China Carbon Credit Platform

Four departments: improve the accuracy of green finance investment and prevent "greenwashing" and "fake transformation"

Release Time4 months ago

The development of green finance is an important part of supporting the green transformation of the real economy and achieving high-quality financial development. The reporter learned from the People's Bank of China on May 11 that the People's Bank of China and other four departments will further strengthen green financial products and services, effectively improve the accuracy of green finance investment, and prevent "greenwashing" and "fake transformation".

It is the common mission and responsibility of the financial system and the ecological environment system to give full play to the role of green finance and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China. The reporter learned that the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly held a forum on the construction of a beautiful China in green financial services to study and deploy the next stage of work. The meeting made it clear that the financial management department, the ecological environment department, financial institutions and relevant enterprises should strengthen cross-departmental and cross-field coordination and cooperation, and further strengthen the top-level design.

On May 10, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly held a symposium on the construction of a beautiful China in green financial services. (Image from the website of the People's Bank of China)

In terms of promoting the construction of the environmental factor market, the four departments have made it clear that they should gradually expand the coverage of China's carbon market industry in stages and improve the national greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading market. Make good use of the professional advantages of relevant institutions and units of the ecological environment, and strengthen technical support in carbon accounting, third-party assessment and certification. We will give full play to the positive role of financial institutions and financial infrastructure to further contribute to the construction of the carbon market. Strengthen the tripartite financing docking between the government, banks and enterprises, and establish a joint promotion mechanism for key projects serving the construction of a beautiful China.

In order to better adapt to and support the development needs of the green transformation of the economy and society, the meeting emphasized that all financial institutions should incorporate climate risks into the overall risk management system, improve the organizational construction around green finance, strengthen assessment and incentives, and improve the professional level of financial services.

Relevant departments require financial institutions to broaden the methods of project repayment and guarantee, and explore innovative products such as environmental equity mortgage loans, environmental benefit-linked loans, and green credit asset securitization. At the same time, financial institutions should improve the level of information disclosure and carbon accounting, and prevent "greenwashing" and "fake transformation". It is necessary to continue to increase financial support for energy conservation and carbon reduction, ecological and environmental protection, and ensure reasonable support for the low-carbon transformation of high-carbon industries such as coal power.
