China Carbon Credit Platform

Tiantai sets off a new trend of green ecology

Release Time3 weeks ago

Nanping upland rice, Yongxi fragrant rice, Sanzhou watermelon... At the main activity of the second National Ecology Day of "Low-carbon Life Benefit You and Me" in Tiantai County, Taizhou City, agricultural products after calculating the "carbon footprint", after being labeled with "carbon tags", set off a wave of subscription by residents.

multi-party linkage

Build a new low-carbon living model together

Since the beginning of this year, Tiantai County has actively explored a model that combines residents 'carbon accounts, low-carbon certification of characteristic agricultural products in mountainous areas, and county-level cultural tourism consumption scenarios, opening a new transformation path for low (zero) carbon towns to help ecological people enrich the people."Green waters and green mountains are invaluable assets". path.

Relying on the Carbon Inclusive Platform of Zhejiang Province, Tiantai County vigorously promotes the establishment of personal carbon accounts for county residents. Through various channels such as business district advertisements and public welfare activities, it has set off a craze to register carbon accounts and practice low-carbon living in the county.

Garbage classification, green travel, environmental protection and plastic reduction, these small things in daily life can all be recorded in the "personal carbon account" and exchanged for carbon rights. Everyone's little effort can contribute to achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

green finance to promote

Build low-carbon consumption scenarios

"The points you earn are quite useful. Entering the equity section, more than 100 gift certificates and physical goods such as scenic spot tickets and daily necessities are all daily needs and can be directly redeemed using points." A staff member of the Development and Reform Bureau of Tiantai County said,"The effective incentive mechanism has attracted more people to participate in low-carbon life."

Based on residents 'daily consumption needs, Tiantai County guided owners of popular business districts, scenic spots, B & Bs, farmhouses and other properties to initiate the establishment of Tiantai County's "Low-Carbon Business Alliance." This year, 41 members of the Business Alliance have provided a total of 17,000 carbon rights and interests of various types. Residents can exchange corresponding carbon rights through consumption carbon points on the Zhejiang Province Carbon Inclusive Platform, effectively building a new low-carbon consumption scenario.

"I gave a discount of 35 yuan!" Sister Chen, who was participating in the event, looked at the discount on her mobile phone and said with a smile.

It is understood that Tiantai County and local financial institutions have joined forces to provide "discount" credit card discounts to low-carbon business alliances. Based on the annual accounting results of GEP (Total Ecological Products), they have passed the "ecological loan" green financial products of Tiantai County Rural Commercial Bank. Products provide Nanping Township with a comprehensive credit of 200 million yuan for green and low-carbon industries, further promoting the development of green finance and assisting low-carbon consumption.

Characteristic agriculture empowerment

Promote low-carbon planting

In recent years, Tiantai County has actively explored characteristic green agricultural products in the county, carried out low-carbon certification of characteristic agricultural products, and endowed agricultural products with carbon attributes.

"We work with the professional team of Agriculture and Forestry University to plan to sort out the processes of upland rice planting, agricultural management, harvesting, packaging, transportation, waste treatment, etc., collect the carbon emissions generated by the operation process, raw material input and transportation, and use modeling to accurately measure the 'carbon footprint' throughout the life cycle of 'Nanshan Daoxiang upland rice' and make a 'carbon label' and put it on the product packaging." Nanping Township staff said,"We hope that through this method, we can guide low-carbon production and consumption, enhance the ecological value of agricultural products, and help the green and high-quality development of the industry."

As a pilot for the development of low-carbon agriculture, the 10,000-acre terraces in Nanping Township explore ways to promote the protection and development of terraces with the concept of carbon sequestration, enhance the awareness of low-carbon among the whole people, and promote emission reduction and carbon sequestration. By strictly implementing the reform of agricultural standard land, we will focus on the implementation of contiguous land remediation and standardized terraced transfer models. In 2023, the township will transfer 410 acres of standard terraces to develop the upland rice industry. The township's low-carbon rice output will reach 200,000 kilograms, and the average carbon per mu will be reduced by 400 kilograms, which will increase the collective income of the three villages by 1.5 million yuan and drive more than 300 farmers. The income increased by more than 1 million yuan has significantly improved the ecological and economic benefits of agricultural production.

Through the organic combination of multi-party linkage, low-carbon planting, low-carbon consumption and green finance, Tiantai County has gradually built a new model of ecological co-prosperity.

In the future, Tiantai County will continue to explore new paths of green and common prosperity, promote low-carbon life to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, allow more residents to enjoy the dividends of ecological development, and jointly build a happy and beautiful new rooftop.
