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Document from Secretary of Chaoyang District Committee of Beijing City: Supporting high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment--Based on practical exploration of ecological civilization construction in Chaoyang District, Beijing City

Release Time2 months ago

XiJinpingThe general secretary pointed out: "Nature is the basic condition for human survival and development. Respecting nature, complying with nature, and protecting nature are inherent requirements for comprehensively building a modern socialist country. We must firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and plan development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between man and nature." As the central Urban area of a megacity and a "large-scale ecological environment construction demonstration area" in Beijing City, in recent years, Chaoyang District has always followedXiJinpingThe direction guided by the General Secretary adheres to the concepts of ecological priority and green development, and is based on the requirements of the "Beijing Urban Master Plan (2004 - 2020)" and "Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016 - 2035)" for regional development positioning. Quality ecological environment supports high-quality development and continuously explores the sunrise practical path of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The key points and focus of promoting ecological civilization construction in Chaoyang District

The construction of ecological civilization in Chaoyang District is a concrete practice in promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature in the central Urban area of the capital. It is a concrete exploration of taking the path of ecological priority in the prosperous Urban area of megacities. It is a concrete manifestation of improving the functions of the capital and showing the image of the country.

The first is to demonstrate the effectiveness of building a beautiful China. Chaoyang District's unique international resource advantages and special functional positioning make the ecological civilization construction of Chaoyang District assume a window function for the world. It is an important responsibility and mission of Chaoyang District as the central Urban area of the capital to convey China's ecological civilization concept and demonstrate the effectiveness of China's ecological civilization governance.

The second is to practice the concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. As the epitome of the development of megacities, high-quality development is the top priority of Chaoyang District. Chaoyang District insists onXiJinpingGuided by the idea of ecological civilization, while protecting the urban ecological environment and restoring "lucid waters and green mountains", we must also scientifically arrange production, ecology and living spaces, and actively explore the transformation of "lucid waters and green mountains" into "invaluable assets". Mechanism and realization path, allowing high-level protection to provide important support for high-quality development and helping the region achieve more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and safer development.

The third is to promote organic urban renewal. Urban renewal is a process that lays the foundation for controlling "urban diseases". The purpose is to keep cities young and full of vitality at all times. For Chaoyang District, it is necessary to further explore the integration of the concept of ecological civilization construction into the entire process of urban renewal, and use urban renewal to make Chaoyang more beautiful in renewal and promote continuous renewal in more beautiful.

The fourth is to respond to the people's needs for a better life. carry outXiJinpingThe vivid practical research of ecological civilization thought in Chaoyang and planning the construction of ecological civilization in Chaoyang from a more systematic and higher strategic level are the basis for adhering to the people-centered approach and better meeting the people's new expectations for a better life.

Practical exploration and effectiveness of promoting ecological civilization construction in Chaoyang District

inXiJinpingUnder the guidance of the idea of ecological civilization, Chaoyang District insists on integrating the new development concept into the overall urban development strategy, firmly grasps the laws and characteristics of urban development, and actively explores the integration and practice of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and "People's cities are built by the people, People's cities are built for the people" The integration and practice of the important concepts closely integrates ecological and environmental protection with industrial transformation and development, and the improvement of people's quality of life, and collaboratively promotes "good ecology, rich people, and beautiful environment." A series of cases have been formed such as the win-win development of ecological benefits and economic quality in the Liangma River Waterfront, and a path of ecological civilization construction that conforms to the development laws of prosperous areas of megacities and reflects the functions and regional characteristics of the capital.


Build a "big ecology" work pattern

The first is to strengthen the party's overall leadership over ecological work. The construction of ecological civilization is a major political issue related to the party's mission and purpose. Strengthening the party's overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization is the fundamental guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization in our country. In 2019, Chaoyang District established the Ecological Civilization Construction Committee of the Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China of Beijing City. The Ecological Civilization Committee of the District Committee serves as the deliberation and coordination body of the district committee to uniformly deploy and organize the promotion of ecological civilization construction in the district. The office is located in the District Ecological Environment Bureau.

