China Carbon Credit Platform

Wang Haiyang, Director of the Information Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Give full play to the key supporting role of informatization, digitalization and intelligence in data management

Release Time2 months ago


Data quality is the lifeline of the carbon market. How to ensure data quality? On July 21, Wang Haiyang, director of the Information Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said at the China Carbon Market Conference 2024 that it is necessary to give full play to the key supporting roles of informatization, digitalization and intelligence in data management, connect various business entities with informatization, and use digitalization to connect various business entities. Connect through various business links and use intelligence to assist analysis and decision-making. By further building a data quality analysis model, full-process management and full-process traceability of carbon emission data can be realized to ensure high-quality operation of the carbon market.


Wang Haiyang, Director of the Information Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Wang Haiyang introduced that they have carried out a lot of work on the quality of carbon market data, focusing on multiple carbon-related entities and multiple business links, and building a full-subject coverage, full-process supervision, full-parameter intelligent core, all-round strengthening, and full-society participation. China's carbon market data quality intelligent governance system.

First, full-body coverage supports efficient online operation of business. By building a national carbon market management platform that supports all entities, all businesses, and all processes, it serves the management end of the data review function of government authorities, serves the enterprise end of data submission from key emission units, and serves third-party organizations to carry out annual inspections. The verification end of verification, serves the public's information network to meet the needs of information disclosure, ensures that various entities can be linked in real time through the "three terminals and one network", so that all businesses in the carbon market can operate efficiently online. A working pattern of linkage between upper and lower levels, joint management, and a national game of chess has been basically formed.

Second, full-process supervision supports the digital management of MRV. In advance, the company will strengthen the defense line of the "first responsible person" by means of mandatory constraints and reminders for review. In the event, through big data analysis, all suspicious data are checked, and then the provincial and municipal levels are guided to identify one by one, and the chain of responsibility is consolidated through reviewing the data flow. Afterwards, by formulating work specifications and procedures, we will continuously iteratively optimize the built-in review rules and models of the system to carry out post-event inspections. Through standardized filling in advance, intelligent early warning during the event, and post-event inventory inspection, the closed loop of digital management of the entire MRV process is completed.

The third is real-time research and judgment on the quality of full-parameter intelligent core support data. By building an intelligent reconciliation model with built-in extreme values, thresholds, standard values, and logic, key indicators such as elemental carbon content and low calorific value are compared and analyzed in real time, providing guarantee for the implementation of the full-chain supervision mechanism of the three-level joint review mechanism. Conduct all-factor analysis to support data cross-verification. By establishing a unified carbon emission data center, we will apply law enforcement, law enforcement data real-time working conditions, CEMS, emission permits and other ecological environment data, as well as external data such as industry and commerce, coal, electricity, and energy consumption. Integrate and apply data to determine data consistency through big data comparison and analysis.

Fourth, the entire chain traceability supports accurate positioning of abnormal data. Based on the knowledge map, the logical association relationship between business data such as emissions, verification, trading, and performance and carbon-related entities such as units, enterprises, groups, and regions is constructed. The quantitative relationship between data is trained through AI models, and the problem is found through differences in quantitative relationships. Anomalies, and then further based on the data transmission path between parameters, accurately trace the source of data anomalies.

The fifth is to comprehensively strengthen and support the improvement of the ability of carbon-related entities. Comprehensively strengthen AI technologies based on enterprise reporting data, accounting verification guidelines, and policy interpretation information to create an online knowledge base in all fields of the carbon market, serve competent departments to intelligently search for carbon market-related information, and intelligently review relevant data, making it more convenient for key emission units to intelligently enter emission data for better accurate and intelligent consultation and obtain questions.

Sixth, the whole society participates in public supervision of supporting data quality. The National Carbon Market Information Network uniformly discloses information such as the list of key emission units, evaluations of third-party institutions, and performance completion status, accepts supervision from the whole society, and unblocks channels for feedback.

"The scheduled completion rate of emission reports and verifications in 2022 and 2023 is 100%. The company's data quality management capabilities have been continuously improved. Since the beginning of this year, as of May, the number of monthly deposit reviews and returns by the competent authorities has continued to decrease, and the quality of carbon market data has been relatively improved on the basis of the original." Wang Haiyang said.
