China Carbon Credit Platform

Adding color to beautiful China: The "construction plan" for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the energy field is clear

Release Time3 months ago

Energy conservation and carbon reduction are important measures to actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. Recently, the State Council issued the "2024-2025 Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction"(hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), deploying energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas and key industries such as energy, industry, construction, transportation, public institutions, and energy-using equipment. Top ten actions.

Specifically in the energy field, in terms of reducing and replacing fossil energy consumption, the "Action Plan" clearly states that we should strengthen clean and efficient utilization of coal, promote low-carbon transformation and construction of coal power, strictly implement total coal consumption control in key areas for air pollution prevention and control, and focus on Reduce non-power coal, optimize the oil and gas consumption structure, and increase the large-scale development of unconventional oil and gas resources. In terms of improving non-fossil energy consumption, the Action Plan proposes to increase the development of non-fossil energy and improve the power grid's ability to consume renewable energy. Vigorously develop energy storage, microgrids, virtual power plants, and vehicle-network interactions. Strengthen the connection between green certificate trading and energy conservation and carbon reduction policies, and vigorously promote non-fossil energy consumption.

"In recent years, my country's non-fossil energy installed capacity has continued to reach a new level, and the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption has continued to increase, but the proportion of fossil energy consumption is still above 80%." Liu Jizhen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Key Laboratory of New Energy and Power Systems of North China Electric Power University, said that to promote the improvement of energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions in the whole society, it is necessary to promote the reduction and substitution of fossil energy consumption, improve the level of non-fossil energy development and consumption, and promote Energy structure is clean and low-carbon transformation.

Sun Chuanwang, a professor at the China Energy Economic Research Center of Xiamen University, said in an interview with People's Daily that the "Action Plan" proposes to reduce and replace fossil energy consumption and increase non-fossil energy consumption. This requires the construction of a multi-energy complementary comprehensive energy system and comprehensive consideration. Coal power peak shaving and new energy consumption system costs promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in the energy sector.

Sun Chuanwang further explained that it is necessary to orderly promote the transformation of coal power from basic-load energy to regulated power supply, accelerate the "three reforms linkage" and "two joint ventures" of active coal-fired power units, and promote clean energy such as water, nuclear, wind, and light according to local conditions. Large-scale development and utilization, consolidate the construction of clean energy supporting infrastructure, strengthen the construction of digitally intelligent and strong power grids, and ensure the coordinated layout of the energy storage industry and local new energy projects. At the same time, it is necessary to give full play to the economic and flexible advantages of coal and electricity peak shaving to provide favorable conditions for new energy consumption and space to accommodate the unstable characteristics of new energy output. Based on the current situation of the local power supply and demand structure, reasonably arrange the threshold of new energy consumption and the frequency of coal-fired power participating in peak shaving, balance the relationship between new energy consumption and the economy and safety of the power system, and improve the synergy between new energy power sources and coal-fired power units. Energy supply efficiency.

At the same time, energy conservation and carbon reduction work cannot be separated from the guidance of price mechanisms. The "Action Plan" points out that we should implement the electricity price for coal-fired power capacity, deepen the market-oriented reform of new energy feed-in tariffs, and study and improve the energy storage price mechanism. It is strictly prohibited to implement preferential electricity prices for high-energy-consuming industries. Strengthen the coordination of price policies, industrial policies, and environmental protection policies, comprehensively consider energy consumption and environmental protection performance levels, and improve the ladder electricity price system for high-energy-consuming industries.

Sun Chuanwang said that the "Action Plan" proposes to improve price policies, which will help reasonably compensate for the cost of coal-fired power regulation and flexible transformation systems, enhance the enthusiasm of coal-fired power peak shaving, improve the long-term mechanism for coal-fired power price formation and capacity cost recovery, and promote the construction A contract curve formation method and price floating model that are compatible with large-scale new energy access, smooth the path for capacity costs and auxiliary service costs to the user side, and effectively explore distributed new energy sources, Flexible new load resources such as user demand response guide load-side resources to extensively participate in power system interactions and promote the continuous improvement of new energy power generation and consumption levels.

It is worth mentioning that completing energy-saving transformation tasks in related fields is inseparable from the guidance and support of science and technology. The "Action Plan" proposes to give full play to the role of major national science and technology projects and focus on tackling a number of key common technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Solidly promote the construction of green and low-carbon advanced technology demonstration projects. Revise and release the green technology promotion catalog to advocate the best energy-saving technologies and best energy-saving practices. Actively cultivate energy efficiency "leaders" in key energy-using products and equipment, enterprises in key industries and public institutions.

Liu Jizhen said that by deploying a number of scientific research projects such as major national science and technology projects, relevant scientific research institutes, universities, and enterprises can be guided to deploy early and be more actively involved in key technology research for energy conservation and carbon reduction, and promote basic research and exploration, key technology research and development, and major projects. Demonstration and promotion and application of scientific and technological achievements, implement synergy and mutual assistance between industry, learning, research and application, form a strong synergy for independent innovation, laying a solid foundation for building an energy power.

"The Action Plan proposes to strengthen scientific and technological leadership, which will help strengthen the coupled innovation and promotion and application of common green technologies, enhance the independent controllability of core technologies in the industrial chain and supply chain, give full play to the traction role of major scientific and technological projects in resource allocation and capital investment, and expand The new demand scenarios, new application models and new empowerment paths of green energy-saving technologies in important areas and key links provide new momentum for reducing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency, and increasing efficiency for the entire industry chain and entire production link.”Sun Chuanwang said.
