China Carbon Credit Platform

Sanyou Company: Pioneer of fuel substitution and guardian of green barrier

Release Time2 months ago

Tangshan Jidong Cement Sanyou Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Sanyou Company), as the Jinyu Jidong Cement low-alkali cement clinker production base and special cement production center, is not only the leader in high-quality low-alkali cement products in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, but also takes the initiative to assume the important responsibility of the solid waste treatment center of industrial enterprises in Tangshan City. Sanyou Company actively responded to the call to "support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment and accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature." Under the guidance of Jinyu Group's strategic concepts of "one high, win-win, three overall plans" and "efficiency improvement year", Sanyou Company promotes the "secondary entrepreneurial spirit", boldly innovates, and has the courage to practice, has achieved remarkable results in the field of fuel substitution, and has become the industry. Guardian of the green barrier.

Green scenery in the factory

Try a small test and explore the road to fuel substitution

Sanyou Company knows that the dependence on fossil fuels in traditional cement production is one of the important factors causing environmental pollution. In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, starting from 2022, the company decided to try an unusual path-fuel substitution. This decision was made after in-depth analysis of market, technology, environment and other factors. Initially, the company conducted research and evaluation on a variety of waste-derived fuels. These fuels have a wide range of sources, high calorific value, and produce few pollutants when burned, meeting green environmental protection standards. The company decided to gradually advance the fuel substitution plan starting from small-scale trials.

At this stage, Sanyou Company's "Li Wenfu Provincial Innovation Studio" conducted a large number of experimental research and on-site tests. Through a simple blending method, alternative fuels were mixed into the kiln tail preheater, and the kiln tail was monitored in real time. The emission concentration of various pollutants at the end and various quality indicators of clinker were paid attention to in real time to ensure that the blending of various alternative fuels can effectively replace traditional fossil fuels without increasing pollutant emissions and affecting cement quality. Although these preliminary explorations and attempts are not large in scale, they have accumulated valuable experience for the company and laid a solid foundation for the company's subsequent green development. At the same time, in 2022, Sanyou Company will be rated as "National Green Factory".

The green transformation has achieved initial results

On the basis of successful initial exploration, Sanyou Company began to increase investment in research and development, optimize production processes, seek more fuel alternative solutions, and promote and apply them on the production line.

In the first half of 2023, Sanyou Company invested 30 million yuan to successively build alternative fuel storage, transportation, and blending systems (pneumatic conveying, direct belt feeding, online pre-combustion furnace). Different blending methods are adopted for different physical and chemical states of alternative fuels. After the completion of the project, the company successfully applied waste plastic sheets, soot, pyrolytic carbon black, waste polyurethane, RFD fuel rods, etc. in cement production on a large scale, and continuously optimized the production process and increased the replacement rate.

It is worth mentioning that Sanyou Company has successfully developed a new pneumatic conveying device for the collaborative disposal of carbon black in cement kiln and won a utility model patent. This device can efficiently transport powdered alternative fuels such as carbon black to cement kilns, greatly improving the utilization efficiency of alternative fuels. The acquisition of this patent not only reflects the company's strong strength in technological innovation, but also further promotes the company's development on the road of green transformation. With the application of this patent, the company's fuel replacement rate has been significantly improved and production costs have been effectively reduced. More importantly, this innovation has injected new impetus into the company's green development and made the company's first appearance in the industry.

Stand out and lead the green development of the industry

With the continuous maturity of fuel substitution technology and the continuous improvement of environmental awareness, Sanyou Company has stood out in the industry and become a leader in fuel substitution. In 2023, a total of more than 8000 tons of various alternative fuels will be used, more than 10,000 tons of raw coal will be replaced, and carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 22,000 tons. In the first half of 2024, a total of more than 7000 tons of various alternative fuels will be used, which is approximately double the amount used in the same period in 2023.

Sanyou Company not only successfully realized large-scale application of fuel substitution, but also integrated the concept of circular economy into all aspects of production and operation. Actively explore the resource utilization of waste and convert urban waste, industrial waste and other wastes into raw materials or fuels for cement production. The annual comprehensive utilization of bulk resources reaches 444,400 tons. These innovations and breakthroughs provide legal utilization and disposal destinations for solid waste generated within the jurisdiction, assist the construction of a "waste-free city" in Guye District, and enable the company to win wide recognition from the industry. These efforts have made Sanyou Company the guardian of the green barrier and contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Looking to the future, continue to innovate, and jointly build a green future

Looking to the future, Sanyou Company will continue to adhere to the concept of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, increase investment in research and development, conduct in-depth research on the application of industrial waste residue and other environmentally friendly materials in cement production, and continuously explore and innovate fuel substitution technologies to promote Green transformation of the cement industry.

As a pioneer in fuel substitution and guardian of green barriers, Sanyou Company will continue to be committed to environmental protection and sustainable development. In the future development, the company will contribute its strength to building a green future with firmer steps and more pragmatic actions.
