China Carbon Credit Platform

The construction of beautiful factories must achieve "five stresses and four beauties"

Release Time1 week ago

The "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Building a Beautiful Beijing and Accelerating the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature" issued by Beijing City proposes to promote "beautiful cell" cases such as beautiful factories. As major traditional energy consumers and pollutant emitters, industrial enterprises must accelerate the green transformation of their development methods. Building a beautiful factory is not only a powerful starting point for promoting pollution prevention and control, but also an important part of the construction of a beautiful China.

Seeking truth from facts and doing a good job in the "Five Stresses"

The key to building a beautiful factory is to coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, reduce pollution emissions, and improve the quality of the environment. Therefore, we should seek truth from facts and do a good job in the "five stresses", that is, we should clearly explain the situation of carbon, water, gas, sound and slag. These five aspects are interconnected. Industrial enterprises must adhere to the system concept, coordinate and tell the story of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and use ESG reports and corporate environmental information disclosure systems as carriers to increase corporate environmental information disclosure efforts in accordance with laws and regulations., highlight the family background, goals, and measures, and actively accept social supervision.

The first is carbon emissions. In the process of building beautiful factories, industrial enterprises must establish a carbon emission management system suitable for themselves according to local conditions, and clarify the "timetable" and "roadmap" for carbon emission reduction. Carbon reduction in industrial enterprises is a systematic project that requires efforts in the entire process of source control, process management, and end management. This also involves carbon accounting, carbon footprint, carbon emission reduction, energy efficiency and energy consumption, carbon capture, utilization and storage, etc. A series of technical standards and specifications. If we want to truly achieve the goal of "reducing and reducing", we must anchor the goal, strengthen overall planning, and promote the implementation of various measures in a steady and orderly manner.

The second is the discharge of water pollutants. Industrial enterprises are not only major water users, but also major emitters of water pollutants. Data shows that in 2021, my country's industrial water consumption will account for 17.7% of the country's total water consumption, and wastewater emissions will account for about 1/4 of the country's sewage emissions. Therefore, water conservation and emission reduction are major things that must be done well in building a beautiful factory. Industrial enterprises must adhere to the harmony between people and water, scientifically and rationally utilize water resources, and at the same time strengthen the protection, management and restoration of water ecological environment; insist on using water to determine production, strictly adhere to the three red lines of total water use, water use efficiency, and water functional area restrictions on pollution containment, and accelerate the elimination of backward water-using products and equipment. Some nonferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, building materials, papermaking, printing and dyeing and other industrial enterprises located along rivers and lakes should also prepare and disclose environmental emergency plans for sudden water pollution incidents, strengthen practical drills, and enhance emergency response capabilities.

The third is the emission of air pollutants. As the battle to defend the blue sky continues to deepen, the air pollution control and management level of industrial enterprises has been significantly improved, but air pollutant emissions are still at a high level, and industrial enterprises must not have the idea of relaxing or resting their feet. It is necessary to benchmark the relevant requirements of the "Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality", do a solid job in the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries, the replacement of clean energy for industrial furnaces, and the implementation of the "one factory, one policy" for emergency response to heavily polluted weather, and strive to achieve air pollutant emissions. The total volume continues to decrease and the emission intensity continues to decrease.

The fourth is noise emissions. In recent years, the problem of industrial noise pollution has become increasingly prominent with the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, and environmental complaints caused by noise disturbing the residents are on the rise. Strengthening the prevention and control of noise pollution and protecting the tranquility and harmony in the ears of the people is one of the important contents of building a beautiful factory. Industrial enterprises should further reduce vibration and reduce noise by selecting low-noise processes and equipment, using sound-absorbing materials, and adding sound-insulating facilities on the basis of reasonable planning of the layout of production equipment, based on the functional zoning of the local acoustic environment and relevant laws and regulations. Key noise emission units shall install, use and maintain automatic noise monitoring equipment in accordance with national regulations, and network it with the monitoring equipment of the ecological and environmental authorities. At the same time, production time should also be arranged scientifically and rationally, try to avoid the use of high-noise equipment at night, effectively reduce the intensity of noise emissions, and reduce the impact on the surrounding environment.

