China Carbon Credit Platform

Bohai Drilling No. 3 Drilling Company deeply promotes "green drilling" to improve quality and efficiency

Release Time3 months ago

On May 28, it was learned from PetroChina Bohai Drilling Third Drilling Company that in the first five months of this year, Bohai Drilling Third Drilling Company Changqing Market has served a total of 32 wells this year's "electricity instead of oil" project, with a grid power replacement rate of 47.58%, reducing carbon emissions by 2,031.99 tons and NQx emissions by 26.20 tons.

In recent years, Bohai Drilling No. 3 Drilling Company has incorporated ecological and environmental protection into the entire process of development planning, business decisions and production activities, continuously building a solid green foundation for high-quality development and achieving sustainable development of the company.

In order to effectively reduce diesel consumption and reduce carbon emissions, the company continues to tap the potential of oil-to-electricity substitution, further promotes green power, and actively promotes the application of grid power units and other equipment. Make every effort to ensure the installation of power grids, strengthen communication, closely follow the exploration and development deployment of each construction party and the progress of drilling new wells, actively connect with local power supply bureaus and construction parties, survey the well pad and surrounding lines in advance, and control the entire process from line erection to equipment installation, and then to commissioning and operation to ensure that the needs of on-site drilling operations are met. At the same time, we will strengthen process management and control, timely understand the shortcomings in the operation of "electricity instead of oil" in each block, solve the power supply service problems of the drilling team, increase on-site inspections, and improve production support efficiency.

The deepening of "grid power" green power has effectively reduced rig maintenance workload and expenses, reduced noise pollution, and made drilling production safer, efficient and environmentally friendly. (Zhu Chancai, correspondent of Qu Zhaogui, China Chemical News)
