China Carbon Credit Platform

The fairest public goods, the most inclusive people's livelihood and well-being (People's Daily)

Release Time2 months ago

A good ecological environment is the fairest public good and the most universally beneficial welfare for people's livelihood.

In today's China, the sky is bluer, the earth is greener, and the water is clearer. The people share the beauty of nature, life, and life. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "From the perspective of history, if our generation can leave anything to future generations, I think the construction of ecological civilization is a very important aspect."

The construction of ecological civilization is one of the most important decisions made by the Party Central Committee since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is also an important part of the Party's ruling purpose and ruling program. Building ecological civilization is a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

Since the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has carried out a series of pioneering work with unprecedented determination, intensity, and results. The construction of ecological civilization has undergone historic, turning point, and overall changes from theory to practice. Sexual changes.

Achieve a major transformation from practical exploration to scientific theoretical guidance. Adhering to the supremacy of the people, self-confidence and self-reliance, Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization grasps the people's wishes, concentrates the people's wisdom, and demonstrates the strong power of truth and the power of practice.

Achieve a major transformation from key rectification to systematic governance. Adhere to the system concept, be upright and innovative, unswervingly grasp it when it is clear, and coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth.

Achieve a major transformation from passive response to proactive action. Adhere to a problem-oriented approach, seize the main contradiction, take effective measures to highlight ecological and environmental issues, and stimulate the endogenous motivation of the whole society to jointly protect the ecological environment.

Achieve a major transformation from a participant in global environmental governance to a leader. Adhere to the world in mind, demonstrate the responsibility of a great country, promote sustainable development of mankind, and promote the construction of a clean and beautiful world.

The achievements of ecological civilization construction in the new era have attracted worldwide attention and are a unique perspective for us to observe the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up and create a new situation.


Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and my country's development is in a new historical direction. It faces a series of prominent contradictions and challenges, of which the ecological environment is one.

Starting from poverty and poverty, it took decades to complete the industrialization process that developed countries have gone through for hundreds of years. Highly concentrated modernization has created miracles and "also accumulated a large number of ecological and environmental problems."

43% of the land in the southeast of the "Hu Huanyong Line" is home to about 94% of the country's population, and the ecological environment is under great pressure; 57% of the land in the northwest of the line is mainly composed of grasslands, Gobi deserts, oases and snowy plateaus, and the ecosystem is very fragile.

The main contradiction in society has undergone historic changes that have a bearing on the overall situation. The people's need for a beautiful ecological environment has become an important aspect of this contradiction, and accelerating the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment has become an eager expectation.

Theoretical innovation promotes the unity of ideological understanding of the whole party and society.

"The ecological environment is a major political issue related to the party's mission and purpose, and it is also a major social issue related to people's livelihood."

"There are no substitutes for the ecological environment. It is not only related to the quality of economic development, but also to everyone's quality of life."

"Accelerating development faces more energy resources and environmental constraints, which determines that our country cannot follow the old path of Western modernization."

Answering the issues of the times, promoting practical development, and leading practical innovation with theoretical innovation are distinctive features of comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era.

Theoretical innovation points out the methods and paths of ecological civilization construction.

Emphasizing that "lucid waters and green mountains are invaluable assets","protecting the ecological environment like protecting eyes, and treating the ecological environment like life", pointing out that "we must coordinate the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems", requiring "the strictest systems and strictest rule of law" Protect the ecological environment ", proposing to" jointly build a community of life on earth and jointly build a clean and beautiful world "...

Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization profoundly answers major theoretical and practical questions such as why to build ecological civilization, what kind of ecological civilization to build, and how to build ecological civilization, providing scientific guidance for building a beautiful China.

Time is named, and mountains and rivers prove it.

In late February 2014, Beijing suffered severe smog. On February 25, General Secretary Xi Jinping conducted an inspection and investigation in Beijing and emphasized that "environmental governance is a systematic project and must be firmly grasped as a major livelihood issue."

Adjust industries, reduce dust and control vehicles, reduce coal consumption... gnaw down the "hard bones" one after another and win the "big tough battles" one after another. Beijing has always had blue skies and fresh air.

In air pollution control, some foreign observers once believed that "it will not be possible to change without taking 30 to 50 years." From Beijing to the whole country, the "Blue Sky Defense War" has made the days with blue skies, white clouds and stars shining more and more every year. Our country has become the country with the fastest improvement in air quality in the world.

From making great efforts to control water environmental pollution to taking multiple measures to promote rural environmental improvement; from effectively controlling soil environmental risks to continuing and scientifically carrying out large-scale land greening actions... the "ecological beauty" of green waters and green mountains and people's lives The "happiness index" has increased simultaneously.

In the final analysis, ecological and environmental issues are issues of development methods and lifestyles. We must implement the new development concept, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods, accelerate the formation of green production methods and lifestyles, and follow the path of high-quality development with ecological priority, green and low-carbon.

In Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Shengze Town, the "Millennium Silk Capital" located on the coast of Taihu Lake, more and more fabrics have green "genes". A printing and dyeing company replaced traditional dye vats with digital printing, omitting all water use links, greatly improving the level of cleaner production. The use of new technologies to transform traditional industries has given birth to new productive forces, pushed the textile industry onto a "green path" and woven a "new picture."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, despite the doubling of the economic aggregate of the basin, the urbanization rate increased by 10%, and the population increased by 3.8 million, the water quality of Taihu Lake has still been significantly improved. The beautiful scenery of "green reeds by the water" and "the lake is a jade cup" is gradually recovering.

Practice has profoundly shown that green and low-carbon development is the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems. Only by accelerating green technological innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies, building a green and low-carbon circular economic system, and continuously shaping new momentum and new advantages for development through high-level environmental protection can we establish a green background for high-quality development.

"my country's economic and social development has entered a stage of high-quality development that accelerates greening and low-carbon, and the construction of ecological civilization is still in a critical period of superimposed pressure and carrying forward with heavy burdens." The important judgment made by General Secretary Xi Jinping has established new coordinates for the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.

Chinese-style modernization is a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously. Putting the construction of a beautiful China in a prominent position in building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, and supporting high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment will surely do a good job in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era and leave an ecological space with beautiful mountains and rivers for future generations.

This is a questionnaire written in the mountains, rivers and lands, and also a questionnaire written in the hearts of the people.


Building ecological civilization is a revolutionary change involving production methods, lifestyles, ways of thinking and values. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Institutional construction must be the top priority in promoting the construction of ecological civilization."

How to practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, and implement the policy of giving priority to conservation, protection, and natural restoration? Accelerating the top-level design of ecological civilization and the construction of institutional systems through reform and innovation is an important method.

Reform efforts, use "system" to promote "governance", and the power to protect green waters and green mountains will be stronger.

Let green mountains have a "price" and green water contain "gold". The ecological protection compensation system is an important part of the ecological civilization system. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the state has introduced a series of policies and measures to comprehensively promote reforms in the ecological protection system and related fields.

In April 2015, the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization" was issued, making comprehensive arrangements for the construction of ecological civilization; in September of the same year, the "Overall Plan for the Reform of the Ecological Civilization System" was issued, clearly proposing to "carry out cross-regional ecological compensation pilots."

In April 2016, the "Opinions on Improving the Ecological Protection Compensation Mechanism" was issued, proposing the goals and tasks of the construction of my country's ecological protection compensation mechanism.

In September 2021, the "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Ecological Protection Compensation System" was issued, making arrangements for further promoting the reform of the ecological protection compensation system.

Practice has profoundly proved that for the problems that have arisen and may arise in the reform process, difficulties must be overcome one by one, and contradictions must be solved one by one. We must not only dare to make moves but also be good at responding to them, so as to achieve "quick steps and steady steps."

From the practice of "one river and clear water flowing out of Xin 'an" in Zhejiang and Anhui, to the exploration of "Chishui" in one river, green mountains on both sides, and Yunnan-Guizhou River jointly protected by three provinces, to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaboration in changing "segmented water control" to "global water control"... The ecological protection compensation system has released a strong "multiplier effect" in practice, effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all parties to participate in ecological protection.

Since the new era, the reform of the ecological civilization system has been in full swing-

Build a natural protected area system with national parks as the main body, creatively propose the ecological protection red line system, and comprehensively implement the ecological civilization construction target evaluation and assessment system... Guided by solving outstanding problems in the field of ecological environment, my country's ecological civilization institutional system has been continuously improved and truly realized "Use systems to protect the ecological environment".

Innovation empowers, turning "green" into "gold", and the channel for transforming green waters and green mountains into gold and silver is wider.

Zhangye, Gansu Province, vigorously protected the ecology of the Qilian Mountains, developed diversified operations of ecological tourism, planting and breeding, completed the transaction of 351,000 acres of forestry carbon sinks and 4 million acres of grassland carbon sinks, and achieved a net income of 74.5 million yuan.

Rizhao, Shandong Province, is exploring an eco-environment-oriented development model and "integrating" the Rizhao Reservoir ecological environment management project with related industries. Improving the ecological environment has effectively improved the development quality and value of ecological fisheries, ecological agriculture, eco-tourism, etc., and the construction of ecological industries It also "feeds back" the people around the reservoir and drives income increase.

Luzhou, Sichuan, launched the "Green Bud Points" Mini programs to establish personal carbon accounts to quantify individuals 'low-carbon emission reduction behaviors and turn them into a "carbon wallet" and carbon asset that everyone can see. Mini programs such as Beijing's "Green Life Season", Harbin's "Carbon Ice City" in Heilongjiang, and Shenzhen's "Low Carbon Planet" in Guangdong have developed a series of convenient services and public welfare activities, becoming a fulcrum for mobilizing residents to participate in green and low-carbon development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must advocate a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, guide green and low-carbon consumption, encourage green travel, carry out demonstration and creation of green and low-carbon social actions, and enhance national awareness of conservation and ecological and environmental protection." Making good use of innovative mechanisms and practices, including carbon accounts, is a "symphony" for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the whole society.

