China Carbon Credit Platform

Shandong innovates the environmental element guarantee mechanism and continues to optimize environmental law enforcement methods

Release Time4 months ago

The Shandong Provincial Government recently issued the "Ten Innovations" Action Plan (2024-2025), in which the "Factor Guarantee Innovation Action Plan" proposes to innovate the environmental element guarantee mechanism, coordinate the alternative indicators of pollutant emissions, coordinate the alternative indicators of carbon emissions for collection, storage and adjustment, unify the collection and storage indicators to ensure key coal-fired power projects, pilot the exemption of the total amount of small and micro pollutants, comprehensively promote the pilot of emission rights trading, and continue to optimize the way of environmental law enforcement.

For construction projects and major provincial projects included in the planning and policy documents approved or approved by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, if there is still a gap in pollutant indicators in the city where the project is to be implemented after confirming that the potential for emission reduction is fully tapped, it can be solved by applying for overall allocation in the province and negotiating with other cities. Among them, the cities whose ambient air quality does not meet the standard in the previous year (the second level standard of national ambient air quality, the same below) must first meet the local requirements of at least 1 times the reduction and substitution of relevant air pollutants; Cities that meet the ambient air quality standards in the previous year must first meet the local requirements of at least 0.6 times the reduction and substitution of relevant air pollutants. If the above-mentioned reduction substitution ratio is still not reached after fully tapping the potential of emission reduction, the "one case one discussion" will be implemented.

For the carbon emission indicators reduced by the "two high" construction projects through capacity transfer, enterprise shutdown and conversion, elimination of backward production capacity, reduction of excess capacity, and replacement of fossil energy by nuclear power, the implementation of provincial and municipal hierarchical storage and adjustment. For provincial-level key projects and key projects related to the province's productivity layout and economic and social development, if there are difficulties in ensuring alternative indicators for carbon emission reduction at the municipal level, in accordance with the principle of "one matter, one discussion", each city shall submit an application, and the provincial level shall coordinate the situation of the collection and storage indicators to be resolved.

The provincial unified collection, storage and allocation of carbon emissions and pollutant emission substitution indicators for the shutdown and retreat of small coal-fired power units in the province during the 14th Five-Year Plan period will be used for the construction of clean and efficient coal-fired power units and small coal-fired power generation units. Among them, for cities whose ambient air quality does not meet the standards in the previous year, in principle, the local government can accept the pollutant substitution index transferred from other cities only after meeting at least one time of the relevant air pollutant reduction and substitution. For coal-fired power projects, the main air pollutant substitution indicators can come from the quantifiable clean energy substitution, outdated production capacity phase-out, and deep pollution control in the industry or non-power industries.    

In the industrial parks included in the linkage pilot, the construction unit is exempted from submitting a description of the total source of pollutants in the EIA, and the ecological environment department shall coordinate the total amount of pollutants by the ecological environment and replace the sources with the total amount of pollutants and include them in the management ledger.

Use market-oriented means to encourage enterprises and institutions to take the initiative to carry out comprehensive prevention and control of environmental pollution in the whole process, and broaden the sources of alternative indicators for the total amount of pollutants. Promote the optimal allocation of emission rights indicators, and guide the five cities of Jinan, Zaozhuang, Dongying, Linyi, and Liaocheng to carry out in-depth emission rights trading; Encourage other cities to carry out pilot exploration of emission rights trading. Combined with the progress of the introduction of the emission rights trading policy at the national level, we will study and formulate a pilot policy system for the paid use and trading of emission rights in the province, and carry out the province-wide cross-city trading emission rights index on a trial basis in 2025.

Promote the "expansion and increment" of the positive list, include enterprises with advanced environmental protection management, high emission performance and strong employment ability into the positive list, actively promote the expansion of small, medium and micro enterprises with small pollutant emissions and low environmental risks, and implement "nothing to disturb" for enterprises on the positive list, and reduce on-site law enforcement inspections. Promote the "expansion of coverage and efficiency" of online law enforcement and supervision, give full play to the role of a comprehensive law enforcement intelligent supervision system, improve off-site law enforcement and supervision application scenarios such as automatic monitoring, electricity supervision, and satellite remote sensing, and account for more than 40% of off-site law enforcement by the end of 2025.
