China Carbon Credit Platform

The minimalist version of the government work report is here! Only 700 words

Release Time6 months ago

On March 5, Premier Li Qiang delivered a report on the work of the government to the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, the main points of which are as follows:

1. Review of work in 2023

GDP growth of 5.2%

The grain output was 1.39 trillion catties

12.44 million new jobs were created in urban areas

The new tax incentives for the whole year exceeded 2.2 trillion yuan

The production and sales of new energy vehicles account for more than 60% of the world's total

Exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products increased by nearly 30%

Second, the main expected goals for this year

GDP grew by about 5 per cent

More than 12 million new jobs were created in urban areas

Consumer prices rose by about 3 percent

The grain output is more than 1.3 trillion catties

Energy consumption per unit of GDP will be reduced by about 2.5%.

3. Some of the key tasks this year

Fiscal: The deficit ratio is planned to be 3%. General public budget expenditure increased by 1.1 trillion yuan over the previous year

Government investment: It is planned to arrange 3.9 trillion yuan of local government special bonds. The central budget plans to allocate 700 billion yuan for investment

Special Treasury Bonds: Starting from this year, it is planned to issue ultra-long-term special treasury bonds for several consecutive years, which will be used for the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, and 1 trillion yuan will be issued this year

Future industry: open up new tracks such as quantum technology and life sciences

Digital Economy: Carry out "Artificial Intelligence +" actions

Consumption: Encourage and promote the trade-in of consumer goods, and boost bulk consumption such as intelligent networked new energy vehicles and electronic products

Housing: Increase the construction and supply of affordable housing, and improve the basic system related to commercial housing

Employment: Policies and measures to promote youth employment should be strengthened. Improve the safeguard measures for flexible employment services by category

Rural revitalization: Implement three major staple food production cost and income insurance policies across the country. Strengthen the construction of charging piles, cold chain logistics, and delivery and distribution facilities

Urbanization: Steadily implement urban renewal actions. Promote the solution of problems such as the installation of elevators and parking in old residential areas

Education: Carry out actions to expand the quality of basic education. Promote the inclusive development of preschool education

Medical insurance: The per capita financial subsidy standard for residents' medical insurance will be increased by 30 yuan

Social security: The minimum monthly standard of basic pension for urban and rural residents will be increased by 20 yuan, and the basic pension for retirees will continue to be raised. A personal pension system has been implemented throughout the country. Increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels

Opening-up: Restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector will be lifted in the manufacturing sector, and market access in service industries such as telecommunications and medical care will be relaxed. Enhance the convenience of foreign personnel to work, study and travel in China

Environmental protection: Improve fiscal, tax, financial, investment, price policies and related market-oriented mechanisms to support green development
