China Carbon Credit Platform

Xi'an Xianyang International Airport takes multiple measures to create a higher-level "green airport"

Release Time3 months ago

Recently, Xi'an Xianyang International Airport's "Case of Intelligent Optimization of Baggage Sorting System Path, Creating Efficiency and Energy Saving" won the excellent case of "2024 China's Civil Airport Carbon Emission Management Capability Improvement Case" at the 5th China Airport Development Conference and Innovation Achievements Exhibition. At the same time,"Cases of intelligent linkage and energy-saving and environmental protection renovation of air conditioning in passenger boarding bridge corridors","Cases of energy-saving optimization and energy efficiency improvement renovation of water storage and cooling systems" and "Cases of comprehensive energy management systems supporting green and low-carbon development" were rated as selected cases.

It is understood that the "Case of Intelligent Optimization of Baggage Sorting System Path to Create Efficiency and Energy Saving" focuses on research on energy-consuming equipment in the baggage system. Through the technological transformation that integrates system backup path optimization and intelligent energy consumption monitoring, the number of equipment used and running time are scientifically adjusted to achieve energy consumption management goals of low-carbon operation and resource conservation. Specifically, it includes converting line confluence during system emergency backup into normalized confluence, reducing the number of motors used, reducing equipment operating energy consumption, and setting four operating energy-saving modes; installing energy consumption monitoring equipment, analyzing the system power supply structure, and refining Energy use units, installing smart meters to achieve accurate monitoring of energy consumption, and scientifically guiding on-site flexible energy-saving mode switching through energy consumption trend charts, effectively reducing energy consumption by 28.5%; Build an energy consumption management platform, through which data applications such as energy consumption trend charts and energy consumption rankings can be viewed to more accurately judge and guide operation and maintenance personnel to carry out system convergence and energy-saving measures.

As an important part of the low-carbon and near-zero-carbon pilot construction of Xixian New Area Airport New City, Xi'an Xianyang International Airport combines technical practice with comprehensive management to continue to promote the implementation of green and low-carbon projects to improve carbon emission management levels, implement green transformation of the airport industry, and strive to create a higher level of "green airport".
