China Carbon Credit Platform

Sichuan's first near-zero carbon emission park assessment report released in Yibin

Release Time3 months ago

On June 6, at the on-site work exchange meeting on synergy between key industries and near-zero carbon emission pilot parks in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, the Climate Change Response and Foreign Cooperation Division of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Sichuan Provincial Environmental Policy Research and Planning Institute, and the "2023 Annual Progress Report on the Pilot Construction of Sichuan Province's Near Zero Carbon Emission Park" jointly compiled by the Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Assessment Research Center of Yongxing Laboratory was officially released.

This report is the first evaluation report on near-zero carbon emission parks released by Sichuan Province, including the progress and effectiveness of pilot construction, excellent cases of pilot construction, problems and challenges faced by the pilot, suggestions for deepening the pilot, and a chronicle of pilot events.

The report pointed out that since the pilot construction of provincial-level near-zero carbon emission parks was launched in 2022, each park has closely followed the three major tasks of "establishing a carbon reduction management mechanism, promoting low-carbon energy transformation, and promoting energy-saving and low-carbon development", and has achieved phased progress and results in near-zero carbon path. At the same time, the pilot construction also faces problems and challenges such as slow construction progress of some parks, unclear construction paths, single construction models, insufficient highlights, large funding gaps, and need to strengthen basic carbon emission management capabilities.

The report recommends accurately understanding and grasping the major relationships between development and emission reduction, current and long-term, government and market, clarifying paths, identifying entry points and starting points, exploring near-zero carbon development paths in categories, and further activating low-carbon investment and financing. Improve pilot acceptance and evaluation rules, strengthen green and low-carbon technological innovation and technology promotion, strengthen management and basic capacity building, actively and steadily explore near-zero carbon development paths and models according to local conditions, and help the park green, low-carbon and high-quality development.
