China Carbon Credit Platform

Moving from "new" to "green" to empower high-quality industrial development

Release Time1 month ago

Promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is an important symbol of the new concepts and new practices of party governance in the new era. It is a key link to achieve high-quality development. It is a basic strategy to solve my country's resource, environment and ecological problems. It is an intrinsic requirement for the modernization of harmonious coexistence with nature. Recently, the national economic semi-annual report was released. The national economy continues to recover and improve, and the industrial transformation from "new" to "green" has become more obvious. Data shows that in the first half of this year, smart green new products such as integrated circuits, service robots, new energy vehicles, and solar cells performed well, and output maintained double-digit growth; the total output of industrial hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, and solar power generation above designated size The year-on-year growth was 13.4%, accounting for an increase in the proportion of industrial power generation above designated size; energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) continued to decline, and green and low-carbon transformation accumulated new momentum for high-quality development.

The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" makes major arrangements for deepening the reform of the ecological civilization system in the new era and new journey, pointing out that the ecological civilization system must be improved and coordinated to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth., actively respond to climate change, and accelerate the improvement of the institutional mechanisms that make clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Green and low-carbon development is the direction of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in today's era. my country's economic development is pursuing "green" and moving towards "new", taking solid steps in high-quality development and green and low-carbon construction. Today, my country has built the world's largest, most complete and most competitive clean energy industry chain. The production and sales of new energy vehicles have ranked first in the world for nine consecutive years, and more than half of the world's new energy vehicles are driven in China; compared with 2012, my country's energy consumption per unit of GDP will drop by 26.8% in 2023, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will drop by more than 35%. China is using the "green content" of the economy to enhance the "gold content" of development and promote green and low-carbon development to continuously make new progress. Green development is the background of high-quality development, and promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is a key link to achieve high-quality economic and social development. In order to further promote green and low-carbon transformation, accelerate the formation of green production methods and lifestyles, and cultivate a green background for high-quality development, continuous efforts are needed in many aspects.

Firmly establish and practice the concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Relying on its good resource endowment, Ningde City, Fujian Province has established various types of compound management systems, explored green development models, and expanded new paths for ecological enrichment. Emerging industries such as forest tourism and forest health care have become new growth points for the forestry economy, which has a positive effect on the improvement of the city's total forestry output value and increasing the employment and income of farmers. Many areas across the country, like Ningde, have explored green development paths with beautiful ecology, prosperous industries and rich people according to local conditions. Practice has proved that green waters and green mountains are not only natural wealth, ecological wealth, but also social wealth and economic wealth. Protecting the ecological environment means protecting natural values and value-adding natural capital, and can tap and cultivate the potential and stamina of economic and social development. Actively exploring new paths for transforming green waters and lush mountains into invaluable assets, taking advantage of natural advantages to develop characteristic industries, and expanding the "beautiful economy" according to local conditions are the proper meaning of promoting green and low-carbon development.

Vigorously develop new productive forces and promote green and low-carbon transformation. New productivity is characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and is an advanced productivity quality that conforms to the new development concept. Cultivating and developing new productive forces will better gather resources to promote scientific and technological innovation, develop new business formats and new models that are in line with the characteristics of high efficiency, intelligence, green, and sustainability, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society with new development results, and provide guidance for the scientific and technological revolution. New opportunities provide important support. Of course, the development of the green industry itself will also drive green technological innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies, thereby promoting the improvement of overall production efficiency. By focusing on building a green and low-carbon circular economic system and accelerating the formation of an industrial structure with high technological content, low resource consumption, and low environmental pollution, we can greatly improve the degree of economic greening and make development based on efficient use of resources, strict protection of the ecological environment, and effective control On the basis of greenhouse gas emissions, we can reduce resource and environmental costs and inject vitality into economic development.

Improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism. By improving relevant mechanisms, coordinating the upgrading of domestic industries and developing towards high-end, intelligent and green, it will provide a good policy foundation for promoting green and low-carbon development of my country's economy and society and supporting high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment. Relying on abundant clean energy and taking advantage of the country's development opportunity of "counting from the east to the west", Qinghai Province has improved the green and low-carbon transformation system and mechanism, and exerted efforts on policies such as energy development and utilization, scientific and technological innovation to transform "green electricity" into "green computing","cable" into "optical cable", and "watt" into "bit" to improve institutional guarantees for cultivating new momentum for development and opening up new development tracks. Similar to Qinghai, there are still some regions across the country that are also adapting to the requirements of the times such as innovation-driven, digital empowerment, and low-carbon green, and releasing policy and industrial dividends in order to establish and improve a green, low-carbon circular development economic system and promote comprehensive green transformation of the economy and society.

The authors Du Shiju and Ye Borong are professors at the School of Marxism, East China University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai CityXiJinpingDistinguished researcher at the Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai City Marxism Research Society