From integrating resource and environmental factors such as carbon emission rights, energy use rights, water rights, and emission rights into the overall reform of market-oriented allocation of factors, to accelerating the construction of a "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality; from strengthening green Innovation in products such as credit, green insurance, and green bonds, to improving the ladder electricity price system for high-energy-consuming industries... In today's land of China, a series of innovative measures have brought together a strong synergy in the construction of ecological civilization.

Only reformers advance, only innovators are strong, and only reforms and innovators win.


Those who abide by the law are strong will make the country strong; those who abide by the law are weak will make the country weak. Adhering to comprehensively governing the country according to law, deepening reforms on the track of the rule of law, promoting Chinese-style modernization, achieving the unity of reform and the rule of law, having major reforms based on the law, and promptly upgrading reform results into legal systems is a valuable experience for comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era.

Practice tells us that only by implementing the strictest rule of law can we provide reliable guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization.

Starting from June 1 this year, the "Ecological Protection Compensation Regulations" will come into effect. This is my country's first law and regulation in the field of ecological protection compensation, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the legalization of ecological protection compensation in my country.

At the source of the Three Rivers, the beautiful scenery of thousands of lakes has reappeared. The Tibetan antelope population has recovered from less than 20,000 in the late 1980s to more than 70,000... The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law has been implemented and has become the "patron saint" of living creatures, vegetation, mountains and rivers on the plateau.

The nine-winding Yellow River is full of galloping grandeur. The Yellow River Protection Law points directly to the focus of "Jiulong Water Control", strengthens the awareness of a game of chess in the basin, and helps sing the "Yellow River Chorus" in the new era.

With the power of the rule of law to protect the beauty of ecology, since the new era, we have continued to strengthen legislation in the field of ecological and environmental protection. From writing "ecological civilization" into the Constitution, to implementing "the strictest environmental protection law in history", to formulating and revising more than 20 ecological and environment-related laws... At present, my country has more than 30 ecological and environmental protection laws and more than 100 administrative regulations. There are more than 1000 local regulations, initially forming a comprehensive, pragmatic, effective, strict and strict legal system for ecological and environmental protection.

A distinctive feature and outstanding advantage of the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics is to adhere to the connection between governing the country according to law and governing the party according to rules, and to integrate the national rule of law system and the intra-party legal system.

Protection of the Yangtze River coastline, rectification of illegal low enclosures in Dongting Lake, ecological restoration of the Qilian Mountains, rectification of illegal villas in the Qinling Mountains... Since its establishment and implementation in 2015, the central ecological and environmental protection inspector has "dared to be serious, not afraid of offending people, and not biting on problems. Relax", effectively promoting party and government leaders at all levels to adhere to the same responsibility of the party and government, shoulder the political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization, and solved a large number of outstanding ecological and environmental problems that have long been wanted to solve but have not been solved.

The Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection is a major institutional innovation personally planned, deployed, and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It has achieved remarkable results in "affirmation by the central government, praise by the people, support from all parties, and problem solving" and "has become a strong and practical approach to promoting local party committees and governments." and its relevant departments to implement ecological and environmental protection responsibilities."

In June 2019, the "Central Regulations on the Supervision of Ecological and Environmental Protection" was issued and implemented to standardize the inspection work in the form of the first intra-party regulation in the field of ecological and environmental protection. In January 2022, the "Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate Rectification Work Measures" was issued and implemented. Supervision work guarantees are more powerful.

Party rules and disciplines are stricter than national laws. From "enhancing the awareness that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" being written into the Party Constitution, to establishing and improving systems such as "the party and government have the same responsibility" and "one post has two responsibilities" for ecological and environmental protection, to carrying out outgoing audits of natural resource assets of leading cadres and implementing a lifelong accountability system for ecological and environmental damage... Faced with "hard constraints", leading cadres always have a clear idea of the "biggest ones in the country" and strictly demand themselves with higher standards, so that they can truly be highly responsible to the Party, history, and the people.

"On the issue of ecological and environmental protection, we must not go one step beyond the line, otherwise we should be punished." The reason why the achievements of ecological civilization construction in the new era have become a significant symbol of the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the country in the new era is that the key lies in insisting on strengthening the party's overall leadership and the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, and insisting on using party discipline and national laws to control power. Officials, protecting blue and increasing green have made the system a rigid constraint and untouchable high-voltage line, ensuring that the Party Central Committee's decisions and arrangements on the construction of ecological civilization take root and effective results.

Orders must be believed, and laws must be implemented. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must further establish, improve and strictly implement ecological and environmental laws and regulations, and persist in making good use of, consolidating and expanding practices and experiences such as strong inspection, strict law enforcement, and serious accountability." Ensure good governance with good laws, demonstrate legal authority with strict enforcement, and play a good "combination of rule of law, market, science and technology, and policies, gathering the majestic power to protect green waters and green mountains.

People live up to the green mountains, and the green mountains will surely live up to people. On the new journey, we will maintain the strategic determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, strive to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and strive to build a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously. We will surely ensure that the blue sky, green mountains and green waters of China will always last forever. flow.
