China Carbon Credit Platform

Shiyan released the first local standard for the construction and operation of the "Two Mountains" resource transformation platform in Hubei Province

Release Time6 months ago

How to collect, store, integrate and operate the resources of the "Two Mountains", and how to build, operate and manage the transformation platform...... There are local standards for these. A few days ago, the relevant departments of Shiyan City, Hubei Province issued the "Two Mountains" Resource Transformation Platform Construction and Operation Management Specification, which is also the province's first "Two Mountains" resource transformation platform construction and operation of the municipal local standard.

The "Specification" determines that the "Two Mountains" resource transformation platform will carry out large-scale collection and storage, professional integration and market-oriented operation of fragmented ecological resources such as mountains, water, forests and fields in accordance with the business philosophy of "decentralized input and centralized output", and build a platform that can realize the transformation of "resources-assets-capital-capital".

Based on the "Two Mountains Company" in Zhuxi County, the "Specification" proposes a standardized operation model, standardizes the professional terminology related to the "Two Mountains" resource transformation platform, as well as the construction, operation and management, and requires the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, relying on the advantages of ecological resources, and transforming ecological endowments into competitive advantages and development advantages.

The "Specification" clarifies that the scope of operation is the ecological resources, ecological assets and ecological products within the county, and the intensive operation and comprehensive development are carried out by means of equity cooperation, leasing, sale, trusteeship, ecological compensation, and balance of occupation and compensation, and the operation mechanism of product value assessment, resource acquisition and storage conversion, asset equity trading, green financial innovation, and ecological protection compensation is established.

The "Specification" also clarifies the process standards for resource asset mapping, resource assessment and storage, asset transaction operation, capital development and operation, and feeding back ecological protection, and builds a county-level spatio-temporal big data platform of "one network, one map, and one set of real-time dynamic data" to realize the dynamic monitoring of ecological resource assets. Based on the local ecological advantages and resource characteristics, we will develop high-efficiency ecological agriculture and related industrial clusters such as health, aquatic industry, green food and beverage, build a group operation and development chain, develop special tourism projects such as "tourism + culture", "tourism + agriculture", "tourism + health care" and "tourism + ecology", as well as green financial products such as "carbon forest loan" and "green industry loan", and explore the establishment of a carbon emission trading market.

According to the person in charge of the department, the release of this standard will help improve the operation and management level of the "Two Mountains Company" in various counties and cities, provide reference for exploring the path of realizing the value of ecological products, and is of great significance to promoting the green and low-carbon development of the city.
