China Carbon Credit Platform

Read the "Annual Report" of the carbon market carefully: Steady improvement of vitality contributes to the world's "China Plan"

Release Time1 month ago

2257 key emission units are included, covering approximately 5.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, accounting for more than 40% of the country's carbon dioxide emissions... In recent years, my country's carbon market construction has made remarkable progress, and its development impact has continued to expand, contributing to the construction of the global carbon market."China Plan".

Recently, the "National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)"(hereinafter referred to as the "Report") was released. The "Report" shows that as of the end of 2023, the cumulative transaction volume of carbon emission quotas in the national carbon emissions trading market was 442 million tons, with a cumulative transaction volume of 24.919 billion yuan.
Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, said,"We will accelerate the construction of the national carbon market, steadily expand industry coverage, and gradually implement paid allocation of quotas to help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality."
Reading the "Annual Report" of carbon market development carefully,"innovation" and "vitality" become key words.
The "Report" shows that since 2023, the second compliance cycle of the national carbon emissions trading market has been successfully concluded, and the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market has been launched, and the market vitality has steadily increased.
Data shows that from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023, my country's carbon emission quota transaction volume was 263 million tons, with a transaction volume of 17.258 billion yuan. The scale of the transaction has gradually expanded, the transaction price has stabilized and increased, and the number of key emission units participating in the transaction has increased by 31.79% compared with the first compliance cycle.
As global emission reduction efforts continue to increase, the carbon market has gradually become an important policy tool widely adopted internationally for carbon reduction. The "Report" shows that China's quota allocation method based on carbon emission intensity control targets can not only consolidate the responsibility for greenhouse gas emission control on enterprises, but also provide incentives for carbon emission reduction, contributing to the "China Plan" to the innovation of global carbon market mechanisms.
my country's carbon market consists of a national unified mandatory carbon emissions trading market and a voluntary greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading market. In this regard, Zhao Yingmin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, believes that "compared with mandatory production and emission restrictions, the carbon emissions trading mechanism allocates carbon emission resources through market means, and the company's emission reduction methods are more flexible and more conducive to promoting industry emission reduction."
Data shows that the carbon emission intensity of national thermal power in 2023 will decrease by 2.38% compared with 2018, and the carbon emission intensity of electricity will decrease by 8.78% compared with 2018. "Through the carbon market to promote greenhouse gas emission reduction and promote energy structure adjustment, the guiding role of encouraging advanced and constraining backward is more obvious." Zhao Yingmin said.
Industry insiders believe that the development effectiveness of the national carbon market has gradually been demonstrated. The green financial attributes of carbon emission rights have been recognized by more and more financial institutions. Carbon emission rights trading prices have been anchored in climate investment and financing, carbon asset management, quota pledge, etc. The benchmark price has leveraged more green and low-carbon investment, promoted energy efficiency improvement and energy structure adjustment in the thermal power industry, and demonstrated a positive role in promoting green, low-carbon and high-quality development.
Regarding the role played by the carbon market, Xia Yingxian, director of the Climate Change Response Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, believes that through the allocation of carbon emission quotas in the carbon market, the carbon emission reduction target requirements can be directly decomposed and implemented to enterprises, making enterprises the main body of carbon reduction. Compacting the responsibility of enterprises to reduce carbon, and establishing a low-carbon awareness that "carbon emission has costs and carbon reduction has benefits".
In Luzhou, Sichuan, you can participate in low-carbon emission reduction activities with the tap of your mobile phone; in Chongqing, citizens can directly scan the code through Mini programs, and the platform automatically quantifies its emission reduction effect and then grants carbon points; in Beijing, garbage classification, green travel,"CD-ROM Action", and every small matter can be recorded in a "personal carbon account" in exchange for income...
Industry insiders said that the innovative development of China's carbon market is encouraging market entities to innovate in green and low-carbon technologies with higher efficiency and lower cost, providing inexhaustible impetus for the development of new quality productivity.