China Carbon Credit Platform

Shenyang Environmental Protection Open Day to see how "waste paper" becomes treasure

Release Time5 months ago

On the afternoon of April 12, the Shenyang Ecological Environment Bureau of Liaoning Province organized an environmental protection open day with the theme of "People Entering the Enterprise and Experiencing Green Ecological Papermaking" in Nine Dragons Paper (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Residents' representatives, staff of Xinmin Dongcheng Sub-district Office, social supervisors of business environment, environmental protection volunteers, and news media staff attended the event.

According to reports, Nine Dragons Paper (Shenyang) Co., Ltd., as an environmentally friendly papermaking enterprise, is completely different from the traditional papermaking industry production process, and is committed to the rational utilization and disposal of waste, such as the use of waste paper to make recycled paper. The company adopts international advanced waste treatment technology and equipment, recycles about 2 million tons of waste paper annually, and can reduce carbon emissions by about 2.66 million tons.

Without environmental protection, there will be no sustainable development of the paper industry

In recent years, the company has paid attention to the replacement and improvement of production processes and the upgrading of pollution control facilities, invested nearly 1 billion yuan in environmental protection, and adopted SCR+SNCR destocking, magnesium oxide desulfurization, and electric bag composite dust removal technology, taking the lead in achieving ultra-low emissions. It has its own sewage treatment plant with a daily treatment capacity of 58,000 m³, and the sewage treatment adopts the "IC anaerobic + aerobic + Fenton" treatment technology, and the odor treatment is also equipped with a biological deodorization system, and the flue gas and sewage are equipped with an automatic monitoring system, which is networked with national and local platforms. In recent years, the ecological environment department has provided strong technical and policy assistance to enterprises in ultra-low emission upgrading, automatic monitoring, and operation of pollution control facilities, and coordinated and solved difficult environmental protection problems that plague the operation and development of enterprises. For a long time, the company has taken "no environmental protection, no papermaking" as its business philosophy.

"We screen and sort the recycled waste paper, shred it and then chemically process it to remove impurities and contaminants, and then make it into pulp, which goes through a series of processes to make new paper. The staff stretched out his hand and pointed to the large trailers that were queuing up not far from the factory to load and unload waste paper. It is understood that more than 200 heavy trucks transport waste paper to Nine Dragons Paper (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. every day. Since more than 90% of the papermaking raw materials come from waste paper, the company has played an extremely important role in the classification and disposal of urban waste, the secondary use of resources, and energy conservation.

Walk into the workshop and witness the green ecological papermaking process on the spot

On the day of the event, we learned about the development of the enterprise through multimedia, visited the PM42 pulping and paper workshop, sewage discharge open channel and sewage online monitoring room, 380 flue gas online monitoring room, etc., and interacted with the on-site staff on the ecological and environmental issues they were concerned about. The participants felt the outstanding contributions made by Nine Dragons Paper (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. in serving local economic and social development and expanding labor and employment, and also felt the responsibility and actions of enterprises in fulfilling the main responsibility of ecological and environmental protection. Some people said that they thought that papermaking enterprises would have a certain impact on the environment in terms of pollutant emissions and noise.

"This event enables everyone to have a close understanding of the intelligent, mechanized and digital advanced production process of new papermaking enterprises, and truly feel the whole process of green ecological papermaking. At the same time, it shows the operation of environmental protection facilities, online monitoring, and the implementation of pollution prevention and control measures, which is also a concrete embodiment of our ecological environment department's humble acceptance of the supervision of the people such as business environment social supervisors. Wang Yongfeng, member of the party group of the Shenyang Ecological Environment Bureau and secretary of the party committee of the law enforcement team, said at the event.

It is understood that since last year, in order to continuously enhance the public's scientific understanding and supervision awareness of environmental protection and urban waste and sewage treatment facilities, and to have a close understanding of the operation of environmental protection facilities, the Shenyang Municipal Department of Ecology and Environment has organized 249 open activities in a combination of online + offline ways, involving sewage, garbage, kitchen treatment and other fields. The broad masses of people actively participated in the environmental protection open day activities, and personally felt the new measures and achievements made by Shenyang in the construction of ecological civilization, and the sense of gain, happiness and security was continuously enhanced.

The Shenyang Municipal Department of Ecology and Environment organized this environmental protection open day activity, mainly for the "Spring Breeze into Thousands of Enterprises" environmental protection assistance in the month of enterprises and the confusion of the masses, by building a platform for the people and enterprises to communicate together, adhere to the people-centered development ideas, to solve problems for the people and enterprises as the starting point, encourage the public to actively participate in ecological environmental protection work, listen to public opinion, solve problems, provide all-round services for enterprises and people, and promote the integrated development of green production and operation of enterprises and people's lives.