The second is to adhere to planning guidance. On the basis of the continuous preparation and promulgation of a five-year plan for ecological and environmental protection, the "Ecological Civilization Construction Plan for Chaoyang District of Beijing City (2023-2035)" was formulated to carry out systematic planning and long-term planning for the construction of ecological civilization in Chaoyang District. At the same time, we will study and formulate special plans or action plans for key areas such as pollution prevention and control, biodiversity protection,"double carbon", circular economy development, and garden cities to provide a strong guarantee for "one blueprint to the end".

The third is to improve the regulatory system and mechanism. Strengthen departmental linkage, refine daily inspections, and carry out joint law enforcement to ensure early detection, early cessation, early reporting, and early investigation of illegal activities. The "Annual Task and Measures List for Building a Modern Environmental Governance System in Chaoyang District" was issued to consolidate the responsibilities of ecological and environmental protection. Establish the "Implementation Rules for Environmental Protection Assessment" for streets and rural systems, and incorporate the assessment results into the government performance management assessment and the assessment and evaluation of leadership teams and their members, creating a complete closed loop of work.

Promote the improvement of ecological space quality

The first is to fight the tough battle against pollution. Deeply implement the "one microgram" action and increase comprehensive improvement of the atmospheric environment in key areas and key industries. In 2023, the number of excellent days in Chaoyang District will be 256, an increase of 94 days from 2013. Major atmospheric pollutants (PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2) The concentration has reached the national secondary standard for ambient air quality, and achieved outstanding results of "blue sky and white clouds". Three three-year action plans for sewage treatment and recycled water utilization, and urban and rural water environment management have been continuously implemented to promote the "five water co-treatment". 34 (sections), 106 kilometers of black and smelly water bodies and 77 small and micro water bodies in the district have been treated. Focusing on effectively controlling soil pollution risks in agricultural land and construction land, and effectively ensuring regional soil environmental safety, the safe utilization rate of contaminated land and contaminated cultivated land in the district will be 100% in 2023.

The second is to create diverse and high-quality ecological spaces. Chaoyang District has seized the opportunity of reducing development and promoting improvement, continued to carry out afforestation and greening work such as planning and building green, leaving space and increasing green, orderly promoted two rounds of million-acre plain afforestation, and used green to darn public spaces, initially forming a green space pattern of "two rings and six wedges, five rivers and ten gardens, and multiple corridors intertwined". As of the end of 2022, the total urban green area in Chaoyang District is 16,000 hectares, and the park green area is 6409 hectares. Both indicators rank first in Beijing City, with the per capita green area of 46.74 square meters; the forest coverage rate has increased to 23.9%, and the green coverage rate has increased to 48.08%. Build a four-level park system of "large, medium, small and micro", and take the lead in carrying out the construction of "boundless parks" to provide the general public with more and better green leisure space, so that people can "push through the window to see the green, go out and enter the park". In accordance with the concept of co-governance of watersides and co-integration of water cities, the management of waterside space in Xiaohuangou River, Liangma River, Bahe River, Tonghui River and other river courses has been successively launched. The waterside space of Liangma River has realized the urban green line, river blue line, and ecological red line."Three-line integration" has become a typical experience in driving urban renewal through river rejuvenation. Actively carry out greenway construction, forming a greenway network that connects areas, connects urban and rural areas, and covers communities.

The third is to beautify the urban and rural environment with new features. Chaoyang District has successively implemented three rounds of back streets and alleys management actions, completing the environmental improvement and quality improvement of 716 back streets and alleys. 110 streets with beautiful environment have been built, and about 322 kilometers of overhead communication lines have been completed. The quality of the city's appearance and environment has been significantly improved. Formulate and implement a three-year action plan for integrated urban and rural development. Rural areas will be dismantled and transformed, environmental construction, industrial upgrading, and governance optimization will go hand in hand, and the spatial form of urbanization will continue to improve. Promote the construction of smart villages and complete the construction of 32 smart villages in 8 townships. Promote the "toilet revolution", adhere to the concepts of energy conservation, environmental protection, and resource recycling, and solve problems such as dirty and smelly toilets, cross-flow of sewage, and incomplete manure and urine treatment. The second batch of 10 beautiful villages has been fully built, and Xiaoludian Village has won the honorary title of National Rural Governance Demonstration Village.

