China Carbon Credit Platform

Inner Mongolia resolutely builds an important ecological security barrier in northern my country

Release Time2 months ago

Wuliangsuhai, Bayannur City

Tongliao Power Generation General Plant Ash Storage Farm Comprehensive Ecological Environment Management Phase I 150 MW Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone and "Lucid Water and Green Mountains are Golden Mountains" Practice and Innovation Base-Xing 'an League

Hulunbuir Prairie

The thousand-year-old sand sea turns into oasis in Mu Us Sandy Land

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has placed the protection of the ecological environment in a more prominent position, improved mechanisms and measures to protect the ecology, control pollution, and promote transformation, and promoted the continuous improvement of the ecological environment quality of the whole region. The important ecological security barrier in northern my country has become more stable.

Keep in mind "the greatest one in the country",

Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of building an important ecological security barrier in northern my country

The ecological status of Inner Mongolia is not only related to the survival and development of people of all ethnic groups in the region, but also related to the ecological security of North China, Northeast China, Northwest China and even the whole country. The Party Committee and Government of the Autonomous Region firmly grasp the Party Central Committee's strategic positioning for Inner Mongolia, consciously shoulder the major responsibility of protecting the ecological security of the northern border of the motherland, and promote the implementation of the work with a high degree of political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

High-level coordination and promotion. Establish a leading group for the autonomous region to complete the "five major tasks" and promote high-quality development and a special group for building important ecological security barriers in northern China, formulate and promulgate the "Regulations on Promoting the Construction of Important Ecological Security Barriers in Northern China in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", issue the "Implementation Plan on the Construction of Important Ecological Security Barriers in Northern China" and "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Inner Mongolia", strengthen organizational coordination, regulatory standards, monitoring and evaluation, supervision and law enforcement, scientific and technological innovation, The "six overall plans" for foreign cooperation will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of ecological and environmental protection to the construction of beautiful Inner Mongolia, and make every effort to establish a pattern of all-factor and all-round governance, establish an ecological economic system, and establish institutional mechanisms for protecting the ecological environment.

Compacting responsibilities layer by layer. The "List of Ecological and Environmental Protection Responsibilities of Party Committees and Governments at All Levels and Relevant Departments of the Autonomous Region" was issued to implement the five-level forest (grass) chief and river and lake chief system extended to Gacha Village. The "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the" Five Major Tasks "and Comprehensively Building Model Autonomous Regions to Further Strengthen Performance Assessment Work" and "Assessment Plan for the Implementation of the" Five Major Tasks "by the Party Committee Secretaries of Banner and County (City, District) as Special Objectives (Trial)" was promulgated, and the assessment efforts of departments directly under the league cities, flag counties (cities, districts), and districts were strengthened, and the effectiveness assessment of the fight against pollution in each league city was organized to promote the in-depth implementation of ecological safety barrier construction. Carry out regular audits of the natural resource assets of leading cadres on the leave of office (mid-term), strictly implement the accountability system for ecological and environmental damage of leading party and government cadres, and seriously hold accountable leading cadres who fail to perform their duties.

Strengthen the implementation of key tasks. Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", a total of 123 "One Lake, Two Seas" and Chahannaoer comprehensive management projects have been completed. The water area of "One Lake, Two Seas" has remained within a reasonable range. Hulun Lake and Daihai have become national water ecological monitoring and evaluation pilot lakes. Wuliangsuhai was selected into the list of important national wetlands, and Chahannaoer was approved as a national wetland park. The quality of the ecological environment continues to improve. Since the symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin in 2019, 42.3184 million acres of forest and grass ecological construction in the Yellow River Basin and 18.3321 million acres of comprehensive water and soil erosion management have been completed. The water quality of the Inner Mongolia section of the main stream of the Yellow River has remained at Class II for four consecutive years. level. The comprehensive management of the ecological environment in Wuhai and surrounding areas has achieved remarkable results. In 2023, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will be 26 micrograms/cubic meter, a decrease of 31.6% from 2017. It has steadily reached the standard for five consecutive years, reaching the best level since monitoring data is available.

Strengthen responsibility and

Coordinate and promote ecosystem protection and restoration

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has many natural forms such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, and deserts. It is a comprehensive ecosystem that has been formed for a long time. Comprehensive management must be carried out for ecological protection and restoration. Inner Mongolia insists on grasping key points and comprehensively implementing governance, and continuously improves the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem.

