China Carbon Credit Platform

National Low Carbon Day丨Shandong Shouguang carried out green and low-carbon walking activities

Release Time4 months ago

In order to popularize the knowledge of climate change, publicize the concept and policy of low-carbon development, and encourage the public to practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, the Shouguang Branch of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Weifang City, Shandong Province recently held the "National Low Carbon Day" theme publicity and "Civilized Transportation, Green Travel" walking activity in Mishui Qingfeng Park. Representatives of 16 key carbon emission units in Shouguang City and some environmental protection volunteers from the School of Chemical Engineering and Environment of Weifang University of Science and Technology were invited to participate in the event.

The "National Low Carbon Day" theme publicity and "Civilized Transportation, Green Travel" walking activity, a total of 5 kilometers, a total of more than 200 green and low-carbon leaflets were distributed to the public, calling on the whole society to pay attention to the impact of climate change, work together to form a simple, moderate, civilized and healthy, green and low-carbon life fashion, and build and share a beautiful home.

Through this publicity activity, the public can learn about some low-carbon tips and good habits in daily life, such as using inverter energy-saving furniture and household appliances, driving less private cars, using less plastic shopping bags, household switches and computers, etc. The participants said that walking and cycling can not only strengthen the body, but also contribute to the construction of a beautiful China, which is a good thing for self-interest and benefit the country.