The fourth is to promote the construction of "diverse sunrise". Chaoyang District adheres to the concept of being close to nature, coordinates ecological environmental protection and the construction of wild animal habitats, matches plant food plants and honey plants, and appropriately leaves them in the wild. At the same time, it combines rainwater and flood storage to build small and micro wetlands to provide food, water and shelter for wild animals. In accordance with the plant selection principles of "local, longevity, stress resistance, food source, and beauty", high-level greening projects are used to connect fragmented ecological islands. Biodiversity survey data in Chaoyang District show that as of now, there are 1782 species of various groups in Chaoyang District, including 59 key protected species.

Explore green and low-carbon development methods

The first is to aim at "high-tech and cutting-edge" and promote green and low-carbon development of industries. Chaoyang District insists on paying equal attention to promoting the green transformation of traditional industries and seizing new tracks for strategic emerging industries. On the one hand, we will prohibit the entry of high-energy-consuming, high-water-consuming, and high-polluting enterprises such as cement and chemicals from the source, speed up the dismantling of general service industries such as commodity trading, and promote the green and low-carbon development of traditional advantageous industries. On the other hand, we actively promote the deep integration of industrial digitalization, intelligence and green development. With Zhongguancun Chaoyang Park as a key area, we will implement artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, industrial Internet, network information security, and spatial geographic information industry cluster improvement actions, establish the country's first Internet 3.0 application scenario research institute, and explore the dual cycle of technological innovation and traditional industry development. model. The energy consumption per unit of GDP in Chaoyang District has dropped from 0.2159 tons of standard coal/10,000 yuan in 2013 to 0.1182 tons of standard coal/10,000 yuan in 2022. A high-tech and sophisticated industrial structure system with high technological content, low resource consumption, and little environmental pollution has basically taken shape.

The second is to coordinately promote energy conservation and carbon reduction to help achieve the "double carbon" goal. Chaoyang District has incorporated carbon peak and carbon neutrality into the overall development of the region, and coordinated the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth. Taking the full implementation of the "dual control" goals and tasks of energy consumption and carbon emissions as the starting point, we will continuously improve the circular economy system of energy conservation and carbon reduction management system and production and consumption system, and build a carbon peak that recycles resources within the region and interacts with resources within and outside the region. A new situation in carbon neutrality work. The region has basically achieved "coal-free", and an energy structure system dominated by clean energy such as electricity and natural gas has basically taken shape. Relying on resource centers such as waste incineration power plants and sewage treatment plants, we will build a green development demonstration park for the recycling industry.

The third is to focus on key areas and continue to improve the construction of green facilities systems. Continue to promote the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system. At present, the district has opened 12 rail transit lines, 86 stations, a total length of the rail network of 163 kilometers, and a network density of 0.36 kilometers/square kilometer. The slow-moving system and public transportation system are connected, and a green travel network with the coordinated development of rail transit, ground bus, bicycle and pedestrian systems has basically taken shape. Encourage private cars, public vehicles of enterprises and institutions, social vehicles and other fuel passenger cars to replace them with new energy vehicles, and continue to increase the construction and layout of new energy vehicle charging piles. In view of the high proportion of energy in the service industry and concentrated energy in buildings in Chaoyang District, we support the green development of the construction industry. 2020-2022 In 2000, all new green buildings in Chaoyang District met the green building standards of one star and above.

