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Jiuquan, Gansu Province has achieved results in exploring low-carbon and clean heating

Release Time4 months ago

Heating is a rigid need of the masses and a major event related to people's livelihood. In the past, the urban and rural heating heat sources in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province mainly came from coal-fired boilers, stoves and simmering kangs in every household, which doubled the pressure on air pollution prevention and control, but also brought fire hazards and poor living environment.

In recent years, Jiuquan has actively promoted the low-carbon transformation of the heating model, and the effect of energy conservation and carbon reduction is obvious.

From 15°C to 22°C Clean heating has a temperature

Dongdong Town, Suzhou District, is the first township in Jiuquan City to implement clean heating projects.

"In the past, heating in winter mainly relied on burning the stove and simmering the kang, which was very troublesome. The new house I live in now is equipped with an air source heat pump, which is clean and tidy, and the people are relaxed. Xie Zhide, a resident of Jiugou Village, Dongdong Town, Suzhou District, said that he and his family moved into Ruixue Jingyuan, a farmhouse renovation community, in June 2022. Last winter, Xie Zhide's family lived comfortably, thanks to the use of "clean heating electricity". In the 2022 heating season, Xie Zhide paid a total of 1,100 yuan for electricity, and the temperature at home rose from the original 15°C to 22°C.

"In August last year, after the completion of the infrastructure of the Jiugou Village Rural Housing Renovation Community, the village committee submitted an application to the Zongzhai Power Supply Station in the name of the village committee after obtaining the consent of the villagers, so that the villagers could enjoy the clean heating electricity price. During the lowest period, each kilowatt-hour of electricity is only 0.26 yuan. Liu Xuelin, a clerk in Jiugou Village, said that in this year's heating season, villagers who use air source heat pumps at home still enjoy clean heating electricity prices.

In 2021, Suzhou District will take the renovation of rural houses as an incision to carry out in-depth rural construction actions. In the process of renovating farmhouses, Dongdong Town simultaneously considered solving the problem of rural heating, and it was Xie Zhijun, secretary of the party branch of Jiugou Village, who suggested the use of air source heat pumps. After returning from the southern investigation, he installed the prototype in the temporary office of the village committee and the home of the village cadres for experiments, collected data such as temperature and power consumption, and the effect was remarkable, and it was installed in large quantities in 2022.

"The advantages of air source heat pump heating are obvious, one is that it is connected to the water heating system, and the balance, sustainability and safety are better." Ma Shoubin, secretary of the Party Committee of Dongdong Town, Suzhou District, said that the town has completed the renovation of 927 farmhouses in the past three years, and 600 houses have been installed with air source heat pumps. In August this year, each household in Dongdong Town received a subsidy of 5,000 yuan from the central air pollution prevention and control fund.

On the basis of summarizing last year's experience, when Dongdong Town installed an air source heat pump this year, it required businesses to replace the water in the circulation system with antifreeze to effectively avoid the circulation system being frozen due to power outages. In addition, village cadres can intelligently manage the heating system through mobile phones and remotely help the elderly adjust the heating temperature at any time.

The change in heating methods is actually a change in lifestyle

"It can be said that the newly built residential communities in the countryside are no different from the buildings in the cities, and they are as warm, clean and warm as they are in winter." Ma Shoubin said that the change in heating methods has brought about earth-shaking changes in the way farmers live.

Also aware of this change and eager to make changes is Li Gen, a resident of Xingou Village, Dongdong Town. In 2021, Li Gen heard the news of the clean heating pilot project in Jiugou Village and made a special trip to find out. In 2022, he became the first person in Xingou Village to install an air source heat pump.

"At that time, I thought that no matter how much money it spent, I should choose clean heating." Li Gen said that after moving into the new house for nearly a month, the floor heating was turned on, the temperature was set, and every room was hot.

Li Gen also calculated an account: the new home is 120 square meters, and the electricity consumption for all-day heating is 50 degrees. From 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 24 p.m. every day, you can enjoy the price of clean heating electricity, which is 0.26 yuan per kilowatt-hour, and the cost of a day is 13 yuan. After a heating season, his family spent a total of about 2,700 yuan on heating.

"In the past, when the heating period came, coal burning superimposed on industrial enterprises, motor vehicle pollution and other factors, the city's PM10 and PM2.5 indicators remained high." Gao Ying, head of the atmospheric environment section of the Jiuquan Ecological Environment Bureau, said.

In order to reduce air pollution and reduce the proportion of coal consumption, Jiuquan City issued the implementation plan for clean heating in winter in 2017, clearly proposing to actively promote the construction of clean heating projects in winter, establish a safe, clean, economical and efficient urban and rural heating system, and promote the city's transition from coal-fired heating to clean energy heating.

In July this year, Jiuquan City won 10.95 million yuan of special funds for air pollution prevention and control from the central government, which was allocated to 4 towns in Suzhou District for the construction of clean energy heating projects, with a total construction task of 2,190 households, including 280 households in Guoyuan Town, 720 households in Yinda Town, 927 households in Dongdong Town, and 263 households in Xifeng Town. At present, 1,109 households have been installed with air source heat pumps.

Combined heat and power "double insurance" large network to ensure supply has confidence

In order to fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, promote carbon reduction and pollution reduction in a coordinated manner, and make the sky bluer, the water greener, and the air fresher, Jiuquan City firmly implements the strategy of "ecological city" and takes multiple measures to promote the high-quality development of heating work. In addition to the construction of clean energy heating projects in rural areas, a combined heat and power central heating project has also been implemented in Jiuquan urban area, and six coal-fired boilers have been decommissioned in Jiuquan urban area, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 142,500 tons. Up to now, the city's central heating area is 29.46 million square meters, accounting for 55% of the total heating area.

In October 2023, the JISCO Group-Suzhou District Cogeneration Central Heating Project was completed and put into use, and the coal-fired boiler heating in Jiuquan City became a thing of the past.

"For the first time, the heating supply in Jiuquan urban area is jointly guaranteed by Huaneng cogeneration and Jiugang Hongsheng cogeneration, forming a new pattern of heat supply with mutual backup and dual heat source guarantee. Among them, Huaneng cogeneration guarantees 8.72 million square meters of urban heating area, mainly covering the central urban area of Suzhou District, Yumen Oilfield Living Base, high-speed rail area, Qilian Road and other areas; The heating area of JISCO is 6.85 million square meters, mainly covering the first phase of the new urban heating area, the second phase of the new urban area, the third phase of the new urban area, the north area of the city, the Changheng area of the Beiyuan area, etc. Yin Jianguo, deputy director of Suzhou District Heating and Gas Service Center, said. The two major heat sources of Huaneng cogeneration and Jiugang Hongsheng cogeneration are expected to save 195,000 tons of coal. At present, Chunguang Thermal Heat Source Plant and Changheng Thermal Heat Source Plant have become the standby heat source for heating in Jiuquan City.

In recent years, Jiuquan City has made every effort to implement the ultra-low emission renovation project of coal-fired boilers, renovated 8 coal-fired boilers with 400 steam tons, dismantled and eliminated 124 coal-fired boilers with 661.07 steam tons, and vigorously implemented the rural air source heat pump clean heating project, realizing 2,190 air source heat pump clean heating projects, with a total area of 138,014.4 square meters. It has comprehensively improved the comprehensive guarantee capacity of urban heating, reduced the emission of nitrogen oxides by 448 tons per year, completely bid farewell to the pollution season in the heating season, and balanced the warm winter and blue sky and white clouds at both ends of the winter heating balance, so as to achieve a win-win situation of ecological, economic and social benefits.
