China Carbon Credit Platform

Actively promote the steady and orderly entry of new energy into the market, China ITU proposes to strengthen the coordinated development of electricity and carbon markets

Release Time3 months ago

On June 12, the second (2024) Electricity Market Development Forum hosted by the China Electricity Council (hereinafter referred to as China Electricity Council) was held in Beijing. With the theme of "Leading the Development of Green Energy to Create a Shared Future of Power Market Reform", the forum invited government leaders, experts and scholars, as well as industry experts from power grids, power generation and sales companies, and market operation organizations to jointly study and discuss the construction of market mechanisms that adapt to the characteristics of high proportions of new energy sources and promote the healthy and sustainable development of new energy sources.

"In recent years, my country's power market construction has been steadily advanced, and a unified power market system that adapts to new power systems has been initially established, effectively promoting the optimal allocation of power resources and the transformation of clean and low-carbon energy." Yang Kun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of the China Electricity Council, introduced at the forum the remarkable results achieved by the unified power market system adapted to the new power system. First, the scale of the power market continues to expand, second, the power market trading system continues to improve, and third, The scale of new energy participation in the market has gradually expanded.

Regarding the next step, Yang Kun suggested: First, continue to improve the construction of the power market system, actively carry out national unified power market planning research, and promote the construction of a power market system that reflects the multiple values of "safety, cleanliness, efficiency, coordination, and intelligence" of the power system; Second, actively promote the steady and orderly entry of new energy into the market, and improve and improve the market mechanism that adapts to the rapid development of new energy; The third is to strengthen the coordinated development of the electricity-carbon market, accelerate the construction of the "electricity-certificate-carbon" coupling mechanism, reflect the value of the green environment, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the power industry.

In his keynote speech, Zhou Xiaochuan, vice chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia and former governor of the People's Bank of China, focused on addressing climate change, electricity price mechanism, optimal allocation of investment and financial resources, power market construction, and the demand potential of my country's power system for the Belt and Road Initiative. In-depth analysis was conducted.

Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that emission reduction in the power industry is the biggest concern affecting climate change goals, and it is crucial to solve the problem of power emissions; the power system involves multiple interconnected prices, and should refer to benchmarks and reflect their respective laws to effectively exert electricity prices to demand. The transmission role of the electricity price formation mechanism should consider carbon emission factors, and reasonably select the interface between market transaction pricing and internal calculation pricing; The investment demand in the power system is huge. It is necessary to further optimize resource allocation and encourage the financial industry and the investment community to actively participate; in the future, the construction of the power market will also face many challenges such as unblocking the price transmission mechanism, increasing the weights of climate change and carbon emission reduction, and optimizing system dispatch capabilities. China Electric Power has become an important force in supporting the economic and social development of the Belt and Road Initiative and responding to global climate change.

Shi Yubo, chairman of the China Energy Research Association, said that the power industry should properly handle the relationship between power development and transformation, coordinate and promote the coordinated development of source, network, load and storage, improve the power grid's ability to accept, allocate and regulate clean energy, make good use of market means, and improve and improve Adapt to the power market with a high proportion of new energy development, promote supply-side green power production, encourage user-side green power consumption, strengthen green certification collaboration, and promote the coordinated development of the "electricity-carbon" market system.

Zhang Yanqinzhong, deputy director of the Market Supervision Department of the National Energy Administration, pointed out that under the current goal of accelerating the construction of new power systems and building a unified national market, the government, industries, and enterprises need to work together to solve and break through the many problems faced by the power marketization reform. and challenges. The first is to further coordinate the development of multi-level markets across the country, clarify the functional positioning of markets at all levels, strengthen the connection of inter-provincial and intra-provincial transactions, and improve the efficiency of resource optimization and allocation; the second is to accelerate the improvement of market mechanisms adapted to high proportions of new energy, and further improve The scale of green consumption reflects green value; the third is to further improve the power system security mechanism, continuously improve capacity compensation and auxiliary service policies and mechanisms, and enhance the safety adequacy and flexibility of the power system.
