China Carbon Credit Platform

Zhangye, Gansu Province has solved the "four difficulties" problem and accelerated the diversified transformation of the value of ecological products

Release Time5 months ago

In recent years, Zhangye City, Gansu Province has deeply practicedpracticeNear-flatEcological civilization thought, with the goal of creating the province's first pilot city for ecological product value realization mechanism, in accordance with the idea of "finding out the background, designing the path, building a platform, exploring transactions, and accelerating transformation", establish a closed-loop mechanism for the value transformation of ecological products of "resource verification, value accounting, development and trading, feeding back to the industry and ecology", and build a "group, one hospital, three centers and six mechanisms" (leading group of ecological product value realization mechanism, ecological product value realization mechanism research institute, forest and grass carbon sink measurement and monitoring center, audit and certification center, Transaction Service Center, Ecological Product Investigation and Monitoring, Value Accounting, Operation and Development, Trading, Value Use, Protection and Compensation Mechanism) Ecological Product Value Realization Organization System, and strive to solve the problem of "difficult quantity, difficult mortgage, difficult transaction, and difficult realization" of ecological products, and broaden the transformation channel from "lucid waters and lush mountains" to "Jinshan Yinshan".

Strengthen investigation, monitoring and accounting, and strive to solve the problem of "difficult quantity" of ecological products

Zhangye City takes monitoring and accounting as the basis for realizing the value of ecological products, and scientifically calculates the value of ecological products in the city.

Strengthen investigation and monitoring. Comprehensively carry out basic information surveys of ecological products such as forests and grasses, farmland, and wetlands, and form a background database of ecological product projects in the city. Promote the construction of forest and grass carbon sink measurement, monitoring and audit certification system, and actively apply for the national pilot project of forest and grass carbon sink measurement, monitoring and audit certification.

Establish an accounting system. The United Provincial Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences has compiled the "Technical Specifications for the Evaluation of Ecological Asset Value - Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) Accounting", and built an automatic accounting platform and accounting display platform for the gross value of ecological products (GEP), so that the accounting data can be filled in online and the accounting process is completed automatically, so as to realize the intelligent, visualized and convenient management and dynamic value assessment of ecological resources.

Scientific accounting value. In 2021, the city's ecological product value accounting work (GEP total value of 233.941 billion yuan) was completed, and the "Zhangye Ecosystem Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) Accounting Report" and the GEP accounting report of six counties and districts were released, forming "1+6" accounting results. Fully launch the 2022 city-wide ecological product value accounting.

Strengthen talent security. Feng Qi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, secretary of the party group and president of the Lanzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Song Xiaoyu, a researcher from the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, were selected as the city's expert team for the realization of the value of ecological products, and 24 experts and scholars in the ecological field in the province were hired, 40 high-end experts and talents inside and outside the province were flexibly introduced, and 9 professionals were selected to form a "green think tank" to provide talent and intellectual support for the investigation, monitoring and accounting of ecological products and the diversified transformation of value.

Innovate financial support and strive to solve the problem of "difficult mortgage" of ecological products

Explore and carry out work such as pledge guarantees, green finance, and green insurance for ecological products, and promote the pledge and financing of ecological products.

Carry out pledge guarantees. The expected income rights of enterprise carbon sinks and ecological product assets are used as pledges, and the value of ecological products is scientifically calculated through third-party evaluation agencies, and financial institutions are guided to innovate and launch financial products such as "ecological loans", "carbon tickets" and "GEP loans", and the first 3 million yuan "forestry carbon sequestration expected income rights + forest rights" pledge loans and 1 million yuan "GEP pledge + credit guarantee" loans have been implemented, filling the gap in the province's ecological product pledge loans.

Develop green finance. Formulate a list of green projects, identify 107 municipal-level green projects, apply for 27 provincial-level green projects, and actively coordinate and meet the financing needs of green projects. 57 green projects in the city have been granted loans, with a credit line of 28.39 billion yuan, and 3.154 billion yuan of loans have been issued for 26 new energy projects such as 300,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation in Nantan, Ganzhou. In 2023, the balance of green loans of banking institutions in the city will reach 13.643 billion yuan, an increase of 3.895 billion yuan from the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 39.96%.

