China Carbon Credit Platform

Liaoning issues implementation plan for continuous improvement of air quality

Release Time2 months ago

In order to implement the "Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality"(Guo Fa [2023] No. 24), implement the three-year action to comprehensively revitalize new breakthroughs, deepen the battle to defend the blue sky, effectively protect the health of the people, and promote high-quality economic development through continuous improvement of air quality. The government of Liaoning Province formulated the "Implementation Plan for Action for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Liaoning Province"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") based on actual conditions and implemented it on July 1.

The "Plan" clearly defines the main goal as that by 2025, the province's PM2.5The average concentration dropped below 34 micrograms/cubic meter, the ratio of excellent days reached more than 88.3%, the ratio of severe and above pollution days was controlled within 0.7%, and the total emissions of nitrogen oxides and VOCs dropped by more than 10% compared with 2020.

The "Plan" proposes to optimize the industrial structure and promote green upgrading of industrial products. Promote the optimization of industrial structure and layout. We must resolutely curb the blind launch of high-energy-consuming, high-emission, and low-level projects. New reconstruction and expansion projects must implement relevant requirements such as national industrial planning, ecological environment zoning control plans, and carbon emission peak targets. Orderly promote the transformation of blast-converter long-process steelmaking to electric furnace short-process steelmaking. By 2025, scrap steel will account for more than 15% of steelmaking raw materials. Implementing "determining coke by steel", the ratio of coking capacity to long-process steelmaking capacity will be controlled at around 0.4. Accelerate the withdrawal of backward production capacity in key industries, promote equipment updates and upgrades in key areas and optimize process processes, accelerate the elimination of backward and inefficient equipment and old equipment in extended service, and completely eliminate stepping sintering machines in the steel industry.

Promote green and low-carbon development of industries. Cities with concentrated manufacturing industries such as casting, magnesite, ceramics, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, and carbon will formulate industrial cluster development plans before the end of 2025. Further investigate heavily polluting enterprises that do not comply with urban construction plans, industry development plans, and ecological environment function positioning, and strictly prevent the rebound of "scattered polluting" enterprises. Actively create green factories and green industrial parks. Promote the healthy development of the green environmental protection industry.

Implement source substitution of low-VOCs raw and auxiliary materials. Carry out joint supervision and inspection by departments to ensure that VOCs content limit standards are strictly implemented in production, sales, import, use and other aspects. Focusing on industrial coating, packaging printing and adhesive use, we will implement source substitution projects for low-VOCs raw and auxiliary materials.

The "Plan" proposes to optimize the energy structure and accelerate the development of clean, low-carbon and efficient energy. Vigorously develop new energy and clean energy. In principle, self-contained coal-fired units will no longer be added, and self-contained coal-fired units will be supported to implement clean energy substitution. By 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 13.7%, and the proportion of electricity in terminal energy consumption will reach about 15%. Implement clean energy substitution for industrial furnaces, orderly promote the replacement of coal with electricity, and actively and steadily promote the replacement of coal with gas.

Actively carry out the shutdown and integration of coal-fired boilers. In principle, coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons/hour and below will no longer be built in built-up areas of cities at the county level and above. By 2025, PM2.5Coal-fired boilers of 10 steam tons/hour and below will be basically eliminated in cities that fail to meet the standards, and coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons/hour and below will be basically eliminated in all urban built-up areas.

Continue to promote clean heating. Promote the replacement of civil and agricultural bulk coal in the whole village and village according to local conditions. Cities that are included in the central financial support for clean heating in the northern region will complete the transformation tasks with high quality and quantity. The clean heating renovation of the Urban area (including urban villages and urban-rural fringe) and county towns in nine key cities, including Shenyang, Anshan, Fushun, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Liaoyang, Tieling, Panjin and Huludao, will be basically completed by the end of 2025. Urban area, county town and villages that have completed the replacement of bulk coal must ensure residents 'living and clean heating electricity and gas needs, and prevent the re-burning of bulk coal. Strictly crack down on the sales of inferior coal and comprehensively ban bulk coal sales outlets in high-polluting fuel no-burning zones in accordance with the law.

The "Plan" proposes to optimize the transportation structure and vigorously develop a green transportation system. Continue to optimize and adjust the cargo transportation structure. Promote multimodal transport of highways, railways, molten iron, etc., and promote the "decentralization and conversion" of bulk goods. By 2025, the proportion of container sea-rail combined transport volume in the port's container throughput will remain above 10%, and the proportion of bulk cargo transported by major coastal ports using collecting and diverting port railways, waterways, closed belt corridors, new energy vehicles and ships, etc. will strive to reach 80%; Railway freight volume has increased by about 10% compared with 2020, and railway freight volume has accounted for about 15%; the railway entry rate of important port areas in coastal ports has reached more than 70%.

