China Carbon Credit Platform

Hebei Fengfeng Kuangqu New Energy Transfer Freight Yard helps zero-carbon upgrade of freight

Release Time2 months ago

Recently, a heavy truck towed by a white new energy tractor slowly drove into Hebei Fengmei Coking Co., Ltd., and the gate electronic access control system recognized it and lifted the pole and released it.

According to Li Guoliang, the company's head of environmental protection, the company is conducting an A-A environmental performance, one of which is that the proportion of new energy freight transportation must reach more than 80%. At present, the company's daily traffic volume of heavy trucks reaches more than 300. The new energy transfer freight yard in Fengfeng Kuangqu provided strong support for the company to create A.

It is understood that the new energy transfer freight yard in Fengfeng Kuangqu is located near the Qinglan Expressway and Village Exit. The freight yard includes parking lots, transfer stations and other auxiliary supporting facilities. The first entrance of the transfer freight yard is a parking lot, where rows of red heavy trucks are waiting to be transferred; to the south of the parking lot is a service hall, which provides formalities and temporary rest services for drivers. The west of the parking lot is the transfer yard, and on the east side of the transfer yard, a row of brand-new white new energy tractors are neatly arranged and ready to be ready to go; the north side is the gantry crane area, which is specially used to provide head replacement for heavy trucks; the west side is the freight passage and parking lot, and the south side is a row of charging piles to achieve rapid "charging" and "no anxiety" battery life, ensuring 24-hour uninterrupted and efficient operation. The entire transfer yard is compact and orderly and operates in an orderly manner.

At the entrance to the south side of the transfer yard, a heavy truck loaded with supplies slowly drove into the gantry crane, and the staff skillfully separated the connection between the front and the body. The gantry crane slowly lifts the body, and the front of the crane drives away into the west parking lot to park. A new energy vehicle head was poured into the body position. After connecting the body, the original driver accompanied the new energy vehicle driver to leave the freight yard and go to Fengmei Coking for delivery.

According to Gao Jian, head of the new energy transfer freight yard in Fengfeng Kuangqu, since the beginning of this year, the freight yard has actively implemented the new energy vehicle replacement policy of Hebei Province and Handan City, purchased 55 new energy tractors, and started free trial operation in June. At present, the freight yard provides 24-hour operation services, with a maximum transfer of 175 trains a day, mainly used to meet the green transportation needs of domestic A-creating enterprises such as Peak Coal Coking and Hanfeng Power Plant.

The new energy transfer freight yard in Fengfeng Kuangqu continues to optimize processes and improve service standards in practice. From the arrival of freight vehicles to the service hall formalities and verification, to the replacement of electric new energy locomotives, the full-process process time has been shortened from the original 11 minutes/train to 6 minutes/train, further improving freight efficiency and effectively reducing freight vehicles. Carbon emissions at the source of movement. Gao Jian said that the freight yard will further expand its operating scale in the next step, increase support for domestic A-type enterprises and Fengfeng green freight, and contribute more to helping Fengfeng's zero-carbon transportation.

Zhang Jianjun, head of the Fengfeng Kuangqu Branch of the Handan City Ecological Environment Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Fengfeng Kuangqu Branch), said that as a resource-energy-based old industrial and mining area, Fengfeng Kuangqu has a heavy industrial structure, which has caused prominent pollution problems from heavy truck bulk commodity transportation.

According to statistics, the four provincial transit highways in Fengfeng are more than 30 kilometers long, and more than 20,000 heavy trucks pass through the border every day. According to the National Sixth Standard, the emission of three pollutants per vehicle is 3.51 g/km, and the daily emissions reach 2.1 tons., the replacement of new energy vehicles is extremely urgent.

In recent years, on the one hand, Fengfeng Kuangqu Branch has actively promoted the replacement of new energy vehicles, implemented preferential policies such as exemption from adverse weather control and restrictions for new energy vehicle freight, and vigorously supported the development of new energy vehicle freight industry in various formats such as purchase, leasing, and freight transfer. On the basis of purchasing 145 new energy heavy trucks last year, the district purchased 143 new vehicles in the first half of this year, which effectively promoted the green transformation of Fengfeng's transportation structure and achieved cost reduction, efficiency improvement, energy conservation and emission reduction; On the other hand, Fengfeng Kuangqu Mining District Branch actively promoted the environmental protection performance of key industries to achieve A. At present, one company has completed the creation of A and two companies are creating A. It plans to use three years to complete the comprehensive creation of A (including leading) environmental performance of a total of 96 companies in 10 key industries. The successful operation of the new energy transfer freight yard in Fengfeng Kuangqu has provided strong support for Fengfeng's enterprise's environmental protection performance to achieve A, and provided new application scenarios for Fengfeng's new energy vehicle replacement, becoming an important force in helping Fengfeng achieve the "double carbon" goal.

The picture shows the new energy tractor in the new energy transfer yard of Fengfeng Kuangqu

The picture shows the new energy tractor in the new energy transfer yard of Fengfeng Kuangqu