Efforts will be made to strengthen the protection and restoration of grasslands and forests, and desertification prevention and control. Adhere to the protection of grasslands and forests as the top priority, take the lead in completing the delineation of basic grasslands and the registration of grassland rights rights in the country, and delineate 731 million acres of basic grasslands. Since 2011, the national grassland ecological protection reward policy has been implemented to allow "paid leave" to the vast grassland. Since 2015, commercial logging of wood has been stopped, and sawing has been suspended in the Xing 'an Forest. An average of 380 million acres of grassland has been banned every year, reducing forest resource consumption by 1.512 million cubic meters. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a total of 137 million acres of afforestation, 336 million acres of grass planting, and 148 million acres of desertification prevention and control have been completed, ranking first in the country in scale, effectively curbing the trend of continuous spread of desertification and promoting desertification and desertification. The "double reduction" of the area of desertified land has achieved a historic transformation from "sand entering and retreating" to "green advancing and sand retreating". In recent years, the implementation of desertification prevention and desertification control and wind power and photovoltaic integrated projects has been accelerated. The installed capacity of photovoltaic desertification control has reached 9.2 million kilowatts and 300,000 acres of desertification control have been desertification control. It has successfully hosted the 13th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, the 25th World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Commemoration Conference and the International Symposium on Desertification Prevention and Control, and held nine consecutive Kubuqi International Desert Forum. The Kubuqi Desert governance model contributes "Chinese wisdom" to global desertification control. Especially since 2023, the autonomous region's leading group to promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths" has been established. The Sixth Phase Plan of the "Three Norths" Project of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was prepared and issued (2021-2030)"Implementation Plan for the Battle of the Yellow River's" Several Words Bends "(2021-2030)"Implementation Plan for the Annihilation War in Horqin and Hunshandak Sand Areas (2021-2030)"and" Implementation Plan for the Hexi Corridor-Taklimakan Desert Edge Interdiction War (2021-2030)"; in 2023, 5.56 million acres of afforestation, 18.17 million acres of grass planting, and 9.5 million acres of desertification prevention and control were completed respectively, all exceeding the annual plan by more than 30%, laying a solid foundation for the tough battle of the" Three Norths "project.

Increase efforts in wetland protection, natural reserve supervision, and mine environmental protection and governance. Strengthen wetland protection and soil erosion control, issue the "Measures for the Management of the List of Important Wetlands in the Autonomous Region", and build 63 wetland parks of various types; since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, comprehensive management of soil erosion has been completed of 72,700 square kilometers. Accelerate the construction of a natural reserve system with national parks as the main body, designate 380 natural reserves of all types and levels in the district, and submit the "Autonomous Region Natural Reserve Integration and Optimization Plan" and the creation plans of Helan Mountain and Daqingshan National Parks to the state for approval. Continue to carry out the work of the "Green Shield" nature reserve, strengthen supervision, and strictly control non-ecological activities in the nature reserve. Efforts have been made to create green mines and restore and control the geological environment of mines. 344 green mines have been built in the district, including 47 national-level green mines; since 2021, the area of newly added mine ecological restoration land in the district is greater than the area of newly added mining damaged land; Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 125.59 square kilometers of abandoned mines left behind by history have been completed.

Strengthen biodiversity protection and demonstration creation of ecological civilization construction. Establish an inter-agency joint meeting system for biodiversity protection, complete the survey of ecosystems and plant diversity in the region, draw and complete a 1: 500,000 ecosystem type map of the region, continue to carry out joint operations to combat illegal trade in wild animals and plants, and Engebe Ecological Demonstration The restoration and management of the area was selected as the country's excellent biodiversity case in 2022. Actively carry out ecological civilization demonstrations and creation, 13 regions have been rated as national ecological civilization construction demonstration zones, and 10 regions have been named as "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practical and innovative bases. Completed the creation, selection and naming of the first batch of autonomous region-level ecological civilization demonstration zones.

Maintain strategic focus and

Continue to deepen the battle against pollution

Inner Mongolia adheres to precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control, has carried out in-depth efforts to defend blue sky, clear water, and pure land, and has successfully completed the "13th Five-Year Plan" and the assessment tasks of various national binding indicators in 2021 and 2022. In 2023, the district's water environment quality has reached the best level since monitoring records began.

