China Carbon Credit Platform

"Xie" strives to protect the clear water flowing eastward

Release Time3 months ago

How to promote ecological and environmental protection and high-quality industrial development in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River? On the morning of June 7, the CPPCC Consultative Conference of Important Nodes Cities in the Upper Yangtze River with the theme of "Jointly Protecting Clear Water and Promoting Green Development" was held in Yibin City, Sichuan Province. During the meeting, experts, committee members, and business representatives discussed intensively and offered suggestions and suggestions. Words such as "zero carbon", green transformation, collaboration, and "game of chess" have become high-frequency words in their mouths.

Outstanding zero-carbon advantages in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River

There is huge effective space for carbon neutrality

"Compared with the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River have outstanding advantages in zero-carbon hydropower and biomass energy, and there is huge effective space for carbon neutrality." On the same day, Pan Jiahua, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, vice chairman of the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change, director of the Center for Sustainable Development Research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and president of the Institute of Ecological Civilization of the Beijing University of Technology, focused on "Ecological Environment Protection and Industrial Development in the Upper Yangtze River" delivered a keynote speech.

In his view, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River should adhere to ecological priority and green development, emphasize the future and direction, break away from old driving forces and cultivate new driving forces. "At the same time, actively developing clean energy and promoting green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society have become the general awareness of the international community to respond to global climate change."

During the speech, Pan Jiahua proposed that participating cities should follow the trend and take advantage of the situation to promote the high-quality development of my country's new energy with greater efforts, provide safe and reliable energy guarantee for Chinese-style modernization, and contribute to the joint construction of a clean and beautiful world. Make greater contributions.

Among cities in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River,"zero carbon" has become its focus. Zou Yan, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Wanzhou District CPPCC in Chongqing City, said that Wanzhou District of Chongqing City has solidly promoted green and low-carbon transformation, continued to optimize the industrial development structure, adhered to the coordinated advancement of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and integrated "green +" into all aspects of economic and social development.

"During the 2021-2022 carbon emission compliance period, the cumulative carbon emission performance period was 23.27 million tons, the carbon emission quota surplus was 710,000 tons, and the carbon emission rights trading volume was 306,200 tons." Zou Yan said that Wanzhou District has carried out in-depth work related to climate investment and financing pilots, and has applied for the first batch of climate investment and financing pilots in Chongqing City. It has explored and developed 47 climate-friendly projects from both aspects of climate change mitigation and climate change application, and has invested 8 carbon-linked loans worth 430 million yuan.

"We regard green transformation and upgrading of the industry as a top priority." Jiang Kaiqiu, director of the Human Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee of the CPPCC in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, said that based on resource endowment, development foundation and development potential, Zhaotong City has studied and formulated a three-year action plan for the "5 billion yuan" industries of plateau characteristic industries, green energy, green silicon aluminum, phosphorus-based and new energy batteries, and modern service industries. At present, the Luolangzi Wind Power Project has been completed and connected to the grid for power generation, and 12 photovoltaic projects such as Haizishan and Baigoulin are accelerating.

Yibin is striving to move green

Accelerate the "Electric Yibin" project

As the venue of this conference, in Pan Jiahua's view, Yibin has obvious zero-carbon advantages. Ecological high-quality products include zero-carbon hydropower, a 4000-year history of wine-making and a 3000-year history of tea planting. It is believed that Yibin is a "world-class high-quality liquor industry cluster","world-class power battery industry cluster","national-level photovoltaic industry cluster", etc. The zero-carbon industrial system has great potential.

"We are working hard to move green." Xie Jie, chairman of the CPPCC of Yibin City, said,"Yibin City is proactively deploying the four future industries of new energy storage, digital energy, general artificial intelligence-assisted production capacity, and intelligent networked new energy vehicles, and accelerating the 'Electric Yibin' project. In 2023, the output value of the city's green and low-carbon industries will be 157 billion yuan, accounting for 41.5% above the quota, an increase of 26.1%."