Accelerate the improvement of the cleanliness level of motor vehicles. Promote new energy medium and heavy trucks in thermal power, steel, coal, coking, nonferrous metals and other industries and logistics parks, and develop zero-emission freight fleets. By 2025, the proportion of clean transportation of bulk goods will reach about 70%. Continue to promote the construction of new energy charging and replacing infrastructure. By 2025, the coverage rate of fast charging stations in high-speed service areas will not be less than 60%.

Strengthen the comprehensive management of non-road mobile sources. Promote the green development of non-road mobile machinery within railway freight yards, logistics parks, ports, airports, and industrial and mining enterprises. Eliminate old ships with high energy consumption and high emissions in accordance with the law, and promote the renovation of ship power receiving facilities and the construction of port power facilities. By 2025, the utilization rate of bridge power at Shenyang Taoxian Airport and Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport will reach more than 95%. Fully implement the fourth phase emission standards for non-road mobile diesel machinery. Strengthen the management and control of emission control areas and basically eliminate the phenomenon of "black smoke" from off-road mobile machinery and ships. Carry out code registration of non-road mobile machinery, and complete three-level networking of environmental protection code registration of engineering machinery in Urban area by 2025.

Comprehensively guarantee the quality of refined oil products. Strengthen supervision over all aspects of the import, production, warehousing, sales, transportation and use of refined oil products, and resolutely crack down on the sale of non-standard oil products as engine fuels. Increase the frequency of pumping and testing of diesel in trucks, non-road mobile machinery, and ship fuel tanks, and trace and investigate the responsibilities of relevant entities.

The "Plan" proposes to strengthen dust pollution prevention and refined management. Strengthen the control of dust pollution on construction sites and roads. Continue to strengthen the control of dust pollution in construction sites, industrial enterprise stockyards, urban roads, and bare land. Incorporate dust pollution prevention and control costs into the project cost. Continue to promote the development of prefabricated buildings. By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of new building area. The mechanized road cleaning rate in built-up areas of cities at prefecture level and above reaches about 80%, and that in counties reaches about 70%.

Strengthen ecological restoration and management of mines. Strengthen dust control in open-pit mines, and close mines that fail to meet production safety and ecological environment rectification within a time limit in accordance with the law. Fight and win the war of annihilation in Horqin Sand Land and build a solid ecological security barrier in northern my country.

Strengthen the comprehensive utilization of straw and ban burning. Improve the efficiency of straw leaving the field, improve the standardization and standardization level of straw returning to the field, build a number of key counties for comprehensive straw utilization, cultivate and expand straw utilization management entities, improve the straw harvesting, transportation and transportation service system and the straw comprehensive utilization monitoring and evaluation system, and enhance industrialization capabilities., the comprehensive utilization rate of straw has stabilized at more than 90%. Strengthen the control of straw burning bans, accurately divide the scope of straw burning bans, consolidate straw supervision responsibilities, and comprehensively use satellite remote sensing, high-definition video surveillance, drones and other technical means to strengthen supervision under unfavorable meteorological conditions.

The "Plan" proposes to reduce the emission intensity of pollutants. Strengthen the comprehensive management of VOCs throughout the process and all links. Regularly carry out tank tightness testing. High-concentration organic waste gas from sewage treatment sites must be collected and treated separately. Organic waste gas from organic wastewater storage tanks containing VOCs and water collection wells (ponds) in installation areas must be collected and treated in a closed manner. During the start-up, shutdown, inspection and maintenance period of the enterprise, timely collect and treat VOCs waste gas generated by material return, cleaning, purging and other operations. Enterprises are not allowed to use torch burning devices as daily air pollution treatment facilities.

Promote emission reduction in key industries and regions. More than 80% of the province's steel production capacity will be transformed into ultra-low emission by the end of 2025. Orderly advance the ultra-low emission transformation of the cement, coking industries and coal-fired boilers (including electricity) with a capacity of more than 65 tons per hour. Huludao City has strengthened sulfur dioxide emission control. By 2025, the average concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air will drop by 20% compared with 2020.

Carry out prevention and control of restaurant fumes, odors and ammonia pollution. Strictly manage the layout of catering service units near residential buildings. Special flue pipes should be designed and constructed for buildings where catering service units are to be opened. Strengthen the investigation and rectification of odors and odors disturbing the people, and install and operate online monitoring systems in key industrial parks and key enterprises. Steadily advance the prevention and control of atmospheric ammonia pollution.

The "Plan" proposes to improve the atmospheric environment management system. Strengthen the management of urban air quality standards. Cities that have met the standards have promoted the consolidation and improvement of air quality. Cities divided into districts whose air quality fails to meet the standards will prepare and implement plans to meet the standards within a time limit, clarify the road map and key tasks, and make them public to achieve air quality standards by the end of 2025.

Improve the regional air pollution prevention and control cooperation mechanism. Further improve the regional air joint prevention and control working mechanism, give full play to the role of the Northeast "three provinces and one district" air pollution joint prevention and control framework agreement, and effectively achieve information exchange, resource sharing, and pollution control. Promote joint prevention and control of air pollution in Shenyang Metropolitan Area and cities in western Liaoning to jointly respond to the transmission of air pollutants.

Improve the response mechanism for severely polluted weather. Before the end of 2024, we will revise and improve emergency plans for severely polluted weather in provinces, cities and counties, optimize start-up standards for severely polluted weather warnings, and improve the accuracy of regional pollution process forecasts. Promote enterprises in key industries to improve their environmental protection performance and implement differentiated management and control measures during heavy pollution weather warning periods. Combined with the emission permit system, ensure that the emergency emission reduction list covers all gas-related enterprises, and complete the revision of the emergency emission reduction measure list before the end of September every year.

The "Plan" proposes to strengthen capacity building and strictly enforce law enforcement supervision. Improve atmospheric environment monitoring and control capabilities. Further improve PM2.5Collaborate with the ozone management monitoring network to carry out non-methane total hydrocarbon monitoring. Add and optimize county (city, district) air quality monitoring points, pilot air quality monitoring in key provincial-level townships, and add small and micro stations in towns with serious pollution. Regularly update the list of key pollutant discharge units in the atmospheric environment to ensure full coverage of qualified enterprises. Promote key atmospheric environment pollutant discharge units to install automatic monitoring equipment in accordance with the law, connect with ecological environment departments and operate stably, and promote enterprises to install working conditions monitoring, electricity (energy use) monitoring, video monitoring, etc. Build a remote online monitoring platform for heavy diesel vehicles and off-road mobile machinery.

Strengthen atmospheric environment supervision and law enforcement. Expand remote information-based supervision technical means such as industrial electricity consumption monitoring, satellite remote sensing, hotspot grids, and ship exhaust telemetry, strengthen data analysis and application, and improve supervision efficiency. Establish a provincial-level cross-supervision and assistance work system in different places to guide grassroots levels to improve supervision levels. Implement joint law enforcement by multiple departments to crack down on ecological and environmental violations in accordance with the law.

Strengthen scientific and technological support for decision-making. Carry out research on ozone source interpretation, formation mechanism and transmission rules, and evaluate the effect of ozone precursor emission reduction measures. By 2025, cities at the prefecture level and above will complete the compilation of pollution source emission lists, establish a list of VOCs components from industrial sources and an emission list of agricultural sources and domestic sources, and strive to form dynamic pollution traceability capabilities.

Promote the improvement of the regulatory and standard system. According to the national legislative process, study and formulate measures for the prevention and control of pollution related to mobile sources in our province. Formulate more stringent local air pollutant emission standards for steel, coking, thermal power and other industries and coal-fired boilers. Encourage groups and enterprises to formulate stricter standards and technical specifications.

The "Plan" proposes to implement the responsibilities of all parties and carry out national actions. Strengthen organizational leadership. Uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership over air pollution prevention and control. Local governments at all levels have overall responsibility for air quality within their respective administrative regions. All municipal governments and the Provincial Shenfu Demonstration Zone Management Committee should regard air pollution prevention and control as a key area of fiscal expenditure, and relevant departments directly under the provincial (central) government should coordinate special funding guarantees. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will work with relevant departments to strengthen overall coordination and conduct dispatch evaluations.

Strengthen supervision and assessment. Take air quality improvement goals and the completion of key tasks as important contents of in-depth effectiveness assessment of the battle against pollution. Provide incentives to areas that exceed goals and tasks, impose penalties on areas with prominent problems, and organize special inspections and supervision and assistance as appropriate.

Carry out national action. Mobilize all sectors of society to participate extensively in atmospheric environmental protection, promote information disclosure, widely publicize and interpret air pollution prevention and control policies, measures and progress results, accept reports of air pollution violations through multiple channels, do a good job in public welfare publicity, and advocate green, civilized and environmentally friendly production and lifestyle.
