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This newspaper's article: How to do a good job in clean heating in winter? Let's see what Yulin does

Release Time1 month ago

Yulin City is located in the northernmost part of Shaanxi Province, with an area of 42,900 square kilometers and a permanent population of 3.6073 million. Yulin City is rich in fossil energy resources and is an important node in the three major national energy development policies of "transporting coal from west to east","transmitting electricity from west to east" and "transmitting gas from west to east". It is a core part of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia oil and gas field. At the same time, Yulin City is rich in renewable resources and is one of the important gathering areas of wind energy and solar energy resources in the country.

Although it has abundant coal resources, Yulin City adheres to the clean heating goal characterized by high efficiency, applicability and low cost. In accordance with the policy of enterprise-oriented, government-driven, affordable to residents, and sustainable results, combined with Yulin's actual situation, it strives to build a safe and reliable energy supply guarantee system that complements multiple clean energy sources, and fully promotes clean heating work. Since the implementation of the clean heating project, the city's air quality has continued to improve. The following experiences and practices for clean heating in Yulin City.

Strengthen top-level design and systematically solve common key issues. The Yulin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to clean heating work, list it as a "top leader" project and a popular support project, strengthen top-level design, and formulate technical guidelines and guidance for common key issues such as difficulties and blockages in project promotion to provide comprehensive guarantees for the completion of clean heating work. Establish a through-going leadership and guidance system that coordinates and promotes the general and county-level planning and implementation by town and village grid members, sinks responsibilities layer by layer, forms a flat management organizational structure, and implements clean heating work. The series of technical guidelines have been improved, and a number of technical documents such as the "Guiding Opinions on Optimizing Clean Heating Technical Routes in Yulin City","Technical Guidelines for Energy-Saving Renovation in Cave Dove", and "Guiding Opinions on Establishing and Improving a Long-term Operation Mechanism for Clean Heating in Winter" have been formulated to improve the overall work management level. Guide counties to formulate relevant policies according to local conditions, systematically and accurately promote the development of clean heating work in various counties, and provide guidance for counties to win the battle against clean heating and achieve long-term operations.

Actively demonstrate and explore to accelerate the application of renewable energy. Relying on the advantages of abundant renewable energy resources, in the vast rural areas, on the premise of giving priority to the development and utilization of renewable energy, we have established a renewable energy support and guarantee system with multiple complementary inputs such as biomass energy, solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy to promote high-quality development of clean heating work in rural areas. Combine it with rural revitalization and "photovoltaic county promotion" to promote the rural energy revolution, use social capital to revitalize the roof resources of rural houses, and promote rural "roof photovoltaic + clean heating" throughout villages and towns. Promote multi-energy complementary centralized heating and clean heating technology routes such as "roof light thermal + air source heat pump" in rural schools, township health centers, and welfare homes to improve heating comfort and reduce investment and operating costs. Establish a biomass energy collection, transportation, distributed processing and sales system based on local conditions to achieve clean heating of biomass energy. Since the launch of clean heating work, the city has added more than 3 million square meters of renewable energy heating area.

Open up the concession market and promote cogeneration into cities. The cogeneration central heating system has the characteristics of high energy utilization efficiency, stable heating, good thermal comfort and low cost. It is the primary heating method in northern heating areas. Yulin City has opened up urban and county heating concession markets, actively introduced ultra-low emission thermal power sources, and replaced scattered small boilers and non-ultra-low emission heating boilers in the Urban area through long-distance heat transfer. Taking Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province as an example, Shenmu City has invested a total of 1.7 billion yuan and has successively introduced heat sources from Shenhua Shendong Dianta Power Plant, Shaanxi Coal Shenmu Electrochemical Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Shengdong Coal and Electricity Group Co., Ltd., with a total heating capacity of 23 million square meters, a total heating network area of 17.5 million square meters, and about 100,000 heating users connected to the network. Nine coal-fired boiler houses and one private small thermal power plant have been banned, with significant economic and environmental benefits.

Promote triple control of energy and carbon pollution and promote industrial waste heat to rural areas. As a national-level energy and chemical base, Yulin City actively promotes the shift from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions. In accordance with the requirements of energy conservation, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, it fully promotes the extension of industrial waste heat heating to surrounding towns and rural areas. Fugu County makes full use of the waste heat of industrial enterprises such as magnesium metal and ferrosilicon in the county to carry out waste heat centralized heating transformation in seven towns including Goumen Town and Xinmin Town. A cumulative investment of 210 million yuan in three years has realized the transformation of the building area of 11288 households with 1.8 million square meters from bulk coal heating to industrial waste heat centralized heating. It can save 40,000 tons of standard coal every year, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 110,000 tons, and reduce 380 tons of smoke and dust emissions.

Heating and insulation will be reformed simultaneously to effectively reduce the heating operating costs of rural houses. The city's rural houses are large in size, scattered, have poor insulation performance, low thermal comfort, and high heating operating costs. Each household in rural areas generally needs 2-3 tons of coal per heating season, and the annual heating cost is about 2000 yuan. For clean energy heating, to meet the same comfort level, the operating cost of coal to gas is about 3000 yuan, and the operating cost of coal to electricity is about 4500 yuan. In order to effectively control the operating cost of clean heating, Yulin City adopted the simultaneous promotion model of "clean heat source renovation + energy-saving renovation of existing buildings" in formulating the renovation plan to effectively reduce the energy consumption of clean heating operation of rural houses, and provide clean heating support funds are tilted towards rural areas, and the energy-saving renovation area of existing buildings in rural areas exceeds 115%. The renovation and actual operation results show that this measure can reduce the heating energy consumption by about 1/3. On the premise of maintaining the heating cost of farmers at 2000 yuan per heating season, it can effectively improve the heating comfort of rural houses and is deeply appreciated by farmers. Welcome.

The author Chu Chengshan is a researcher at the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences Base of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Tianjin City; Wang Xinchun is a professor-level senior engineer at the Institute of Technical Information of the Building Materials Industry