The fourth is to mobilize extensive participation from society. Explore the river chief system and forest chief system with Chaoyang characteristics, innovate the closed-loop working mechanism of "inspection and discovery-supervision and rectification-feedback implementation-review and inspection-cancellation and filing", and realize the "three long linkage and three long integration" of forest chief, river chief, and field chief. Innovate the participation mechanism for youth public welfare volunteer services in the "Chaoyang Little Three Leaders"(Xiaohe Chief, Kobayashi Chief, and Oda Chief), and carry out common knowledge on ecological and environmental protection of forests, water and fields in an orderly manner.Xiand publicity and other activities. From 2017 to 2023, there were more than 5500 volunteers in the "Chaoyang River Chief", the river patrol mileage exceeded 130,000 kilometers, and the total volunteer service duration was 57053 hours. This project has become the first batch of projects in the National Youth Volunteer Service Excellent Project Library. Actively advocate a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, and vigorously promote the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection. Strengthen environmental propaganda and education, use various traditional media, new media such as Weibo and WeChat, and online and offline theme activities as the starting point to demonstrate the effectiveness of ecological civilization construction in Chaoyang District and create a "Ecological Chaoyang" propaganda and education brand. Promote ecological civilization education into campuses and guide young people to be disseminators and practitioners of ecological civilization concepts.

Situation and problems faced by ecological civilization construction in Chaoyang District

In the new stage of development, the construction of ecological civilization in Chaoyang District requires high-quality ecological environment to support high-quality development and accelerate the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. From the current point of view, although the ecological civilization construction and ecological environment protection work in Chaoyang District has made positive progress and results, the problem of weak integrity and systematicness of ecological civilization construction still exists, which is consistent with the overall requirements for building a beautiful China, the inherent requirements of regional high-quality development. There is still a certain gap between the people's growing needs for a beautiful ecological environment.

The level of synergy and linkage in ecological governance needs to be enhanced

First, there are still problems such as weak coordination in ecological governance. In the same ecological management project, the problem of each department managing one piece and each managing one ring still exists. Second, ecological governance capabilities still need to be strengthened. There are still shortcomings in our ability to deal with new problems arising in the field of ecological civilization construction. Third, the construction of the ecological system must be further deepened. Although the district has established an ecological compensation mechanism for the water environment, the ecological compensation mechanism for farmland, ecological forest land and other aspects needs to be further improved.

The balance and connectivity of ecological space need to be improved

First, the connectivity of green spaces in structural green spaces is insufficient. There are still large-scale planned green spaces to be built in the two green isolation areas, the leisure and recreational green belt between the sub-center, and important green wedges and green corridors in the area. Second, the problem of unbalanced green space development has long existed. There is still a certain gap between urban and rural areas and between north and south. Third, the ecological service function of green space needs to be strengthened. Some parks have poor service quality and unclear characteristics.

The path to coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth needs to be broadened

First, there is limited room for further promotion of structural emission reduction. The cost and difficulty of continuing to deeply tap potential in industries such as industry, construction, transportation, wholesale and retail, and residential life services are becoming increasingly important. There is limited room for energy conservation and consumption reduction brought by future industrial structural adjustment. Second, urban development has put greater pressure on carbon emission reduction. Third, the path from "lucid waters and lush mountains" to "invaluable assets and silver" is still unclear, and the path and mechanism for the transformation of the "two mountains" need further research and clarification.

The supply quality and capabilities of the ecological environment need to be improved

First, the environmental infrastructure system still needs to be further improved. The level of source reduction of domestic waste and the compliance rate of classified facility construction and management still need to be improved. Second, continuous efforts are needed to solve environmental pollution problems around the people. Third, the degree of national participation in ecological and environmental protection needs to be further improved. The concept of citizens 'green lifestyle has not yet been fully formed, and their awareness and enthusiasm for participating in environmental protection are not high. The government still needs to continue to make efforts in strengthening the openness of environmental protection facilities to the public, increasing the scope of ecological and environmental information disclosure, and strengthening policy interpretation and legal popularization.

Thoughts on further promoting the construction of ecological civilization

The establishment of a national ecological civilization construction demonstration zone in Chaoyang District in 2023 marks that the ecological civilization construction in Chaoyang District has entered a new stage of development. In the new era and new journey, Chaoyang District must base itself on its own development reality, further improve its strategic and systematic understanding of ecological civilization construction, establish a firm concept of ecological priority and green development, and letXiJinpingThe idea of ecological civilization has taken root and blossomed in Chaoyang District.

