China Carbon Credit Platform

Reply from the National Energy Administration: How to apply for green certificates for household photovoltaic power stations

Release Time2 months ago

How to apply for green certificates and participate in carbon market transactions for household photovoltaic power stations

The National Energy Administration responded, with details as follows:

Consultation time: 2024.4.12

Consulting question: What procedures are required for household photovoltaic power stations to apply for green certificate trading? When will the green certificate be issued and how to participate in carbon trading?

Reply time: 2024.4.19

Responding unit: Qualification Center

Answer to the question:

Household distributed photovoltaics need to complete project filing and filing on the national renewable energy power generation project information management platform, and apply for green certificates for part of the electricity connected to the Internet. After approval by the Qualification Center of the National Energy Administration, it will be issued on a monthly basis, and part of the electricity will be voluntarily used for self-use. Green certificate issuance policy is under study. Users can choose China Green Power Certificate Trading Platform, Beijing Green Power Certificate Trading Platform, and Guangzhou Green Power Certificate Trading Platform to conduct green certificate trading. Matters related to participating in carbon trading are recommended to be referred to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other relevant policy-making units for consultation.

