China Carbon Credit Platform

Nanhua Company: Create a "century-old store" with a green and clean foundation

Release Time4 months ago

"I haven't been to the company for decades, and the changes are really big!" On April 22, the 55th World Earth Day, 35 retired employees of Nanhua Company walked into the factory to understand the development and changes of Nanhua.

Nanhua Company's Earth Day Open Day Activities  

Nanhua Company is an old enterprise with a long history of 90 years. In recent years, the company has adhered to the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, closely focused on the vision and goal of "building a world-leading clean energy and chemical company" of Sinopec Corporation, adhered to the green and low-carbon development strategy, and actively built a "community with a shared future" between the enterprise and society, nature, local and employees, and continued to forge ahead towards the goal of green and high-quality development.

Strengthen source control and risk reduction

Spherical coal bunker of the company's coal chemical department 

The spherical coal bunker covered with blue steel tiles shines in the sun, the grass and flowers bloom on both sides of the concrete-hardened pavement, and there is no smell in the air, which is the effect of Nanhua Company to strengthen source control and strengthen soil pollution prevention and control.

It is understood that since 2019, Nanhua Company has invested more than 99 million yuan to implement hardening and anti-leakage transformation, sewage cleaning and diversion, rain and sewage diversion, and continue to strengthen soil pollution prevention and control.

"We have taken the Ministry of Coal Chemical Industry as a pilot project to strengthen the spherical coal bunker conveyor belt and the surrounding production area to prevent seepage. The person in charge of the company's environmental protection department introduced.

Nanhua Company has a long history and the distribution of underground pipe networks is very complex, which brings great challenges to the prevention and control of soil pollution. "The company has formulated management measures for the investigation of potential soil pollution hazards, and implemented transformation for key areas and production facilities. The ground below the production equipment and material pipelines will be hardened and impermeable, the sewage pipeline will be changed to an overhead open pipe for transportation, the emergency pool in the inorganic area and the organic area will be connected, and the cofferdam volume of the material storage tank area will be expanded, so as to enhance the pollution prevention and control ability. ”

In June 2023, the construction of the project was completed, which improved the on-site pollution and seepage level, and effectively avoided the problem of soil pollution caused by the leakage of materials in production.

From 2021 to 2022, the company has successively dismantled and disposed of 5 sets of production facilities such as oil and gas, phosphoric acid, 1# sulfuric acid, new and old ammonium nitrate and sulfur-based fertilizer, which have been dismantled, and the new and old ammonium nitrate plants, crushed stone cushions for sulfuric acid plants, and 18,500 square meters of ground for sulfur-based fertilizer plants have all been hardened.

At the same time, using the components and services of Sinopec's geographic information platform, the company has connected 993 rainwater pipelines, rainwater and sewage confluence pipelines, domestic sewage pipelines and production sewage pipelines, as well as 4,858 auxiliary facilities such as tees, 37 hospitals and other surrounding environments, 257 combustible gas alarm equipment and other equipment and facilities information data to the petrochemical Zhiyun information platform, realizing the digitalization, visualization, collaboration and intelligence of sewage and rainwater pipe network management, and can view environmental risk sources, pollution sources, and pollution sources online 24 hours a day. Self-monitoring data ensures that each set of production equipment is in a state of environmental protection and control.

The company has also further strengthened the management of solid and hazardous waste. Invest more than 3,000 yuan to build a 2,254 square meter hazardous waste temporary storage warehouse, and build a general solid waste temporary storage warehouse in the nitrogen fertilizer area and phosphate fertilizer area, accurately weigh and record all hazardous wastes in and out of the warehouse, ensure the standardization of hazardous waste management, and further reduce the risk of soil pollution from the source.

Thicken the background of high-quality development

Egrets soar in the factory area 

"Look, egret. In front of a group of photos exhibited in the history exhibition hall of Nanhua Plant, the retired workers stopped to watch.

Every summer and autumn, the egret becomes a "frequent visitor" in the factory area of Nanhua Company. Flocks of egrets perch on the green meadows in front of the production plant, or bow their heads to feed, or flutter, or spread their wings to soar among Tallinn...... The blue sky and white clouds, the birds and flowers are fragrant, and the employees and the natural scenery coexist peacefully, showing the beauty of ecological harmony.

