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China's Environment 丨 Qinghai strengthens ecological environment monitoring, supervision, inspection and law enforcement to create an ecological civilization highland

Release Time2 months ago

In recent years, Qinghai Province has focused on building an ecological civilization highland, focusing on the key tasks of building a demonstration province with national parks as the main body, effectively strengthening ecological environment monitoring, supervision, inspection and law enforcement, and supporting green and high-quality development with high-level protection.

We will deepen the battle against pollution and firmly protect the ecological and environmental safety barriers. Focusing on winning the battle against pollution and eight landmark battles, we have comprehensively promoted the implementation of key measures, achieved a higher level of improvement in the province's ecological and environmental quality, and achieved a solid step in building a modern new Qinghai with blue sky, green ground and clear water. The proportion of days with good ambient air quality in the province is 96.6%, and fine particulate matter The average concentration of (PM2.5) is 18.7 micrograms/cubic meter; the proportion of 35 national surface water monitoring sections reaching or better than Class III is 100%, and the water quality of 2 national control monitoring sections in Qinghai Lake remains in a natural state. The water quality of drinking water sources and groundwater is stable; the quality of the soil environment remains clean and stable; the quality of the acoustic environment and the radiation environment are generally good; The ecological quality (EQI) is mainly classified as Category II, providing a good ecological environment for the construction of national park demonstration provinces.

We will solidly carry out supervision and inspection of natural protected areas and vigorously promote the rectification and implementation of outstanding problems. Adhere to the linkage of inspection, law enforcement and supervision, make every effort to promote the rectification of central ecological and environmental protection inspection issues, strengthen supervision of the "Green Shield" nature reserve, and comprehensively strengthen ecological and environmental supervision in Sanjiangyuan, Qilian Mountains, Qinghai Lake and surrounding areas. All 27 issues involving nature reserves in the first and second rounds of central ecological and environmental protection inspections have been rectified. The third round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections involved grassland protection and restoration, small hydropower cleaning and rectification, and mine ecological restoration and other aspects of ecological restoration are advancing in an orderly manner. Organize various localities and departments to "look back" on the "green shield" issues over the years to consolidate and improve the effectiveness of rectification. 36 of the 38 key issues in the province's national nature reserves have been rectified. In accordance with national requirements, complete the ecological protection effectiveness evaluation of five national nature reserves including Qinghai Lake with high quality.

Improve and improve the ecological environment monitoring system and strengthen intelligent data-based technical support. Initially establish a "sky, ground and land integration" ecological environment monitoring network system to achieve full coverage of the province's ecological environment quality, key pollution sources and ecological environment status monitoring. The province has built 72 automatic monitoring stations for ambient air quality, 99 surface water environmental quality monitoring sections, 61 centralized monitoring points for domestic and drinking water sources in cities and towns above the county level, 87 automatic monitoring points for the acoustic environment, and 1537 manual monitoring points., 514 soil monitoring points, 199 radiation environment monitoring points, and 76 "Qinghai Ecological Window" observation points. Eight departments, including the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, and the Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau, have formed an ecological monitoring network that combines grassland, forest land, wetlands, desertified land, and hydrology based on the responsibilities of each department and existing monitoring stations. Resources, soil and water conservation, meteorological elements, environmental quality, glaciers, frozen soil, biodiversity, and remote sensing monitoring of ecological and environmental conditions. At the same time, a provincial ecological environment monitoring big data management platform has been built, and data resources in the ecological environment field are shared through the provincial government information resource sharing and exchange platform. The role of monitoring services in supporting decision-making and governance has become increasingly prominent.

Strengthen the application of ecological environment zoning management and control results to provide a strong guarantee for maintaining regional ecological environment security. The "Work Plan for Implementing the" Three Lines and One Order "Ecological Environment Zoning Management and Control in Qinghai Province" was formulated, identifying more than 69% of the province's land area as ecological space, realizing the control of the source areas of the three major rivers of the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River, as well as Qinghai Lake, Qilian Mountains The natural ecosystem covers the entire range, and achieves differentiated and precise management of the ecological environment through the delineation of environmental control units and the preparation of access lists. At the same time, in order to effectively play the role of ecological environment zoning management and control in bottom-line constraints and front-end leadership, ecological environment zoning management and control will be incorporated into the "Regulations on Ecological and Environmental Protection of Qinghai Province" and "Action Plan on Accelerating the Construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau into a National and Even International Ecological Civilization Highland" and other provincial regulations or important policy documents promote the establishment of an ecological environment zoning management and control system with precise control and clear responsibilities. Carry out in-depth analysis of the conformity of ecological space and environmental resource elements in major plans, and actively integrate ecological environment zoning management and control into the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Qinghai Province and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" and "Ecological Protection and the Qinghai Basin of the Yellow River. The entire process of preparation of major plans such as high-quality development plan and the" 14th Five-Year Plan "of Qinghai Province will help optimize the spatial layout and adjust the industrial structure. Promote the formation of spatial patterns, industrial structures, production methods, and lifestyles that conserve resources and protect the environment.

Implement ecological environment restoration and management projects to effectively maintain the stability of regional ecosystem functions. In the Sanjiangyuan area, we will coordinate and implement the prevention and control of life-style pollution in key towns and nomadic settlements, as well as comprehensive water environment management in key river sections and ecological protection of Maduo Lake Groups, and strive to enhance regional water conservation functions; In the inland Chaidamu River Basin, focus on implementing projects such as groundwater protection, construction of centralized sewage treatment facilities in industrial clusters, and in-depth treatment and reuse of corporate wastewater to minimize sewage emissions and promote water conservation and protection; In the main river basin of the Yellow River, we will focus on implementing projects such as water pollution prevention and water ecological restoration in densely populated river sections, pollution source control around the Longyang Gorge and Lijiaxia Reservoir, ecological restoration and protection, and maintain the water conservation function of the basin; in the Qilian Mountains region, implement the Shanshui Forest Tianhu Ecological Protection and Restoration Pilot Project, coordinating and promoting projects such as improving water conservation functions, improving biodiversity protection capabilities, and strengthening ecological environment and natural resource supervision capabilities. Through continuous efforts, the effects of optimizing the ecosystem pattern, stabilizing the system, and improving functions in key areas such as Sanjiangyuan, Qilian Mountains, and Qinghai Lake have begun to show, which has effectively promoted the construction of national parks.

Adhere to the authenticity and integrity of natural ecosystems and focus on biodiversity protection. Conscientiously implement the "Opinions on Further Strengthening Biodiversity Protection" of the Office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, comprehensively launch the revision of the "Qinghai Province Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030)", optimize and adjust strategic goals and tasks, and improve relevant safeguard measures. Widely publicize the biodiversity protection work in Qinghai Province, and participate in Qinghai's exhibition at the China Pavilion of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), and Qinghai's online exhibition at the China Pavilion of COP15, allowing "Great Beauty Qinghai" to go abroad and go to the world. Every year on the "May 22" International Biodiversity Publicity Day, extensive publicity is carried out through online and offline carriers, so that the story of Qinghai, beautiful China, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the next step, Qinghai Province will focus on the key tasks of building a demonstration province with national parks as the main body, strive to optimize and improve the ecological environment monitoring system, and do a solid job in the fifth national ecological status change survey and evaluation, national nature reserves and ecological protection red lines. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ecological and environmental protection, continue to promote the strengthening of supervision of the important ecological space of the "Green Shield", and carry out the "Huangshui Landscape" project in a timely manner, Dynamic monitoring and evaluation of major ecological restoration projects such as the "Three North" Project.

Source 丨 China Environment APP
