China Carbon Credit Platform

The 70-year-old factory has accelerated the transformation to green to intelligent

Release Time5 months ago

In April, the CNMC Daye Smelter has completed the transformation and upgrading, and the plant area is clean and the air is fresh, which is refreshing.

The new intelligent operation center has been put into operation, realizing remote one-key shaking furnace, and remote centralized control of copper smelting converter is the first in China. A 70-year-old factory is radiating new vitality and vitality, making great strides towards a modern intelligent green copper smelting plant.

Water control, gas control, soil control, the old factory glows with new opportunities

Walking into the main workshop of the converter workshop of the smelter, the tall converter is full of flames, and the smoke in the workshop is less than the smoke of the past.

"In addition to installing a smoke hood on each furnace, we also installed an integrated smoke extraction system on the roof, and all the doors around the plant were replaced with roller shutters to ensure that the smoke does not discharge to the maximum extent!" said Zhu Xiaojiao, director of safety and environmental protection at the smelter.

In 2023, under the guidance of China Nonferrous Metals Group, the smelter will stop production for 9 months in accordance with the progress requirements of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate, invest 780 million yuan, and implement the largest environmental protection upgrade since the establishment of the plant.

In terms of water control, the rectification of the sewage acid treatment station was implemented, 10,000 meters of new rainwater ditches were built, 2 rainwater collection tanks were renovated, and 2 rainwater collection tanks were built to realize the quality disposal of rainwater and sewage in the whole plant, and the external drainage reached the "first-class A standard". At the same time, a new initial rainwater collection system was built to realize the reuse of all the initial rainwater in the plant area, and the cascade reuse of sewage after quality treatment.

In terms of gas control, the flue gas dispersion and sulfuric acid tail gas in the purple miscellaneous copper, converter, smelting and other workshops will be comprehensively treated, and in accordance with the medium and long-term plan, the environmental protection upgrade of the converter and the improvement of the production system of the whole plant will be started, and the emissions of the plant will enter the first-class level of the industry.

It is extremely difficult to control the flue gas dispersion in the converter workshop. The main factory building built in 1957 has outdated facilities and cramped space. For this reason, the smelter dismantled almost all of the plant, leaving only 96 columns and 4 of the 5 converters. Subsequently, the plant columns were reinforced, the roof was heightened and the plant was fully sealed, and a new roof environmental smoke collection system was built to improve the efficiency of environmental smoke collection in the plant.

The smelting workshop carried out "surgery" on the process, carried out system upgrades, and used all the "eighteen kinds of martial arts" that could be used, and systematically implemented more than 80 rectification measures. The person in charge of the workshop said: "At present, the problem of smoke dispersion in the workshop has been eliminated, and the goal of smelling with your nose and wearing a white shirt in the operation area can be achieved soon." ”

After the transformation, sulfuric acid tail gas SO2, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter emission concentrations decreased by more than 50%, 15%, and 30% respectively, and the ring collection flue gas SO2, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter emission concentrations were reduced by more than 50%, 25%, and 10% respectively, achieving ultra-low emissions.

In terms of soil control, groundwater testing and evaluation are carried out, and preventive remediation is carried out on the problems of corrosion and aging of underground pipelines and impermeable layers, so as to prevent and control the risk of soil pollution from the source.

Intelligent operation "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing"

When it comes to copper smelting, many people will immediately have a picture surrounded by purple smoke in their minds. When you walk into the new smelter intelligent operation center, it will completely subvert your previous impression.

Dozens of large screens monitor the real-time pictures and data of each workshop in real time, and the data of 17 intelligent management modules such as safety and environmental protection, production technology, and energy quality are arranged in an orderly manner and are clear at a glance. The upload and distribution of information can be completed in an instant.

"Through this hub, we can centrally control the whole process operation posts of Australian furnace, converter and sulfuric acid to achieve large-scale centralized control and borderless collaboration. Xiao Jun, assistant director of the smelter and director of the intelligent operation center, said.

"Although we have reduced one converter and one sulfuric acid system, we have realized the automatic addition of converter cold copper and cold materials, increased the driving capacity, upgraded from 50 tons to 70 tons, and increased the overall labor productivity by about 20%. In the raw material supply process of the Australian furnace alone, the concentrate warehouse has been reduced from 3 to 1 warehouse, the belt has been reduced from 33 to 5, the transportation distance has been shortened from 1100m to 350m, and the number of workers has been reduced by 45. The relevant person in charge of the plant said.

The results of intelligent transformation are very obvious. Since the beginning of March this year, the smelter has achieved full capacity production of the system, and up to now, the average daily mineral blister copper has reached 800 tons per day, basically reaching the design capacity.

Full of spring to build a "green factory"

"In the past, the most we saw in our factory was oleander resistant to sulfuric acid, and now there are more than a dozen kinds of trees, such as camphor trees, pomegranates, loquats, heather, etc. After dinner, colleagues often go to the garden together. Zhu Xiaojiao has worked in the smelter for more than ten years and has a personal experience of the changes in the factory environment.

Since the environmental protection rectification of the smelter, the whole plant has vacated 14,600 square meters of land through the demolition of abandoned buildings, which will be greened and beautified in accordance with the method of "one axis, one center and multiple point garden", and people will become a reality in the scenery and the factory in the painting.

In the central garden, there are not only leisure pavilions and other facilities, but also a lot of flowers and plants. "It was originally the first and second production areas of the old electrolysis workshop, but after being demolished, it was transformed into a 12,000-square-meter garden. In the later stage, we will build more green space and plant more trees to make the whole factory green and beautiful. The person in charge of the plant said.

At the same time, through environmental protection upgrades, the smelter has stronger green ecological benefits, and is expected to save 3,200 tons of coal and 60 million kW·h of electricity annually, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 13,000 tons;