The installation site of Nanhua Company 

Weeping willow, lupus fir, French green, red-leaved heather, osmanthus, black tree, camphor, magnolia, shrub...... In the past three years, Nanhua Company has taken the factory road as the grid, greened and beautified the production area, treated the geological environment of the sewage treatment device and the slag disposal site, and successively planted 30,450 trees of various types, and the green "appearance" of the production equipment area has been continuously improved.

Demolition of 14 abandoned buildings and structures along the river, cleaning up debris in an area of 12,000 square meters outside the flood control wall of more than 3,000 meters, planting trees on the river embankment, and promoting the greening and beautification of the Yangtze River embankment. Looking down from the sky, the scenery belt along the river in the shape of long "green leaves" has basically taken shape.

"By the end of 2023, the green space rate of the company's factory area will reach 33%, the green coverage rate will reach 37%, and the total green coverage area will be 975,000 square meters, and it will be awarded the honorary title of 'Advanced Collective of Green Management of the Group Company'. Listening to the narrator's introduction, the retired employees nodded frequently.

"Beautiful environment" and "no peculiar smell", in the company's previous "public open day" activities, government departments, brother units, primary and secondary school students, and residents of nearby communities walked into the factory, and were surprised to find that the plant area was full of green trees, flowers blooming, and egrets strolling leisurely on the lawn;

The company also actively participates in public welfare undertakings, donates to the country's first rare plant judicial protection base, plants and cultivates national key protected and endangered plant varieties, and practices the corporate creed of "serving the country with industry and benefiting the society" with practical actions, adding green color to the ecological civilization.

Committed to low-carbon development and exploring a green future

Sinopec 100-ton green methanol pilot plant 

Photovoltaic panels on the ground continuously convert sunlight into electricity, electrolyze water to produce hydrogen, and at the same time, the carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas produced by the plant is captured and recovered, and hydrogen and carbon dioxide are converted into methanol. This 100-ton green methanol pilot plant of Sinopec, located in the plant area of Nanhua Company, has developed photovoltaic power generation, hydrogen production by water electrolysis, and carbon dioxide hydrogenation to green methanol process on copper catalysts, and completed the one-step test of carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol, and the conversion rate and other indicators have reached the leading level in China.

Over the years, Nanhua Company has been deeply engaged in the field of CCUS (carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage), focusing on carbon dioxide capture and utilization, and has developed low-partial pressure carbon dioxide capture technology, NCMA decarburization technology, and catalytic heat subtractive decarburization process technology, which have been applied to many sets of production equipment at home and abroad; cooperated with East China Liquid Carbon to build the third phase of carbon dioxide capture project to build Sinopec Nanhua-East China Carbon Capture Demonstration Base; and developed an integrated process of membrane separation and capture of flue gas carbon dioxide, which has completed 50,000 Nm3/d industrial demonstration, carbon dioxide concentration reached more than 96%, capture rate reached 81%, and the capture capacity reached the international advanced level. The company also manufactures carbon capture skid-mounted equipment to promote the efficient recycling of carbon resources.

In May 2022, Nanhua's "Orchid" rubber antioxidant products 6PPD and TMQ were certified as carbon neutral products by TUV SÜD, an international authoritative certification company. This series of products has successfully achieved "zero carbon" emissions throughout the product life cycle, becoming the world's first carbon-neutral rubber antioxidant product with authoritative certification, which has effectively promoted the reduction of carbon emissions in downstream products, helped fine chemical products achieve carbon neutrality, and promoted the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the industry.

At present, the G4 electronic-grade sulfuric acid project of the headquarters of Nanhua Company and the Fujian aniline-rubber additives industry chain project are stepping up construction.

Aerial view of the plant area of Nanhua Company 

90 years ago, the "largest factory in the Far East" was completed and put into operation. Nowadays, the beautiful pictures full of greenery, warmth and harmony vividly demonstrate the diligent pursuit of green development of Nanhua Company. The former Yongli Bisium Factory is constantly changing, and is moving towards the goal of building a green, clean, high-end and intelligent excellent southernization and building a century-old store with an everlasting foundation.