In-depth fight to defend the blue sky. Continue to promote industrial, coal-fired and motor vehicle pollution control. A total of 2202 "scattered pollution" enterprises have been investigated and rectified, 76.294 million kilowatts of ultra-low emission renovation of thermal power units have been completed, and 18 steel and coking enterprises have been renovated with ultra-low emission. 5264 coal-fired boilers were eliminated, and 844,000 households were renovated in clean heating. The district's urban central heating area reached 980 million square meters, and the clean heating rate reached 91%. Comprehensively implement the national six-B emission standards for light and heavy vehicles, implement the mandatory testing and maintenance system for motor vehicle exhaust gas (I/M system), and the installation rate of remote online systems for heavy diesel trucks in key motor vehicle control areas determined by the state reaches 100%. Implement hierarchical performance management of enterprises in key industries and establish an emergency emission reduction list for heavily polluted weather covering 9630 enterprises. In 2023, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the district will be 23 micrograms/cubic meter, a decrease of 36.1% from 2015. It has reached the standard steadily for 8 consecutive years and reached the target value for the second phase of the World Health Organization transition period for 3 consecutive years.

In-depth fight to defend clear water. Coordinate water resources, water ecology, and water environment, implement dual control of the total amount and intensity of water use at the three levels of autonomous regions, league cities, and flag counties, and promote the conservation and intensive use of water resources. In 2023, the district will achieve Agricultural water saving of 373 million cubic meters, and the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water is 0.583; water consumption of 10,000 yuan of GDP and 10,000 yuan of industrial added value decreased by 9.58% and 12.76% respectively compared with 2020. Increase the protection of rivers and lakes and complete the delineation of the management scope of rivers and lakes in the region. Since 2017, the five-level river and lake chiefs have patrolled rivers and lakes a total of 839,600 people (times). To strengthen water pollution prevention and control, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 92 urban sewage treatment plants have been newly built and renovated; since 2018, 85 sewage treatment projects in the park have been supported and 12,300 kilometers of drainage pipe networks have been built. The district has designated 1131 centralized drinking water source protection areas in accordance with the law. Prepare and complete the "One River, One Policy, One Map" Incident Response Service Plan for Environmental Emergencies for 87 rivers in the Yellow River, Luanhe River and Haihe River Basin (Inner Mongolia section). In 2023, the proportion of excellent water bodies in the region's surface water national examination section will increase by 21.4 percentage points compared with 2014. Halaha River (Arshan Section) and Wuding River (Ordos Section) were selected as outstanding cases of beautiful rivers and lakes by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

In-depth fight to defend the pure land. The investigation on soil pollution status of agricultural land and key industry enterprises has been completed. The safe utilization rate of contaminated cultivated land in the district has remained above 98%, and the safe utilization of key construction land has been effectively guaranteed. Establish a cooperation mechanism for joint prevention, control and treatment of hazardous waste in North China with Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, and Shanxi provinces and cities. Hohhot City, Baotou City, and Ordos City were selected into the national list of "waste-free cities" during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. Public institutions in each league city have achieved full coverage of domestic waste classification, and five flag counties have been included in the national demonstration counties for rural domestic waste classification and resource utilization. The coverage rate of the domestic waste collection and transportation system in rural and pastoral areas of the district reaches 77.4%, and the domestic sewage treatment rate reaches 35%. Continue to promote the reduction of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The district's agricultural film recovery rate reached 83%, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw reached 91.2%, and the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure reached 82%. Completed the investigation and evaluation of the district's "dual-source" and groundwater environmental conditions in chemical industry parks, and established a list of key groundwater discharge units in the autonomous region. In 2023, Ordos City ranked first in the country in the construction evaluation of national groundwater pollution prevention and control pilot zones.

Adhere to treating both symptoms and root causes,

Make every effort to promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development

Green development is an inevitable requirement for building a high-quality modern economic system and the fundamental solution to pollution problems. Over the years, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has completely, accurately and comprehensively implemented the new development concept, unswervingly followed a new path of high-quality development oriented by ecological priority and green development, and has taken solid steps in proactively serving and integrating into the new development pattern.

