China Carbon Credit Platform

Based on climate change and low-carbon development, Jiayuguan has steadily promoted the work of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality

Release Time4 months ago

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Jiayuguan City has actively responded to the national climate change strategy, based on climate change and low-carbon development, adhered to the system concept, strengthened the top-level design, built a "1+13" carbon peak and carbon neutrality policy system, and incorporated carbon peak and carbon neutrality into the overall layout of the city's economic and social development and ecological civilization construction, so as to achieve "six new breakthroughs" and create "six models" As the starting point and the main direction of attack, with the implementation of the carbon intensity reduction target issued by Jiayuguan City at the provincial level as the core, adhere to green and low-carbon development as a fundamental policy to solve ecological and environmental problems, accurately grasp the focus, rhythm and intensity of work, and orderly promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, greenhouse gas emission supervision, adaptation to climate change and other key work.

Optimize and adjust the energy structure and solidly promote the green and low-carbon transformation of cities

Jiayuguan City actively responds to the call of the country to build a new energy system, takes the control of greenhouse gas emissions and actively responds to climate change as an important starting point for promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality, deeply practices regional cooperation and local enterprise cooperation, and grasps the policy opportunity of the national layout and construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases in deserts, Gobi and desert areas, cultivates and expands the new energy industry, relying on good solar and thermal resource conditions, With a strong industrial foundation and a strong ability to absorb new energy on the spot, the development of new energy industry is regarded as a strategic focus to adjust the industrial structure and transform the mode of economic development, and to improve the "green, gold and new content" of industrial development.

We will continue to expand the scale of new energy construction, and further promote the million-kilowatt photovoltaic power generation base in Jiaxi, with 770 megawatts of Suotong, 120 megawatts of nuclear poly, 110 megawatts of Guangdong Hydropower, and 90 megawatts of Shimonayang photovoltaic power stations connected to the grid for power generation. Support JISCO Group to build a smart energy system integrating power generation, transmission and distribution, electricity load and energy storage, build a new power system with multi-energy complementarity of "wind, solar, fire, residual energy and residual pressure" and the integration of "source, grid, load and storage", invest 13.32 billion yuan to promote the demonstration project of smart grid and new energy on-site consumption of JISCO, and the first batch of 200 MW wind power and 200 MW photovoltaic power generation have been completed.

Adhering to the centralized and distributed, on-site consumption and delivery to promote the development of new energy, Hongdian Ferroalloy has completed the 12+3×6 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project by using the idle land in the plant area, and the 0.9 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project of Qilianshan Cement has been included in the pilot scale index of distributed photovoltaic in Jiayuguan City, which provides reference for the subsequent large-scale development of distributed projects. By the end of 2023, the city's total installed capacity of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation is 1,864 megawatts, with 680 megawatts of projects under construction, and renewable energy accounts for 35.5% of the city's total installed power capacity.

At the same time, we will give full play to the driving effect of photovoltaic radiation, simultaneously increase the research and attraction of supporting industries such as hydrogen energy, energy storage, and new energy batteries, and introduce Ningxia 1 GJ/2 GJ grid-side independent energy storage project, which will play a strong role in the function of peak regulation and frequency regulation of new energy after completion. The first phase of Longpeng photovoltaic module smart factory, Suotong Shengyuan's 25,000 tons of lithium battery high-end anode materials have been completed and put into operation, and more than 10 new energy equipment manufacturing enterprises have landed in our city, which has an annual output of 150,000 tons of wind power towers, 100,000 tons of photovoltaic brackets, and 20,000 tons of industrial silicon production capacity, and is promoting the construction of a new power system with new energy as the main body in an all-round way from energy storage technology, new energy accessories, methanol energy, etc.

While vigorously promoting the transformation and amplification of new energy advantages, the foundation of industrial development has been further consolidated, and a new material industrial cluster dominated by special steel and aluminum new materials has been basically formed, dominated by 100 billion special steel, 100 billion non-ferrous metal new materials, and 10 billion carbon materials, etc., and the local consumption capacity of new energy has been improved, effectively reducing the proportion of coal in primary energy consumption.

Promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in the industrial field, and improve the level of coordinated development of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the industrial chain

According to the division of the main functional areas of Gansu Province, Jiayuguan City, as a key area for the development of ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metals, equipment manufacturing, power production and coal chemical industry in the province, has a development direction supported by continuously improving the development level of steel, aluminum, nuclear, new energy, new materials, equipment manufacturing and other characteristic advantageous industries, enhancing industrial supporting capacity, and assuming the important responsibility of promoting the sustainable economic growth of the province. Economic and social development will inevitably lead to further expansion of energy demand and total carbon emissions. On this basis, the city's industrial enterprises adhere to the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction as the general starting point for enterprises to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and accelerate the green development of the whole process of source emission reduction, process control and end treatment in the industrial field.

