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Demonstrate the "five beauties"! The "Road Map" and "Task Book" for Beautiful Jiangsu Construction Released

Release Time2 months ago

When blue skies and white clouds become the norm and green waters and green mountains are within reach, how can Jiangsu's ecological environment be improved to provide more powerful support for high-quality development? How can we be at the forefront of building a beautiful China pioneer area and promoting Chinese-style modernization? Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Jiangsu"(hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions"), making systematic arrangements for comprehensively promoting the construction of Beautiful Jiangsu in the new era and new journey. The Information Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province held a press conference on the implementation opinions on comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful Jiangsu, interpreted the "Implementation Opinions" and highlighted the "road map" and "task statement" for the construction of beautiful Jiangsu.

The "Implementation Opinions" clarify that the construction of Beautiful Jiangsu is divided into three stages, specifically: the "14th Five-Year Plan" will be in-depth, and by 2025, the construction of Beautiful Jiangsu will have achieved remarkable results; the "15th Five-Year Plan" will be consolidated and expanded, and by 2030, Beautiful Jiangsu will be basically completed; the "16th Five-Year Plan" will be improved overall. Looking forward to 2035, Beautiful Jiangsu will be fully completed. The main tasks of the construction of Beautiful Jiangsu are to highlight the beauty of green development, the beauty of natural ecology, the beauty of urban and rural livability, the beauty of water charm and humanity, and the beauty of good regional governance.

Continue to fight tough battles in depth and let the singing of birds and flowers be seen everywhere

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, while the GDP of Jiangsu has exceeded 7 trillion yuan, the PM2.5 concentration in Jiangsu has improved by 54.8%, and the proportion of excellent III sections in the national examination has improved by 49.5 percentage points. Public ecological environment satisfaction has exceeded 90% for five consecutive years.

"At present, our most urgent task is still to prevent and control pollution. We must continue to fight in depth to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land, and promote the quality of the ecological environment from quantitative change to qualitative change." Jiang Wei, director of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province, said that Jiangsu should focus on the construction of major landmark projects, such as persevering in the protection of the Yangtze River and the ten-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River, and carrying out pilot water ecological assessment for the basin, from water quality and water volume to water ecological assessment, promote the transformation from improving water quality to improving water ecology, and promote harmony between people and water.

Recent survey results show that the number of species recorded in the province has reached 8842, an increase of 1939 species year-on-year. Species such as golden eagles and leopard cats that have not been recorded for many years have returned to view. "We will fully implement the construction of key ecological functional areas, dynamically update the negative list of natural ecological protection and restoration behaviors, and improve the biodiversity observation network so that the singing of birds and flowers can be seen everywhere in Jiangsu." Jiang Wei said.

"At present, the province has designated a total of 18,200 square kilometers of land and sea ecological protection red lines, successfully established 15 national natural resource conservation intensive demonstration counties (cities), built a total of 107 green mines, and solidly promoted the construction of national landscape projects in the lake network area of the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, completing 690,000 acres of ecological protection and restoration area." According to Sun Weidong, deputy director of the Department of Natural Resources of Jiangsu Province, next, the provincial natural resources department will further improve the land spatial planning system, strictly protect natural resources, strengthen resource conservation and intensive utilization, coordinate the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and continue to implement major ecological protection and restoration projects such as land, mines, and oceans to consolidate the ecological foundation of beautiful Jiangsu.

Waste is a renewable resource. The special chapter of the "Implementation Opinions" proposes to promote resource conservation and intensive utilization, requiring integration to vigorously promote energy conservation, water conservation, land conservation, material conservation, and ore conservation, vigorously promote green design and green manufacturing, and promote raw material conservation and resource recycling.

"On the one hand, waste recycling can reduce resource consumption and environmental emissions, significantly reduce carbon emissions, and support a high-quality ecological environment. For example, in the long-process steelmaking process starting from iron ore, carbon dioxide emissions per ton of steel require about 2 tons; while in the short-process electric furnace steelmaking process starting from scrap steel, carbon dioxide emissions per ton of steel require only 0.6 tons-0.8 tons, only about 1/3 of the long process. On the other hand, waste recycling can effectively improve the efficiency of resource utilization and output, help cultivate new growth points for green circulation, and effectively support high-quality economic development." Li Yi, a second-level inspector of the Development and Reform Commission of Jiangsu Province, gave an example.

In this regard, the Development and Reform Commission of Jiangsu Province has targeted the current blockages and difficulties that restrict the recycling of waste in the province, and is problem-oriented, and has clarified the two-phase goals for 2027 and 2030: by 2027, a waste recycling system covering all fields and links will be basically established; By 2030, a comprehensive, efficient, standardized and orderly waste recycling system will be fully established, the value of various waste resources will be fully explored, and the level of waste recycling will generally rank among the top in the country.

Cultivate "beautiful cells" to give people more sense of gain

A good ecological environment is the most universally beneficial welfare for people's livelihood. The "Implementation Opinions" clearly require promoting the construction of "beautiful cells" such as parks, enterprises, schools, streets, and courtyards, and promoting the implementation of urban renewal actions and rural construction actions.

