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How to create a "green business card" at the southern tip of the motherland for the nuclear power plant investigated by the minister?

Release Time3 months ago

Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, and his party recently went to Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant to investigate nuclear and radiation safety supervision. Huang Runqiu listened to the unit operation report in the main control room of Unit 1, and went deep into the construction site to inspect the construction progress and quality and safety assurance of "Linglong-1" and "Hualong-1" units.

Huang Runqiu emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the overall national security concept and nuclear safety concept, coordinate development and safety, implement nuclear and radiation safety supervision in accordance with the law, consolidate the main responsibilities of operating units, strengthen the construction quality control of units under construction, and strengthen the safe and stable operation of existing units. Ensure that nuclear safety is foolproof.

What project progress has been made at the Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Base investigated by the minister this time? Behind the frequent updates of the "Linglong-1" progress bar, how does Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Base explore a green development path?

Three piles are jointly built, and two dragons fly together

Changjiang, Hainan, not only has coconut wind and sea charm, mango kapok, but also "three piles jointly built and two dragons fly together."

The two 650,000-kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power units built in the first phase of the Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Project were put into commercial operation in December 2015 and August 2016 respectively. The second phase of the project currently under construction, Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Units 3 and 4, uses my country's third-generation nuclear power "Hualong-1" technology with completely independent intellectual property rights. In addition, the world's first onshore modular small nuclear reactor "Linglong-1", known as the "Nuclear Power Charging Treasure", is also under construction here.

It is understood that "Hualong-1" is a third-generation nuclear power technology with independent intellectual property rights in my country. It has many characteristics such as a double containment vessel, a combination of active and passive. It is the "national business card" for my country's nuclear power to go global, and it is important to protect my country. Energy security and optimizing the energy structure play a positive role.

Several numbers can reveal the characteristics of "Hualong-1": it adopts a number of design features such as 177 sets of core fuel assemblies, double-layer containment, and the combination of active and passive, and its R & D and design results have won awards and patents internationally and domestically. It has reached more than 580; the reactor core power has increased by about 9% compared with domestic second-generation nuclear power units, and the annual power generation of a single unit is nearly 10 billion kilowatt-hours; the equipment localization rate has exceeded 90%.

"Linglong-1" is the world's first land-based commercial small reactor. It is known as the "mobile charging treasure" in the field of nuclear energy due to its small size, flexibility, safety, and proximity to users.

Its "small" lies in power and volume. Because the "Linglong-1" has lower power, its nuclear fuel consumption is lower; it has a smaller size and covers a relatively small area.

Low power and size mean that "Linglong-1" has more options in adapting application scenarios."Linglong-1" can realize safe and reliable heating and power supply, cogeneration, seawater desalination and steam refrigeration in parks, Kuangqu and other locations, realizing flexible application of pressurized water reactor technology in multiple fields, multiple scenarios and multiple needs.

At the same time, the modular and open-top construction method adopted by "Linglong-1" reduces construction costs and saves construction cycles through standardized design and batch manufacturing of individual modules. Safety analysis shows that its high inherent safety and completely passive safety design characteristics make the safety of "Linglong-1" at the advanced level of third-generation nuclear power.

The progress bar of the "important weapon of a great power" is constantly refreshed

At the Changjiang Nuclear Power Base in Hainan, the progress bar of "Linglong-1", one of the "important weapons of great powers", has been continuously updated this year, and system equipment has entered the peak installation period in recent days.

On February 6, the outer dome of "Linglong-1" was successfully hoisted in Changjiang, Hainan, marking that the main structure of the reactor building had been completely completed.

On April 10, the first DCS (Distributed Control System) cabinet of "Linglong-1" was put in place and installation and debugging work started, laying a solid foundation for subsequent functional tests.

On May 21, with the successful construction of part of the digital control system network and the display of the first on-site measurement signal on the main control large screen, the "brain" of the world's first reactor of Linglong-1-the main control room of the nuclear power plant was officially put into use.

The main control room is the monitoring and control center for the systems and equipment of the nuclear power plant. Here, the personnel on duty can obtain the operating conditions of each equipment and system in the area through various monitoring equipment, and issue appropriate operations and instructions to the equipment and systems in the area based on this information.

It is understood that the "Linglong-1" DCS system uses the Longlin Platform (safety level) and Longfin Platform (non-safety level), which my country has independent property rights. The Longlin platform can achieve reactor safety control under various operating conditions and ensure the safe operation of nuclear power plants; the Longfin platform is responsible for operation and management and is an important guarantee for efficient and economic operation of nuclear power plants.

The main control room and the DCS system together control and monitor the operation of hundreds of systems, nearly 10,000 equipment and various working conditions of the nuclear power plant to ensure their safe, reliable and efficient operation.

Create a "green business card" at the southern tip of the motherland

Ecology is the true nature of Hainan, and green is the background color of Hainan.

Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Base, built along the coast, not only has a large terminal, but also enjoys a natural seaside wetland. In Hainan Changjiang Haiwei National Wetland Park, which is only 2 kilometers away from Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Base, everything is sprouting, and various "elves" are waiting for an opportunity. The scenery of "sunset and lonely ducks flying together" is here from books to reality.

In Changjiang, ecology and industry are symbiotic and co-prosperous. The sea area of Hainan's nuclear power industry uses warm drainage to cultivate high-quality white butterfly shells, and has now begun to take shape. As a large pearl shellfish, white butterfly shells have extremely high requirements on seawater quality in the sea areas where they grow and are known as a "rare treasure". Behind this, it fully reflects the clean energy characteristics of nuclear power and the high-quality marine environment of Changjiang Li Autonomous County.

Today, nuclear power is continuously injecting green momentum into Hainan.

Lu Tiezhong, assistant to the general manager of CNNC, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Nuclear Power, once said in an interview that Hainan Nuclear Power, as an important project of CNNC in Hainan, currently maintains safe and stable operation of the two units, providing 10 billion kilowatt-hours of green power to the local area every year. Guarantee, accounting for 1/3 of Hainan's electricity consumption. It not only solves Hainan's power shortage problem, but also makes Hainan Province a province with a relatively high proportion of clean energy.

Focusing on the future, after the "Linglong-1" is completed and put into operation, it is expected that the annual power generation capacity will reach 1 billion kilowatt-hours, which can meet the electricity needs of 526,000 households in Hainan. At the same time, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 880,000 tons per year, equivalent to planting 7.5 million trees a year.

After the completion of the project, it will not only help my country's "double carbon" goal achieve as soon as possible, but also be of great significance for continuously promoting the safe development and independent innovation of nuclear power and providing green energy guarantee for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and Ecological Civilization Demonstration Zone.
