China Carbon Credit Platform

Methodology for compiling clean heating and carbon-reduction products in rural areas in Hebei Province

Release Time1 week ago

Recently, the Hebei Province Department of Ecology and Environment and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly compiled and issued the "Methodology for Clean Heating and Carbon Reduction Products in Rural Areas of Hebei Province"(hereinafter referred to as the "Methodology"). The "Methodology" clarifies the accounting process and methods for carbon dioxide emissions generated by the implementation of clean heating projects instead of coal or gas instead of coal in rural areas of Hebei Province. This is the first carbon-reduction product methodology developed in the country based on clean heating projects in rural areas.

As one of the earliest provinces in the country to promote clean heating in rural areas, Hebei Province insists on proceeding from reality, on the premise of ensuring a safe and warm winter for the people, and vigorously promotes winter heating and the replacement of bulk coal in residents 'lives., effectively promotes the solution of the problem of direct combustion of bulk coal pollution, helps the province's atmospheric environment quality continue to improve, reduces carbon dioxide emissions, and achieves synergy in reducing pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. Making full use of the value realization mechanism of carbon-reduction products, deeply exploring the role of clean heating in reducing carbon emissions in rural areas, and actively developing and transforming carbon emission reduction projects will help consolidate and develop in a solid and orderly manner the results of clean heating in rural areas.

"Methodology" is compiled by experts in related fields such as building environment and energy application engineering, environmental engineering, and nationally certified voluntary emission reduction methodology research. Based on referring to the methodological template of the "Clean Development Mechanism" under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and relevant methodological tools, methods and procedures for CDM projects, combined with the operating status and future development trends of clean heating projects in rural areas of Hebei Province, we have actively explored, simplified and innovated in terms of applicable conditions, additionality demonstration, emission reduction accounting, etc., which is highly scientific and operable.

The application of the "Methodology" will effectively guide and promote the development and value transformation of carbon-reduction products for clean heating projects in rural areas across the province, consolidate the achievements of clean heating in rural areas, and promote sustainable development.
