China Carbon Credit Platform

The photovoltaic industry has entered a stage of deep reshuffle and many parties have called for strengthening cooperation to create a good ecology for the photovoltaic industry

Release Time1 month ago

"The entire photovoltaic industry chain is facing severe challenges, and the industry has entered a stage of deep reshuffle." On July 25, Nan Cunhui, Chairman of Zhengtai Group Co., Ltd., said at the seminar on the development review of the photovoltaic industry in the first half of 2024 and the situation outlook for the second half of 2024.

Since the beginning of this year, the photovoltaic industry is experiencing a serious mismatch between supply and demand. The pressure on new energy consumption has increased, which has a great impact on the pace of market installation. The prices of silicon materials, silicon wafers, battery modules, etc. have fallen below the cost of cash. The international market has "increased in volume and decreased in price." The export value of my country's main photovoltaic materials has declined. In the first half of the year, the total export volume was less than US$20 billion, a decrease of more than 30% compared with the same period last year.

my country's photovoltaic industry is experiencing a new round of shocks. At present, the development environment of various industrial links in photovoltaic manufacturing has undergone fundamental changes, which has put forward a comprehensive test of enterprises 'product technology innovation capabilities, industrial manufacturing capabilities, operating capabilities, and globalization capabilities, forcing enterprises with backward product technology, backward manufacturing methods, and backward operating capabilities. Be eliminated at an accelerated pace. Many industry insiders pointed out that the photovoltaic industry is currently at the bottom of the cycle.

"But we believe that new photovoltaic energy with the characteristics of 'safer, more environmentally friendly, cheaper and more convenient' will still be the main force in optimizing the energy pattern." Nan Cunhui believes.

The external environment of today's world is complex and changing rapidly. The industry believes that among the many uncertainties, the more certain ones are green, digital and intelligent. Experts suggest that the end of intelligence is energy, green energy. In the future, more than ten times the existing earth's energy will be needed to meet the needs of artificial intelligence development.

With the continuous maturity of photovoltaic technology and the expansion of market size, the stability and safety issues of supply chains have become increasingly prominent. How to build a more efficient, coordinated and sustainable photovoltaic supply chain system has become the focus of general attention inside and outside the industry.

Jiang Hua, deputy secretary-general of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, said that in the current severe situation of photovoltaic supply and demand, strengthening supply-side regulation is a key measure to accelerate the restoration of balance between supply and demand.

"The photovoltaic industry should achieve sustainable development through technological innovation and optimization of supply chain management." Cao Renxian, chairman of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association and chairman of Sunshine Power, called on,"All colleagues in the supply chain can further strengthen cooperation, operate rationally, jointly create a good industrial ecology, overcome difficulties, share opportunities, and promote the entire photovoltaic industry chain. Contribute to sustainable development."

"A series of important measures proposed by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, such as 'building a unified national power market, accelerating the planning and construction of a new energy system, and establishing a new mechanism for comprehensive transformation from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions', have brought new and huge hopes for sustainable development in our photovoltaic industry." Nan Cunhui said.

On the bank of the Oujiang River, it was drizzling. Typhoon Gemei landed in Wenzhou, which is like a realistic portrayal of the photovoltaic industry, but the sun is always behind the storm.

"I firmly believe that with the strong guidance and strong support of relevant national departments and local governments, the careful organization and effective coordination of the association, and the concerted efforts of the whole industry, sincere cooperation, and joint efforts, the photovoltaic industry will surely be able to overcome the difficulties together. Reconstruct the photovoltaic industry chain and the supply chain can develop a good ecology in a sustainable manner, and welcome the bright future of the photovoltaic industry with confidence." Nan Cunhui said.