As a representative enterprise in the liquor industry, in recent years, Wuliangye Co., Ltd. has continued to provide "green content" and reduce "carbon content" for corporate development, and has made every effort to promote the construction of a strong ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

"Wuliangye is the beneficiary of the high-quality water quality in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the guardian of the ecology in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is also necessary to strive for the upper reaches and create first-class in the protection of the Yangtze River." Jiang Wenge, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, vice chairman and general manager of Wuliangye Co., Ltd., said that green development is not only the foundation of Wuliangye's long-term foundation, but also the value logic of sustainable development.

"We are working hard to promote carbon reduction." Jiang Wenge said that Wuliangye is guided by leading the construction of a "zero-carbon enterprise", strengthens top-level planning and design, and promotes carbon reduction throughout the life cycle from three levels: management, technology and trading. "Currently, we are promoting the formulation of corporate green development standards and establishing and improving a dual-carbon standard system."

In addition, Wuliangye has strengthened the transformation of carbon reduction and consumption reduction. It has completed the conversion of coal to gas, reducing more than 40,000 tons of standard coal every year and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 200,000 tons; it has equipped electric boilers in areas with new production capacity.

As a local advanced photovoltaic manufacturing enterprise cultivated by Yibin City, Sichuan Heguang Tongcheng Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. is actively building a "zero-carbon factory." Xie Yi, member of the Sichuan Province CPPCC and chairman of Sichuan Heguang Tongcheng Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd., said that the company's smart energy management platform collects and analyzes energy consumption and energy negotiations and emission data in real time, and rooftop photovoltaics realize spontaneous self-use of green power and achieve scientific and environmentally friendly energy use.

"In the next step, we will seize the development opportunities of green and low-carbon advantageous industries and elevate environmental protection to the strategic level of enterprises to achieve sustainable development." Xie Yi said that they should implement the "double carbon" goal, use green and low-carbon to paint the background of high-quality development, build an ecological priority green and low-carbon development pioneer area for Yibin, and build a more peaceful, beautiful, livable and suitable industry Yibin. contribute strength.

Strengthen collaboration and the idea of "one game of chess"

Achieve a good pattern of cross-regional ecological environment co-governance and sharing in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River

The upper reaches of the Yangtze River are an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. How to give full play to the collaborative capabilities and "one game of chess" thinking of important node cities in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River has also become the focus of attention of experts and representatives.

"We should coordinate to prepare ecological protection and restoration plans, promote local legislation for ecological protection, and establish ecological protection compensation mechanisms." According to Zhang Lixin, vice chairman of the CPPCC in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, not only policy coordination, but also industrial coordination is needed.

For example, provinces and cities jointly promote clean transformation in the river basin, formulate distributed carbon reduction plans, develop new productivity according to local conditions, and jointly create a "trillion project library" for green and low-carbon development in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Coordinate and cultivate a green and low-carbon industrial system, improve low-carbon industry support policies, promote the replenishment and extension of advantageous industries such as liquor, hydropower, and natural gas, and create a number of "zero-carbon factories" and "zero-carbon parks" with demonstration and leading roles."Zero-carbon production areas". Collaborate to build world-class green and low-carbon industrial clusters.

In terms of work coordination, Zhang Lixin believes that it is necessary to establish a multi-level communication and exchange mechanism, an integrated cooperation and co-construction mechanism, and a full-coverage public participation mechanism. For example, an information sharing platform for water resources, water environment and water ecology data in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River has been established, and cooperation agreements on joint prevention and control of transboundary rivers, lakes, forests, and air pollution have been signed to form an ecological community and a community of interests.

As the person in charge of a liquor brewing equipment manufacturing company, Lin Bo, member of the CPPCC of Guizhou Province and chairman of Zunyi City Yonghong Metal Equipment Co., Ltd., is very aware of the value brought by "one river clear water". He suggested that this meeting should be used as an opportunity to effectively strengthen the "game of chess" idea of ecological governance in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and promote the formation of a comprehensive management mechanism for cross-regional river basins, so as to achieve a good pattern of cross-regional ecological environment co-governance and sharing.
