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Heilongjiang issued the "Opinions" to build a modern and green Longjiang in an all-round way by 2035

Release Time4 months ago

Recently, Heilongjiang Province held a meeting on the construction of green Longjiang, and simultaneously formulated the "Opinions on Comprehensively Implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and Accelerating the Construction of Green Longjiang" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), "60 Policies and Measures for the Construction of Green Longjiang in the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") and 11 action plans (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") to deploy the construction of green Longjiang in the province.

Mu Shanxue, member of the party group and deputy director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said: "The "Opinions", "Measures" and "Action Plan" are led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and formulated in conjunction with relevant departments. ”


The "Opinions" make it clear that by 2026, the quality of the ecological environment in Heilongjiang Province will continue to improve; By 2030, the quality of the ecological environment will be significantly improved; By 2035, a green development mode and lifestyle will be fully formed, deep decarbonization will be achieved in key areas, carbon dioxide emissions will be stable and decreasing, the ecological environment will be healthy and beautiful, and a modern green Longjiang will be built in an all-round way.

The "Opinions" put forward eight major aspects and 35 key tasks.

The first is to build a green ecological security barrier for high-quality development, and create lucid waters and lush mountains are the practice sites of Jinshan and Yinshan. Among them, it is proposed to promote the formation of an overall pattern of land space development and protection of "three mountains, four rivers and two plains" and "one circle, one group and seven axes"; Promote major projects such as the sixth phase of the Three-North Shelterbelt and the ecological protection and restoration of the Northeast Forest Belt.

The second is to highlight scientific and technological innovation to drive green development and create a practice place for the development of new quality productivity. Among them, it is proposed that by 2026, the province's annual transformation of scientific and technological achievements will reach 700; There are more than 70 green technology innovation platforms in the province.

The third is to promote the green and low-carbon development of the industry and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. Among them, it is proposed that by 2026, the green level of traditional industries will continue to improve, and 500 green factories and 10 zero-carbon factories will be built; Advance the layout of deep space, deep sea, deep earth, future biology, artificial intelligence and other new tracks of future industries.

Fourth, develop and expand the green energy industry and promote the transformation and upgrading of the energy structure. Among them, it is proposed that by 2026, the output value of the whole industrial chain of energy equipment manufacturing in the province will reach 70 billion yuan; Comprehensively develop and utilize the associated resources of coal measures, and strive to achieve more than 120 million cubic meters of coalbed methane utilization by 2026.

Fifth, accelerate the construction of a modern comprehensive transportation system and build a green transportation hub that supports high-quality development of services. It is proposed that by 2026, the proportion of green travel in cities with a permanent population of more than 1 million in urban areas will reach more than 70%; Accelerate the elimination of old means of transportation, and promote the renewal and replacement of urban buses.

Sixth, improve the quality of green and low-carbon development in urban and rural construction, and create a beautiful green home where man and nature coexist in harmony. Among them, it is proposed that by 2026, the length of greenways will reach more than 1 km for 10,000 people in cities in the province; More than 650,000 square meters of ultra-low energy consumption buildings have been added; More than 95% of the villages are kept clean, tidy and orderly.

Seventh, actively advocate the concept of green life and promote the formation of a simple, moderate, civilized and healthy lifestyle. Among them, it is proposed to carry out a wide range of national green actions, promote green travel, water and electricity saving, and "CD-ROM action"; By 2025, a green, low-carbon and circular development consumption system will take shape.

Eighth, accelerate the construction of green development support capacity, and scientifically build and improve the green service guarantee system. Among them, it is proposed to develop green, low-carbon, energy-saving and other standards, and improve the green product quality grading rules and standards, certification and labeling systems; Promote the green and low-carbon development of the China-Russia International Cooperation Demonstration Zone on Black Blind Island, and build a "zero-carbon island".

According to Mu Shanxue, the "Opinions" grasp the key links of green development, adhere to the clear orientation and symbol of green ecology, green production and green life, coordinate the three major layouts of ecological production and life, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development mode. As a supporting policy of the "Opinions", the "Measures" focus on key areas such as financial incentives and subsidies, financial support, tax reductions and exemptions, franchising, pilot construction, factor guarantees, water conservation and land saving, and formulate specific policies and measures to support the green development of Heilongjiang Province. The Action Plan is for 11 provincial departments, including the Heilongjiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, to further refine the goals and clarify the specific tasks of the construction of a green Longjiang according to their own responsibilities.

Zhou Yuansheng, director of the comprehensive department of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, introduced that in combination with the actual situation of the province, the "Action Plan" proposes to implement the thunder action of supervision and law enforcement, the sword action of supervision and supervision, the action of air quality improvement, the action of key river basin governance, the action of soil source control, the action of ecological assistance to enterprises, and the action of environmental risk prevention.
