carbon lifestyles.

In addition, it is necessary to implement low-carbon whole-process management, improve the convenience of residents to adopt low-carbon lifestyles, and realize the benign interaction of green and low-carbon product production and consumption. A low-carbon lifestyle can force green and low-carbon production. Similarly, as a production-end enterprise, adequate design can also improve the low-carbon and convenience of residents' lifestyles.

In the era of national interconnection, we should make full use of the Internet and big data technology to carry out mass publicity, and let people truly understand the harm of carbon emissions and understand what kind of behavior is low-carbon through simple methods, so as to fundamentally improve residents' willingness to low-carbon consumption and jointly move towards a better future of low-carbon life.

The author is a professor and vice dean of the School of Public Policy and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