Explore the path to realize the transformation of the "two mountains" and drive the green and high-quality development of the regional economy

The first is to explore the institutional mechanisms and realization paths for the transformation of the "two mountains". Further study and sort out the realization mechanism of the Liangma River's "two mountains" transformation to form replicable and replicable experiences. Promote the integration of the Liangma River "Five Yiyi" Index and the "Two Mountains" Index of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and build a "Two Mountains" Index evaluation system with Chaoyang characteristics.

The second is to build a modern industrial system that is environmentally friendly, green and low-carbon. Coordinate industrial transformation and upgrading and ecological and environmental protection, and make greater efforts to "smash cages to replace green","vacate cages to replace birds" and "open cages to attract phoenixes". Promote the deep integration of industrial digitalization, intelligence and greening. Strictly implement Beijing's list of prohibitions and restrictions on new industries, continue to dismantle non-capital functional industries, and vigorously promote the green and low-carbon transformation of existing industries. Actively promote the construction of green industrial parks. Pay close attention to the construction of the main carrying area of the international consumption center city and build a number of "zero-carbon" stores and product experience stores. Vigorously develop circular economy and improve the effectiveness of domestic waste classification and resource recycling.

The third is to actively and steadily implement the "double carbon" goal. Further promote the adjustment and optimization of energy structure and continue to improve energy utilization efficiency. Increase the innovative application of low-carbon technologies and plan and deploy a number of new R & D institutions and scientific research platforms. Take urban renewal as an opportunity to promote green transformation in key areas such as construction, transportation, and heating. Give full play to Chaoyang's internationalization advantages and explore the localized application of international carbon emission reduction certification mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), International Voluntary Carbon Emission Reduction Standards (VCS), and Gold Standard (GS). Encourage local enterprises and institutions to participate in the formulation of standards, guidelines and methods related to carbon peak and carbon neutrality in fields such as green finance, carbon trading, and energy consumption.

Take into account key issues and systematic governance to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of the urban ecological environment

The first is to deepen the battle against pollution. Fight the battle to defend the blue sky, give more prominence to source management, take the control of fine particulate matter as the main line, and establish and improve a coordinated management system for multiple pollutants. Fight the battle to defend clear water, more highlight the harmony between people and water, establish a dynamic mechanism for problem prevention, detection and disposal, and comprehensively carry out general survey and rectification of mixed rain and sewage. Strengthen the construction of water network ecological corridors and actively promote the construction of hydrophilic brands such as Beixiaohe, Bahe, and Tonghui River. Fight the battle to defend the pure land, adhere to prevention first, protection first, classified management, and implement integrated prevention and control of soil pollution and groundwater pollution. Give greater emphasis to reduced use, resource utilization and harmless treatment, and promote the construction of a "waste-free" Urban area with high standards. Focus on key parks, enterprises, units and other solid waste sources, implement the "waste cell-free" action on a point-to-point basis, and promote source reduction.

The second is to implement ecological space use control. Deepen the management and control of ecological spatial zoning and promote the formation of an urban ecosystem with forests as the main body, rivers as the veins, farmland and lakes as the embellishments, and rich biodiversity. According to the district-level ecological environment zoning management and control ("three lines and one order") system, formulate an ecological environment access list that meets the district-level refined management requirements, and implement differentiated environmental management and access requirements. Integrate the ecological protection red line and the environmental management and control requirements of ecological space, environmental quality bottom line, and resource utilization online to form a space management and control system based on environmental management and control units.

The third is to strictly control ecological and environmental risks. Build an ecological environment monitoring network that fully covers environmental quality, ecological quality and pollution source monitoring. Establish and improve ecological security monitoring and early warning, emergency reserve, normal drills, response management and safety assurance systems. Actively promote the construction of cross-regional ecological environment cooperation mechanisms and promote the coordinated management of cross-regional river systems and ecological environment.