"As a developed province in the east and a major economic province, Jiangsu's current urbanization rate of the permanent population has exceeded 75%. Urban development has entered a stage of shifting from large-scale incremental construction to paying equal attention to stock upgrading and incremental structural adjustment." Jin Wen, deputy director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province, believes that improving quality, improving functions, and enhancing resilience have become important goals and tasks for urban construction at present and in the future. "Implementing urban renewal actions is not only the implementation of important national strategic deployment requirements, but also an important measure to implement the construction of beautiful Jiangsu."

In May this year, the General Office of the Government of Jiangsu Province issued the "Several Policies and Measures on Supporting Urban Renewal Actions" to provide institutional and policy support for promoting urban renewal. Recently, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with the Provincial Department of Finance and the Financial Office of the Provincial Party Committee, has formulated the "Implementation Plan for Financial Discount Interest of" Urban New Loan "in Jiangsu Province", which encourages implementation entities to actively participate in urban renewal actions by giving 1 percentage point discount to eligible urban renewal loan projects. "In the next stage, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province will focus on the overall goals and tasks of building beautiful Jiangsu, continue to further promote the province's urban renewal actions, effectively improve the living environment, and allow people to have more sense of gain and happiness." Jin Wen said.

At the same time, the construction of beautiful countryside is steadily advancing. At present, Jiangsu has built the first batch of 1241 livable, industrial and beautiful villages, and has included more than 2200 administrative villages and 39 districts in the 2024 and 2025 cultivation plans and promoted them in an orderly manner. In addition, provincial-level financial integration has established reward and subsidy funds. Starting from this year, it plans to invest 8.9 billion yuan in three years to specifically support the construction of livable, business-friendly and beautiful villages and the improvement of rural living environment.

In addition to rural housing, Jiangsu agriculture is also developing in a green direction. Since the beginning of this year, Jiangsu has implemented the Agricultural Green Development Action in the Taihu Lake region, implemented real-name purchase and quota use projects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in 12 counties in the Taihu Lake region, supported the construction of 9 key counties for comprehensive utilization of straw, and radiated and driven the main rivers entering the lake to 500 meters. Straw within the range is removed from the field. At the same time, a special project for monitoring green agricultural development in the Taihu Lake area has been added to support 16 counties in monitoring and evaluating the green development of planting industry, tail water from pond breeding, and resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure.

Sun Xiang, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Jiangsu Province, said that in the next step, Jiangsu will adhere to ecological priority and green development, focus on the efficient use of inputs, scientifically promote the reduction and efficiency of fertilizers and drugs, actively promote ecological recycling agriculture, and continuously strengthen agricultural waste Recycling and disposal, vigorously promote the improvement of rural living environment, and accelerate the construction of a new era of rich and fertile land with strong agriculture, beautiful countryside, and rich farmers."

Develop new productive forces and improve scientific and technological support for the construction of beautiful Jiangsu

Jiangsu is born, prospered, and beautiful because of water. It has high-quality cultural and tourism resources and conditions to create a demonstration model for the construction of a beautiful Jiangsu. The "Implementation Opinions" clearly stated that "Water Rhythm Jiangsu" should be made into a distinctive symbol of beautiful Jiangsu, highlighting the style of "Water Rhythm Jiangsu" with its own characteristics and beauty.

"We will promote brand construction and do enough articles on 'water + culture' so that the construction of beautiful Jiangsu will have more impressive 'real-life maps' in the field of culture and tourism." According to Qian Ning, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangsu Province, focusing on cultivating world-class canal cultural heritage and coastal eco-tourism corridors, building the Yangtze River urban leisure and eastern Silk Road tourism belt of the land bridge, and building ecological and cultural tourism along Taihu Lake and Hongze Lake, Jiangsu completed the formulation of 6 implementation plans last year and is promoting the transformation of plans into actions and blueprints into reality.

Jiang Wei introduced that in the future, international cooperation in ecological and environmental protection will be further strengthened, and international cooperation will be promoted to "introduce" advanced ecological and environmental technologies and "go global" green products and green technologies, and efforts will be made to make Jiangsu an important window to showcase China's vivid practice of ecological and environmental protection.

At present, scientific and technological support for the construction of beautiful Jiangsu is constantly strengthening. The environmental field has become the commanding height of the world's scientific and technological innovation and industrial development competition, and is also an important direction for the development of new productive forces.

Zhao Jianguo, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu Province, said that Jiangsu will focus on enhancing the leadership, radiation and driving force of green development. Strengthen major original basic research. This year, the Jiangsu Province Natural Science Fund project has specially set up topics such as new energy and hydrogen storage, deep earth and environment. In terms of carbon capture, utilization and storage, and improvement of ecosystem carbon sink consolidation capabilities, more than 100 major projects have been established and supported, striving to achieve a number of breakthrough, landmark and disruptive results.

At the same time, we will strengthen key core technology research and achievement transformation, and organize a number of technical research and application demonstration projects throughout the chain and systematically around the aspects of source carbon reduction, process carbon reduction, terminal carbon fixation, and digital and intelligent carbon control to promote the energy system. Provide technical support for upgrading, low-carbon transformation and development, and green restructuring of the industrial chain. In addition, efforts will be made to improve the level of major innovation platform construction, promoting 3 national key laboratories such as low-carbon intelligent coal-fired power generation and ultra-clean emissions, and 27 provincial key laboratories such as environmental engineering and high-tech research on solid organic waste resource utilization. High-quality operation, research and development and services in the fields of environmental pollution control, ecological protection and restoration, carbon emission accounting and monitoring.
