China Carbon Credit Platform

The "Chongqing Carbon Lecture Hall" sent green and low-carbon knowledge to students

Release Time6 months ago

"What is the carbon dioxide around us? How much carbon dioxide does an ordinary piece of clothing, from raw materials to ready-to-wear, and then finally be abandoned?" Recently, the "Chongqing Carbon Lecture Hall" organized by the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment walked into Chongqing Jiangnan Primary School and explained some simple and practical low-carbon knowledge in life, so that the students can remember deeply.

Classroom scene. Photo by Yu Changhai

Sun Mi, a senior engineer of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, talked about the dangers of carbon dioxide, and showed the knowledge of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality through animations and questions and answers, advocating a new trend of green and low-carbon life for children.

At the same time, she also encouraged students to be pioneers, propagandists and supervisors of garbage classification, in order to protect the campus environment and build a green and waste-free campus.

"Buying one less piece of unnecessary clothing can reduce CO2 emissions by 2.5kg. In addition, cotton clothes emit less carbon than chemical fiber clothes, and wearing more cotton clothes is also part of a low-carbon life. Li, a third-grade student from Jiangnan Primary School who participated in the event, told reporters that the most impressive thing about this activity was that a piece of clothing would also produce carbon dioxide, "I didn't know it before, and I also want my parents to buy less clothes." ”

Sun Mi told reporters that in fact, low-carbon life is also a healthy life, energy conservation and emission reduction can start from diet, reasonable diet, reduce food waste, drink less bottled water and drinks, and try not to use disposable chopsticks, lunch boxes, paper cups, paper towels, etc. For short trips, try to walk or bike, take a bus, or take the light rail subway. Try to take high-speed rail for long-distance travel and reduce the number of flights. Taking a medium-fuel consumption car as an example, driving 1,200 kilometers less every year will save 120 liters of fuel and reduce carbon emissions by 294Kg, which is equivalent to planting 16 trees.