Take the lead in building a garden city demonstration area and form an ecological pattern of "integration of cities and gardens"

The first is to form a beautiful spatial form. Further increase urban greening and promote the construction of "one green city park ring" and "two green country park rings". At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of "one garden, one flower, one product", we will increase innovation in plant selection and color matching to create a number of lush flower roads, beautiful parks and characteristic scenic spots. Strengthen the connectivity of green roads, use greenways to drive urban vitality, and promote the enrichment and improvement of urban slow-moving systems. On the basis of removing fences in the park, we will further promote the overall layout and open sharing of urban park green spaces, road green spaces, river green spaces and affiliated green spaces to create a high-quality living space that is visible and palpable for the people.

The second is to create a good living environment. Guided by the practice of revitalizing the Liangma River to drive urban renewal, we will further build a public recreational network extending from the waterfront to the hinterland, so that buildings can be read, neighborhoods can be walked, and waterfront can be recreational. Strengthen urban management with "embroidery" efforts and realize the organic unity of garden city landscape design and urban and rural living environment. Actively promote the construction of zero-carbon demonstration villages, promote rural greening, beautification and lighting, and create a "clean, tidy and orderly" village appearance.

The third is to build a biodiversity-friendly Urban area. Continue to promote biodiversity surveys and assessments. Further promote the construction of water ecological corridors and ecological nodes in species resting places such as Qinghe River and Wenyu River, and build Wenyu River Park, Olympic Forest Park and Chaoyang Park biodiversity protection pilot demonstration parks with high standards to promote biological migration. Optimize the structure of artificial plant communities and appropriately create and increase the habitat of wild animals in cities.

Improve the ecological civilization governance system and gather strong synergy in ecological civilization construction

The first is to improve the collaborative work pattern under the leadership of the Party Committee. Further improve the institutional mechanisms and specific measures for the construction of ecological civilization. Further strengthen the party's overall leadership and build an institutional mechanism for integrated planning, integrated deployment, integrated advancement, and integrated assessment. Further improve and refine the list of responsibilities for ecological civilization construction in various departments, and strengthen coordination and linkage. Strengthen the supervision and consultation of the District People's Congress, its Standing Committee, and the District CPPCC on ecological issues. Relying on the ecological brain intelligent system of Chaoyang District, we will further improve the global ecological environment information sharing mechanism and work scheduling mechanism.

The second is to cultivate a new trend in a green and low-carbon society. Strengthen the ecological civilization training of party members and cadres. Implement the ecological culture promotion project and establish and improve an ecological cultural system based on ecological values. Actively implement the "National Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Natural Education (2023-2035)" and promote the establishment of a national ecological culture and nature education base in the Liangma River Waterfront. Layout and build a number of natural bookstores, and carry out publicity and education in resource education, beautiful city construction and other aspects. Give full play to the role of the news media and other propaganda fronts to enhance national awareness of conservation, environmental protection, and ecological awareness. Give full play to the bridging role of industry associations and chambers of commerce and the extensive mobilization role of mass organizations. Innovate and improve public ecological environment supervision and reporting feedback mechanisms, and promote the construction of ecological environment volunteer service systems.

The third is to create the Chaoyang ecological and cultural exchange brand. Integrate ecological culture into the overall layout of the construction of the core area of the National Cultural Center in Chaoyang District, and launch a number of ecological themed public cultural spaces, cultural industrial parks, cultural tourism routes and cultural and artistic works to fully demonstrate the results of ecological construction in Chaoyang District. Make good use of platforms such as "Talking about Ecology by the Liangma River-Beijing Chaoyang 'Beautiful China' Construction Practice Forum" to carry out extensive exchanges and discussions on the construction of ecological civilization. Give full play to the advantages of international resource gathering in Chaoyang District, build a "Belt and Road" living room with the Liangma River waterfront as the core, convey the concept of China's ecological civilization construction to the world and tell the story of building a beautiful China.

The author is Secretary of the Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China of Beijing City; this article was originally published in the 11th issue of "National Governance" magazine in 2024, and part of the content was published in the 3rd issue of "Beijing Survey", an internal publication sponsored by the Research Office of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China