The fifth is the discharge of solid waste. It is estimated that the total historical storage of bulk solid wastes such as coal gangue, coal ash and coal slag, phosphogypsum, and red mud produced in my country's industrial production process is large, which not only affects the natural environment, but also occupies resources such as cultivated land and grassland in some places. Implementing the requirements for solid waste reduction, resource utilization and harmlessness is a must-answer for building a beautiful factory. Industrial enterprises should adopt advanced production processes and equipment to effectively reduce the amount and types of solid waste generated, include the comprehensive utilization and disposal of solid waste in the production and operation management plan, vigorously promote the comprehensive utilization and disposal of solid waste, and strive to repay more old debts., no new debts.

Create the "Four Beauties" according to local conditions

Industrial enterprises belong to different industries, organizational forms, output value scale, and development stages. They need to combine reality and turn the goal of building a beautiful factory into universally applicable, operable and evaluable specific indicators. To build a beautiful factory, we should adapt measures to local conditions and create "four beauties", namely,"beautiful corporate culture, beautiful development strategy, beautiful operation management, and beautiful factory appearance."

The first is the beauty of corporate culture. Culture is the soul of an enterprise, including core values, institutional culture, behavioral culture, etc., and is an inexhaustible driving force for the development of an enterprise. Industrial enterprises must integrate the vision of building a beautiful factory into corporate culture, and then transform it into a goal advocated by corporate leaders and recognized by all employees, and put it into practical actions. Actively assume the main responsibility of environmental governance, deeply embed the concept of green and low-carbon into the core values of the company, and truly move towards green. Build a solid bottom line for green development in the construction of enterprise systems, and promote the formation of a good atmosphere in terms of systems and mechanisms that dare not, cannot, and do not want to pollute. In addition, we must firmly establish the concept that "protecting the ecological environment means protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment means developing productivity" among all employees of the company, and mobilize them to consciously participate in environmental protection work.

The second is the beauty of development strategy. Industrial enterprises must take the concept of green development as the strategic guide, actively integrate into the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, create new momentum and new advantages for development, and achieve more efficient, higher-level and more sustainable growth. Actively and steadily promote the "double carbon" strategy, proactively deploy future industries in the green and low-carbon fields, accelerate the promotion and application of advanced green technologies, strengthen green manufacturing, develop green service industries, strengthen green energy industries, and actively build a green and low-carbon circular economy system. Deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, focus on areas such as new pollutant management, resource recycling, ecological protection, restoration and utilization, and green upgrading of infrastructure, vigorously promote green technology innovation, actively participate in key core technology research, and strive to "build beautiful factories," Make breakthroughs in setting industry benchmarks ".

The third is the beauty of operation and management. Operation management involves many aspects such as internal control management, performance management, and project management, and is a crucial part of enterprise management. Industrial enterprises should use systematic thinking and comprehensive means to coordinate and promote pollution reduction and carbon reduction work, incorporate it into lean management, and further optimize production processes and operating standards. Strengthen internal control management, form a full-chain, full-perspective, and full-process panoramic view management of pollution and carbon reduction, optimize the management system, strengthen business supervision, and improve operational efficiency. Strengthen performance management, highlight hard environmental constraints in terms of goal setting, management plans, assessment implementation, and result application, and ensure that production and operation activities comply with ecological environment regulations and policy requirements. In addition, we must pay close attention to project management and strictly control project approval so that no amount of investment is invested in pollution control projects and no projects that violate industrial policies are included.

Fourth, the factory has beautiful appearance. The appearance of the factory is the "face" of the enterprise. It not only represents the image of the enterprise, but also reflects the management level of the enterprise to a certain extent. Taking the creation of dust-free workshops and smoke-free factories as the carrier, we will vigorously promote road dust cleaning and mechanized wet cleaning operations to reduce dust pollution. By tapping potential to increase greenery and inserting greenery wherever cracks are seen, we will coordinate and promote the construction of garden-style factories, design with high standards, rationalize layout, and maximize the role of dust removal, noise reduction, and air purification in plant greening. Establish a long-term mechanism to integrate the improvement of factory appearance into daily work, and always work tirelessly.

Author's unit: China Paper Investment Co., Ltd.
