China Carbon Credit Platform

The country's first public intention to subscribe for seaweed bed blue carbon

Release Time3 months ago

The BLUE-CARE project team of Xiamen University carries out blue carbon monitoring in seaweed beds in the field.

On the 7th, the country's first public intended subscription for seaweed bed blue carbon was successfully signed at Xiamen University, and the country's second intended subscription for salt marsh blue carbon was signed simultaneously.

On the same day, Tencent Carbon Neutralization Laboratory and Guangxi Dugong Reserve held a signing ceremony for the intended subscription of blue carbon ecosystem carbon sink for the seaweed bed ecological restoration project. According to the contract signing, all carbon sinks generated by the first phase of the 28.12-hectare seaweed bed restoration project in the Dugong Reserve since November 30, 2018 will be intentionally subscribed by Tencent Carbon Neutralization Laboratory.

The seaweed bed blue carbon project is developed based on the "Measurement and Monitoring Methods for Ecological Restoration of Seaweed Bed Carbon Sinks" jointly compiled by Professor Chen Luzhen of Xiamen University and others in the BLUE-CARE project (Blue Carbon Ecosystem Assessment, Restoration and Accounting Project). The BLUE-CARE project is led by Academician Dai Minhan of Xiamen University and funded by Tencent Carbon Neutralization Laboratory. It aims to deeply develop blue carbon sink measurement methods, develop blue carbon methodologies, and carry out ecological restoration and trading of seaweed beds in the Dugong Reserve. Demonstration project.

At the signing ceremony, Tencent Carbon Neutralization Laboratory also successfully completed the signing of the country's second intentional subscription of salt-marsh blue carbon with Jiangsu Yancheng Rare Poultry National Nature Reserve. According to the contract signing, the carbon dioxide emission reduction generated by the second phase of the Yancheng Reserve Salt Marsh Restoration Project since March 9, 2018 will be based on the "Coastal Salt Marsh Ecological Restoration Project Carbon Measurement and Monitoring Methods" compiled by Professor Chen Luzhen with the support of the BLUE-CARE project, and Tencent Carbon Neutralization Laboratory intends to subscribe for part of the carbon sink. It is reported that my country's first salt marsh blue carbon trading completed by Yancheng Reserve in September last year is also based on this measurement and monitoring method compiled by Xiamen University.

According to Academician Dai Minhan, the project leader, in order to deeply explore the blue value of the ocean, actively promote the capitalization process of blue carbon resources, and explore new ways to achieve the "double carbon" strategic goal, the blue carbon team of Xiamen University continues to explore and steadily advance the ocean. Basic scientific research on carbon sinks. For decades, blue carbon resources have been threatened by climate change, ocean acidification and coastal development. Therefore, it is urgent to accelerate the construction of standardized and operable blue carbon carbon sink measurement and accounting methods with Chinese characteristics, promote the innovation of blue financial instruments, and attract more Social capital is invested in the construction of healthy marine ecosystems.

The relevant person in charge of Tencent's Carbon Neutralization Laboratory said that as a well-known technology company, Tencent has always been optimistic about cooperation with Xiamen University in the field of marine blue carbon, and hopes to jointly explore with the scientific community to help establish and improve my country's blue carbon innovation and development support system. Achieve a win-win situation between economic benefits and environmental protection.

On the same day, Xiamen University also held a summit symposium on "The Synergy of Blue Economy and Carbon Neutralization on Marine Sustainability". Chinese and foreign government staff, experts and scholars, representatives of enterprises and institutions gathered together to focus on discussing China's "double carbon" strategy. synergy between the blue transformation of the marine economy.
