China Carbon Credit Platform

Mianyang: This year, we will strive to increase the operating income of green and low-carbon industrial enterprises above the designated size by 15% year-on-year

Release Time6 months ago

On March 22, the reporter learned from the regular press conference of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province that this year, Mianyang City will comprehensively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the development mode, vigorously develop water, wind, solar, hydrogen and natural gas multi-energy complementary clean energy, and strive to increase the operating income of industrial green and low-carbon industrial enterprises in the city by 15% year-on-year.

Comprehensively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the development mode

"In terms of comprehensively promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of the development mode, Mianyang will thoroughly implement the 'dual control' system of energy consumption, issue the "Mianyang 2024 Energy Conservation Monitoring Plan", and orderly promote the construction of an online monitoring system for the energy consumption of key energy-using units. Lin Wei, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Mianyang Development and Reform Commission, said.

This year, Mianyang will fully implement the "14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Mianyang City", vigorously promote the energy-saving technological transformation and in-depth treatment of pollutants in high-energy-consuming industries such as coal power, building materials, and chemicals, and strive to successfully create national and provincial green manufacturing demonstration units for more than 5 enterprises (parks) throughout the year. Actively promote the quality and multiplication of green and low-carbon industries such as advanced materials, nuclear technology applications, big data, and new-generation information technology, and strive to increase the operating income of green and low-carbon industrial enterprises above the designated size by 15% year-on-year.

At the same time, we will vigorously develop water, wind, solar, hydrogen and natural gas multi-energy complementary clean energy, accelerate the construction of Zitong Yunfeng 30,000 kilowatt wind power, Fule substation expansion, Yanting power transmission and transformation projects, and promote the construction of Aba-Chengdu East 1000 kV UHV AC project and Jiangyou pumped storage project, and strive for the layout of Longdian into Sichuan UHV DC project in Mianyang.

In addition, we will continue to promote the construction of a "zero-waste city". We will further promote the classification of domestic waste, issue the "Mianyang City 2024 Special Supervision Work Plan for Promoting the Source Reduction of Plastic Pollution", and study and formulate a garbage disposal fee system. Thoroughly implement the "Implementation Plan of Sichuan Province on Deepening the Reform of the Ecological Protection Compensation System", and actively organize the application of the second batch of pilot projects for the value realization mechanism of ecological products in Sichuan Province.

Actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality

At the press conference, Lin Wei also emphasized that this year, Mianyang should give full play to the functions and roles of the Office of the Mianyang Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Working Committee, and coordinate and promote the implementation of the goals and tasks of the carbon peak and carbon neutrality implementation plan. We will continue to improve and implement the "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promote relevant municipal departments to introduce implementation plans for carbon peaking in key areas such as industry and urban-rural construction.

Promote the implementation of the "Mianyang City Carbon Peak Implementation Plan", plan to implement the "Eight Major Actions for Carbon Peaking" step by step, regularly schedule progress, and carry out follow-up assessment and supervision and inspection. The "Implementation Plan for the Pilot Construction of Forestry Carbon Sequestration in Mianyang City" was issued to promote the construction of forestry carbon sequestration pilot cities in an orderly manner. We will continue to promote a new round of large-scale greening of Mianzhou, add 300,000 mu of forests, and consolidate and improve the carbon sink capacity of forests.

Actively apply for pilot cities and parks for carbon peaking, and pilot projects for low-carbon villages. Do a good job in advance of the green and low-carbon advanced technology project reserve and the 2024 demonstration project declaration, promote the construction of demonstration projects, and dynamically update the project reserve.

Actively implement the national "Opinions on Promoting the Dual Control of Energy Consumption and Gradually Shift to Dual Control of Carbon Emissions", carry out the first exploration of dual control of carbon emissions in accordance with the unified deployment of the province, establish and improve the statistical accounting system of carbon emissions, study and establish a statistical accounting system for carbon emissions in industrial processes, establish a list of key enterprises in industrial process carbon emissions, and carry out statistical accounting of carbon emissions in industrial processes in the city.

Organize and carry out theme activities such as National Ecology Day, National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, National Low Carbon Day, and June Five-Year Environment Day, and actively create a good social atmosphere of advocating thrift and resource conservation. We will create the second batch of national "public transport cities", encourage green and low-carbon travel, steadily promote the construction of charging facilities for new energy vehicles, and accelerate the "electric energy substitution" of cruise taxis and online car-hailing. Carry out activities to create green buildings, green communities, green families, green schools, and green shopping malls on a regular basis.
