China Carbon Credit Platform

National Low Carbon Day丨Yunnan Province and Municipalities jointly held the "National Low Carbon Day" publicity activities

Release Time4 months ago

On May 15, the 2024 "National Low Carbon Day" publicity activity of Yunnan Province and Kunming City, sponsored by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and the Kunming Municipal People's Government, was held in Kunming. With the theme of "Green and Low-Carbon, Beautiful China", this event aims to encourage the general public to practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, promote the spread and popularization of low-carbon concepts, create a new trend of green and low-carbon life, and strive to accelerate the green transformation of development mode, improve the livable quality of urban and rural areas, promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and strive to form a good social atmosphere of energy saving, consumption reduction and coordinated development. More than 400 people from more than 30 units and departments of the province and city participated in the on-site activities, and the online live broadcast was watched by about 62,000 people.

Lan Jun, deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, pointed out in his speech that in recent years, Yunnan Province has deeply practicedpracticeNear-flatEcological civilization thinking, synergistically promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, growth, take climate change response as an important starting point for promoting the construction of ecological civilization and achieving high-quality development, actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, through a series of measures such as adjusting the industrial structure, optimizing the energy structure, promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction, participating in national carbon emission trading, increasing forest carbon sinks, strengthening biodiversity adaptation, carrying out low-carbon pilot demonstrations, improving the capacity building of climate change governance, and enhancing the green and low-carbon awareness of the whole society. The quality of development has been significantly improved, the energy structure has been optimized at an accelerated pace, and the carbon sink capacity has continued to improve. Green and low-carbon development is an important part of the construction of a beautiful China, and I hope that everyone will work together to be a good participant, promoter and demonstrator of green and low-carbon, jointly respond to climate change, jointly promote green and low-carbon development, comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful China's colorful Yunnan, and actively explore the creation of a "Yunnan model" of beautiful China.

An Enfa, member of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, said in his speech that in recent years, Kunming has unswervingly followed the high-quality development path of ecological priority and green development, regarded energy conservation and carbon reduction as an important starting point and breakthrough point for adhering to high-quality development, building a new development pattern, and promoting the green transformation of development mode. It is hoped that governments at all levels, enterprises and institutions and the general public will implement the concept of green and low-carbon in all aspects of production and life. The whole society has taken action, starting from small things, actively practicing the concept of green and low-carbon, and contributing to the construction of "Pearl of the Plateau and Green Spring City".

At the event site, different activities were planned to invite the public to participate in the interaction. During the event, the winners of the 2024 "Green Spring City Ecological Mirror" Photo Contest were simultaneously released; On the stage, students from Kunming Medical University brought a fashion show on the utilization of renewable resources "Environmental Protection, Green Casting the Future"; The "low-carbon bazaar" and "low-carbon interactive area" have attracted many citizens to participate, guiding the public to actively practice a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle. The low-carbon initiative with the participation of representatives from various industries calls on the whole people to take action and go hand in hand, with firmer determination, more pragmatic style and more effective measures, to promote green and low-carbon development to achieve more remarkable results, and contribute to the construction of a green and low-carbon beautiful China.