Promote green insurance. Establish a subsidy mechanism for green insurance premiums, guide insurance institutions to enrich the green insurance product system, help ecological protection, and support the development of green industries. In 2023, the city will insure 13.3 million mu of forest insurance, with an insurance amount of 6.65 billion yuan, and 43 environmental pollution liability insurance enterprises will be insured, with an insurance amount of 45.34 million yuan.

Focus on promoting development and trading, and strive to solve the problem of "difficult trading" of ecological products

Take development and trading as a key link in the realization of the value of ecological products, and continue to work "building platforms, expanding capacity, and promoting transactions".

Build a trading platform. Carbon Huitong Ecological Investment Co., Ltd. was registered and established, which is responsible for the development, operation and management of carbon sinks and ecological product resource assets in the city. Relying on the Heihe Hydropower Western Carbon Sequestration Company, a trading platform for ecological products will be established, and the first phase of the project will be launched in rural property rights, water rights, carbon inclusiveness and other sectors, and gradually include energy use rights, pollutant discharge rights, and carbon emission rights in the scope of trading.

Expand the capacity of carbon pools. In the implementation of "dual" planning, national reserve forests, land greening pilot demonstration and other major ecological projects into the integration of carbon sink thinking, the formation of "carbon sink + national reserve forest + grassland ecological governance" and other "carbon sink + N" forest and grass ecological construction model, multi-channel to improve the carbon sequestration capacity of forest and grass. In 2023, the city will complete 320,000 mu of afforestation, 1.11 million mu of comprehensive treatment of desertified land, 2.53 million mu of restoration and treatment of degraded grassland, and accelerate the construction of two EOD pilot projects in Ganzhou District and Linze County, with an investment of 1.176 billion yuan, and the "green amount of carbon" will continue to grow.

Promote the trading of ecological products. It took the lead in completing the development and trading of 350,000 mu of afforestation carbon sink and 4 million mu of grassland carbon sink projects in the province, achieving a net income of 74.5 million yuan, becoming the first city and state in Northwest China to realize the successful development of forestry and grassland carbon sink projects. Accelerate the promotion of green certificate trading of clean energy projects, and the city issued 1.89 million green certificates for trading, with a revenue of 1.43 million yuan. Since 2012, the city's forestry carbon sink resources have been thoroughly investigated, the data have been further improved, and the preparatory work for the development of the CCER forestry carbon sink project has been carried out in detail; the second verification period monitoring of the first phase of the forestry and grassland VCS project has been carried out in an orderly manner, and the carbon storage monitoring of the first verification period of the grassland phase II VCS project has been actively carried out, and the project emission reduction issuance has been carried out within the year.

Accelerate the promotion of value use, and strive to solve the problem of "difficult to realize" ecological products

Establish the value concept of "taking from ecology and using it for ecology", and promote the value transformation of ecological products, high-quality development, and high-level protection.

Establishment of a green industry fund. Using the forest and grass carbon sequestration income funds, the province's first 1 billion yuan green industry development fund led by the government, enterprise investment, and social participation was established, and the first phase of the 170 million yuan fund was listed for the first time, focusing on supporting the development of low-carbon, zero-carbon, and carbon-negative industries such as agriculture and forestry, cultural tourism, and data and information.

Promote the development of carbon inclusiveness. Endow donated afforestation enterprises with the right to carbon sink income, naming rights and other rights and interests, open up the channel for social capital to participate in the construction of forest and grass carbon sinks, attract more than 6 million yuan of fund-raising funds from enterprises inside and outside the province, build a demonstration base of 1,200 acres, and explore the formation of a "carbon inclusive + fund-raising afforestation" model; Establish a carbon account system, determine the list of 14 ecological enterprises such as CSSC Wind Power, determine the credit loan line according to the carbon emissions of the enterprises, and register 15,000 personal carbon credit accounts based on the mobile banking of Bank of Gansu, and obtain the rights and interests of carbon credits to exchange for small repayment payments and interest-free coupons through non-cash payment and e-government applications.

Carry out ecological protection compensation. Actively carry out the multi-ecological compensation mechanism of "beneficiaries pay and protectors get compensation", the six counties and Shandan Racecourse are all included in the subsidy scope of the national main ecological function zone, and Sunan County has been selected as one of the 50 pilot counties for comprehensive ecological compensation in the country. Solidly carry out the pilot work of horizontal compensation in the upper and lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin, establish the country's first horizontal compensation mechanism for water ecology in inland river basins, and include 4 counties and districts in the pilot scope, and strive for a total of 41 million yuan in provincial incentive funds.