The first is to coordinate the promotion of greenhouse gas emission control and pollutant emission reduction. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiayuguan City continued to promote the transformation of traditional industries such as steel and aluminum to high-end, intelligent and green, with a total investment of 18 billion yuan, Jiugang Group is implementing the ultra-low emission transformation of steel and coking and the large-scale upgrading and transformation of process equipment in batches in an orderly manner, and has successively completed the ultra-low emission transformation of 10 coal-fired thermal power units, flue gas desulfurization and denitrification of smelting system, and optimization and upgrading of blast furnace dust removal system. Qilianshan Cement Co., Ltd. continued to increase investment, on the premise of ensuring the quality of cement products, increasing the proportion of calcium-containing resources to replace limestone, improving the comprehensive utilization efficiency of industrial solid waste, and using industrial waste residue to promote carbon emission reduction in the cement industry, won the second prize of Jiayuguan Excellent Technological Innovation Achievement. Vigorously promote the design, manufacture and supply of green and low-carbon products, in-depth implementation of green manufacturing projects, promote the construction of green factories, green mines, green parks, and green supply chains, and have successfully cultivated 2 national green factories, 2 green design products, 7 provincial green factories, and 3 green design products, and gradually promote the formation of a spatial pattern, industrial structure, production mode, and lifestyle that conserves resources and protects the environment.

The second is to increase the transformation of energy-saving and carbon-reducing technologies. Strengthen the operation and management of enterprise-owned power plants, promote the implementation of heating transformation, energy-saving transformation and flexibility transformation of coal-fired power units, promote the clean and efficient use of coal, and adopt technologies such as waste heat recovery of closed circulation chillers, converter gas recovery, converter vaporization cooling and waste heat recovery, vaporization cooling and waste heat recovery of steel rolling furnaces, etc., to recycle energy for power generation and heating, and promote the realization of waste heat and waste energy collection. The implementation of the first phase of the JISCO Group-Jiuquan Suzhou District Cogeneration Clean Carbon Reduction Central Heating Project will use the waste heat of the existing units to supply heat to Suzhou District through long-distance pipelines, with an annual heat supply capacity of 3.81 million GJ, meeting the recent 8 million square meters of central heating demand in Suzhou District, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 470,000 tons per year. The energy-saving renovation of the high-voltage inverter of the main exhaust fan of the 4# sintering machine of the ironmaking plant, and the green carbon-reduction transformation of the intelligent welding of the anode guide rod of Dongxing Aluminum have been fully put into operation, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 290,000 tons per year, and the energy-saving and carbon-reduction project of 5#6# coke oven riser waste heat recovery and energy-saving and carbon-reduction projects of JISCO Surplus Gas Comprehensive Utilization are under construction, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 150,000 tons per year after completion.

Solidly carry out audit pilots and promote the transformation of cleaner production in key industries

Jiayuguan City adheres to the cleaner production audit as an important means to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, actively responds to the work arrangement of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment for the national cleaner production audit innovation pilot, and fully considers the demonstration role of the city's key industry enterprises in production and operation, production and sewage discharge, materials, energy consumption, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, etc., and declares the aluminum industry cluster as a cleaner production audit innovation pilot. With the joint technical support of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, the Gansu Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences, and the China Nonferrous Metals Association, Jiayuguan City has summarized and sorted out the current situation and existing problems of cleaner production of electrolytic aluminum and upstream and downstream industrial chain enterprises in Jiayuguan City, and researched and formed the "Jiayuguan Aluminum Industry Cluster Cleaner Production Audit Innovation Pilot Implementation Plan", which was included in the first batch of national cleaner production audit innovation pilot projects.

With the goal of saving resources, reducing energy consumption, reducing pollution and carbon emissions, and improving quality and efficiency, the pilot work of cleaner production audit innovation of Jiayuguan aluminum industry cluster aims to design the industrial chain for supplementing and strengthening the chain, and establishes the overall cleaner production audit technology method with the goal of maximizing the utilization of industrial chain resources, and has formed the "Jiayuguan Aluminum Industry Cluster Overall Cleaner Production Audit Report", "Jiayuguan Aluminum Industry Cluster Cleaner Production Audit Pilot Summary Report", "Aluminum Industry Cluster Cleaner Production Evaluation Index System Draft" The five achievements of the "Catalogue of Advanced and Applicable Technologies for Cleaner Production in Aluminum Industry Clusters" put forward a cleaner production transformation plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aluminum industry through clean energy substitution, waste heat utilization, industrial chain extension, and process equipment upgrading. With the continuous deepening of the pilot project of the overall audit of cleaner production of electrolytic aluminum and the upstream and downstream industrial chains, the implementation of a number of cleaner production transformation projects covering the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction will be promoted, and the overall cleaner production level of the city's aluminum industry cluster will be effectively improved.

Follow up and study the latest policies to improve the city's carbon emission management level

Jiayuguan City strictly implements land space planning and use control, implements the forest chief system and the river (lake) chief system, promotes the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands, and carries out land greening and the creation of "beautiful and happy rivers and lakes", completes the comprehensive treatment of 11,234 acres of desertified land, and transforms and upgrades 10,000 acres of high-standard farmland. The newly added land greening area is 470.17 hectares, the green space rate of the built-up area reaches 40%, the forest coverage rate is 12.57%, and the grassland vegetation coverage is 16.5%, and the carbon sequestration role of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and soils is further consolidated.

At the same time, in-depth study of the published greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction (CCER) project methodology, combined with the actual situation of Jiayuguan City, will be forestry carbon sink-based ecosystem carbon sink as the breakthrough of the city's voluntary emission reduction work, ecological environment and forestry and grassland departments to strengthen communication, to carry out afforestation carbon sink CCER project planning and development. In order to meet the demand for carbon dioxide smelting gas, the company started the implementation of a 50,000-ton carbon dioxide capture and utilization integration project, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 32,400 tons per year, and effectively promoting the construction of the "double carbon" demonstration project.