Comprehensively build a new pattern of land and space development. The three-level land and space plan of the autonomous region, league city, and flag county has been prepared and completed, and the land and space plan of the autonomous region has been approved by the State Council. The district has delineated an ecological protection red line of 596,900 square kilometers, accounting for more than half of the autonomous region's land area. Strengthen the zoning management and control of ecological environment, incorporate carbon emission environmental impact assessment into the key contents of park planning and environmental impact assessment reviews of key industry projects, and resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects.

Accelerate the ecologization of the industry. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", a total of 2.59 million tons of steelmaking production capacity, 4.21 million tons of ferroalloy production capacity, 3.9 million tons of calcium carbide production capacity, and 17.05 million tons of coke production capacity have been shut down and withdrawn, and 13.87 million tons of cement clinker production capacity have been transferred. Build 16 key industrial chains in eight industrial clusters, and create 298 green factories and 24 green parks. In 2023, the added value of non-coal industries in the region will account for 60.7% of the above-designated industries; the added value of strategic emerging industries above designated size, high-tech manufacturing, and equipment manufacturing will increase by 13.5%, 11.4%, and 9.6% respectively year-on-year. The region's total installed power capacity is 216 million kilowatts and a total power generation capacity is 756.6 billion kilowatts. Among them, the installed capacity of new energy is 93.23 million kilowatts and the power generation capacity is 166.5 billion kilowatts, accounting for 43.2% and 22% respectively. Achieve the first place in the country in the total installed capacity and new installed capacity of electricity, the total installed capacity and new installed capacity of new energy, the total power generation capacity and external power transmission capacity, the new energy power generation capacity, the guaranteed coal supply capacity and external transmission capacity, and the coal-to-gas production capacity.

Vigorously promote ecological industrialization. Firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, continuously expand the transformation path of the "two mountains", and promote the realization of the value of ecological products. In 2023, the total output value of the forest and grass industry in the region will reach 85.68 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 42%, and 805,000 tons of carbon sink transactions will be achieved. Baotou City and Aershan City were selected as the first batch of national forestry carbon sink pilot cities (counties); at the same time, Hohhot City, Baotou City, Hulunbeir City, and Xing 'an League were selected as forest and grass carbon sink trading pilots in the autonomous region.

Deeply implement the comprehensive conservation strategy. Firmly establish the concept that "Inner Mongolia's resources are not redundant at all and cannot be wasted at all", and take the lead in issuing guidance opinions on resource conservation and intensive utilization at the provincial level across the country ("Guidance on Deeply Implementing Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization and Promoting Comprehensive Conservation and Intensification of Resources in the Whole Society"), and build a "1+N" policy system with guidance as the main body and special implementation plans in key areas such as energy, land, and minerals as the supporting body. The country's first provincial-level regional resource conservation and intensive utilization evaluation index system was released, and supporting implementation measures were introduced to promote the comprehensive conservation and intensive utilization of resources in the whole society. Concentrate on carrying out the "Five Big Bottoms" actions (the "Five Big Bottoms" actions for projects to be approved,"half-finished" projects, idle land, deposited funds, and idle resource elements in development zones) to effectively make sleeping resources come alive and effective.

Actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Formulated and promulgated the Autonomous Region's "Implementation Opinions on Completely, Accurately and Comprehensively Implementing New Development Concepts and Doing a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization","Carbon Peak Implementation Plan", 17 industry areas sub-plans and 9 supporting policies and measures to build a "double Carbon" work policy support and guarantee system. It is the first in the country to implement the energy consumption budget management system and the benchmark policy for energy consumption intensity of new projects, accelerate the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction transformation in key areas, and try to promote the transformation from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions. According to preliminary estimates, after deducting raw material energy consumption and renewable energy consumption, from 2021 to 2023, the district's energy consumption intensity will decrease by about 12.5%, completing 82% of the "14th Five-Year Plan" goals and tasks.

The rudder is steady and the wind is just right to set sail. On the new journey, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and accelerate the implementation of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" and the "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting High-quality Development in Inner Mongolia and Striving to Write a New Chapter in Chinese-style Modernization." Focusing on the two major events of the "five major tasks" assigned to Inner Mongolia by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the all-round construction of a "model autonomous region", we will focus on building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, coordinate industrial structural adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and climate response. Change, coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, strive to build an important ecological security barrier in northern my country unbreakable, and make greater contributions to building a beautiful China.

RegionChina,Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia