China Carbon Credit Platform

Shanghai makes a "big article" of low-carbon creation in "small neighborhoods"

Release Time2 months ago

Facing the Nanjing West Road International Business District and backed by the old residential area, the area is 1.07 square kilometers, with 29,600 permanent residents, and nearly 100,000 mobile white-collar workers every day. This is Shanghai's smallest street-Shimen Second Road Street in Jing 'an District. This street, which has the flavor of an "old city" and the temperament of an international metropolis, took the initiative to accept the task of creating a low-carbon demonstration in 2022, becoming Shanghai's first low-carbon demonstration unit with the entire street as the main body.

"We are committed to building a 'laboratory' to export the 'stone two experience' to green and low-carbon construction in the central Urban area of Shanghai's megacity." Zheng Xuan, deputy director of the Shimen Second Road Subdistrict Office, said that in the past two years, he has been "crossing the river by feeling the stones" and has gradually formed some directional exploration results.

Create a digital and intelligent information platform that integrates carbon footprints in all aspects

The creation of low-carbon streets involves many aspects such as low-carbon organizational management, energy conservation and low-carbon transformation, and the practice of low-carbon behaviors. How to accurately calculate the contribution value of each content in the overall creation work? After efforts to break through the "data barrier", the digital intelligence platform for low-carbon community in Shimen Second Road Street was successfully developed and launched.setShow the carbon reduction situation in each scenario.

Arriving at the Urban Operation Management Center of Shimen Second Road Street, the reporter saw this information platform. A large screen is divided into three sections. A three-dimensional map of the street is displayed in the middle of the screen, and modules such as garbage classification, urban park, and green photovoltaic are distributed below. You can click on it to see the location of the street and the current carbon reduction situation. On both sides of the screen, information such as monthly photovoltaic power generation capacity, annual total carbon sinks in green parks, use of new energy charging piles, and energy conservation and carbon reduction activities can be seen at a glance.

"You can see it on the platform how many hours of charging piles are used every day, how much carbon emissions are saved, how much electricity is generated by photovoltaic panels, etc." Zheng Xuan introduced that it is very difficult to obtain these data. After coordination from various parties, the street found the power department to obtain authorization, and also developed a specially designed data interface.

The reporter noticed that in addition to information display, the Digital Intelligence Platform can also rank and analyze these data. Opening the new interface, you can see the carbon reduction situation of the entire street at a glance. The ranking of the total cumulative recyclables in residential areas this year and the trend analysis of carbon reduction of street recyclables, statistics on the carbon reduction situation of green sinks in parks, green spaces and schools, and annual green plant carbon reduction trends. Data models such as trends and photovoltaic carbon reduction trends are displayed one by one.

"To establish a low-carbon community digital intelligence platform, on the one hand, we hope to trace, query and dynamically update the entire process of street carbon emission data. On the other hand, we also hope that after this data is accumulated to a certain amount, through statistical analysis on the Digital Intelligence Platform, it can provide data support for achieving the goal of low-carbon community construction and help explore and establish a low-carbon development path that is more suitable for our streets." Zheng Xuan said.

Starting from recycling milk cartons, looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions in the construction of a "waste-free city"

Shimen Erlu Street is located in a densely populated central Urban area. There are 11 residential areas and more than 550 shops along the street in the area. In addition, there are 31 commercial building parks. How to develop carbon reduction scenarios suitable for such central Urban area streets and towns is a problem that has to be faced.

In line with Shanghai's general trend of promoting the construction of a high-standard "waste-free city", Shimen Second Road Street is actively exploring ways to reduce carbon emissions in the creation of "waste-free".

Shimen Second Road Street connects the lively Nanjing West Road and the beautiful Suhe Bay. Many boutique coffee shops gather here, and a large number of waste such as waste milk boxes and paper cups are also produced. "Milk cartons, paper cups, etc. are low-value recyclables, and the recycling problem has never been easy to solve." Street worker Yao Chunyan told reporters,"But if we recycle it specifically, it can produce greater value. So starting from July 2023, the street has joined forces with 15 coffee shops and started to implement the 'Box-Gathering Operation.'"

Every morning, the staff of "Operation Box Collection" will drive a blue car to these cafes in turn to collect milk cartons and other waste. The reporter saw that there was also a special garbage can in the coffee shop with the words "Please send the milk carton home." "We will provide milk cartons, garbage cans or garbage bags based on the needs of the coffee shop to facilitate collection by the coffee shop." Cui Wei, project officer of the Aifen Environmental Technology Consulting Service Center, which is responsible for operating the operation, said,"Now we can receive about 100 milk cartons every day, about 5.2 kilograms. Since the beginning of the operation, about 1500 kilograms of recycled material have been collected."

In addition to milk cartons,"Operation Boxing" will also help collect cartons, aluminum bottles, iron cans, plastic bottles, etc. that stores cannot dispose of. The collected recyclables will be sent to recycling companies and universities, where they can regain their lives. "We are in contact with companies. Next, we plan to recycle and reuse the milk cartons that came out of the coffee shop to collect production costs, pens, desk calendars and other items, and then 'walk back' to the coffee shop to form a closed loop. I hope this can convey the concept of low-carbon living." Cui Wei said.

Not only that, Shimen Second Road Street also goes deep into residential communities to carry out recyclable resource recycling services. "Last year, we also teamed up with Urban Development Group to carry out more than 100 paid recycling activities of more than 3 kilograms in various residential areas under the jurisdiction, recycling about 6000 kilograms of recyclable material." Street worker Yao Chunyan introduced.

Changes in these data are also reflected on the digital intelligence platform. According to the statistics of "Cumulative Total Recyclable Materials in Residential Areas This Year", the figure in 2023 will increase exponentially compared with previous years, and the corresponding carbon emission reduction will also be considerable.

Widely disseminate green and low-carbon concepts and gather every bit of carbon reduction power

Adhering to the concept of "people's cities are built by the people, and people's cities are for the people", Shimen Second Road Street relies on the "triple" working model of "joint sharing of resources, joint activities, and joint environmental innovation" to jointly promote low-carbon communities with relevant co-construction units. Create. The street, in conjunction with the Shanghai Museum of Natural History, a unit in the jurisdiction, launched a series of activities of "Green and Low-Carbon Knowledge and Natural Science Education Entering the Community". With the Butterfly Bay Citizen Gardening Center as a base, relying on the unique and rich advantages of the Shanghai Museum of Natural History in ecological civilization science education, it will provide residents in the jurisdiction. Popularize natural science knowledge and low-carbon concepts.

In addition, the street also relies on the construction of low-carbon communities to build residents 'autonomous miniature ecological gardens in public spaces in multiple communities, plant flowers and green plants in corners, draw beautiful wall paintings, and add rainwater gardens, solar lights, landscape optimization, ecological bird houses and other elements stimulate residents' enthusiasm to participate in the transformation of small and micro spaces, and strive to develop "sporadic bonsai" into "entire landscapes." In 2023, a total of 7 community micro-updates will be completed, which not only creates a community green space for co-construction and sharing, but also further expands the community green area.

According to Zheng Xuan, all 11 residential areas in the jurisdiction have completed the task of green community construction, with a compliance rate of 100%. Among them, two residential areas have been rated as district-level green community creation demonstration units, and Xinfukangli Residential Area has been rated as a municipal-level green community creation demonstration unit and has been selected into the national collection of green communities.


The original title of China Environment News was:

Shanghai Shimen Second Road Street became Shanghai's first low-carbon demonstration unit with the entire street as the main body

Make a "big article" of low-carbon creation in "small neighborhoods"
