China Carbon Credit Platform

Guangdong strengthens ecological environment quality assurance and creates a beautiful National Games

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province issued the "Notice on Comprehensively Implementing the Concept of Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection and Making every effort to Create a Beautiful National Games."(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), guiding the ecological and environmental protection departments of the hosting cities to ensure the environmental quality of the Guangdong competition area of the 15th National Games, fully implementing the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and promoting the realization of green and low-carbon venues for the National Games, and green organization. The goal of efficiency, clean and beautiful ecological environment, and green life for all, we will strive to create a beautiful National Games.

In order to ensure the quality of the ecological environment during the National Games, the "Notice" requires that the quality guarantee of the ecological environment of the 15th National Games be strengthened from four aspects: protecting beautiful blue skies, creating beautiful rivers and lakes, creating beautiful bays, and ensuring environmental security.

In terms of protecting the beautiful blue sky, we will further deepen joint prevention and control of air pollution, strengthen differentiated and refined management and control in key areas, key time periods, and key industries, and ensure that air quality remains excellent during the session. In terms of creating beautiful rivers and lakes, we will strengthen the water quality protection of water bodies in core waters and drinking water source protection areas involved in the competition, deepen the management of substandard water bodies and black and smelly rivers, and strengthen water pollution such as sewage outlets entering rivers and entering the sea, key pollution sources, and key risk sources. Control and coordinate the construction of beautiful rivers and lakes and thousands of green roads. In terms of creating a beautiful bay, we will strengthen the management of the ecological environment in the sea areas involved in the competition, deepen the investigation and rectification of sewage outlets into the sea, and supervise the ecological environment of marine aquaculture, and encourage the coordinated implementation of key projects such as pollution control, environmental remediation, and ecological restoration. In terms of ensuring environmental security, we will strengthen environmental security during the season, carry out investigation of potential safety hazards in ecological and environment-related fields, and conduct monitoring and early warning of important rivers, drinking water sources, key bays, ambient air quality and emergency response to environmental emergencies.

At the same time, the "Notice" proposes to use the National Games to lead the construction of a beautiful home. Comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful cities, focusing on improving and improving the environmental appearance of areas around venues, reception hotels, transportation lines, etc., accelerate the implementation of urban environmental quality improvement actions, and build a number of beautiful national games demonstration projects that the people can feel and reach, so as to drive The overall level of regional ecological and environmental governance has been improved. Carry out multi-level construction of "beautiful cells", create a number of ecological communities, peaceful communities, and beautiful schools, form a number of beautiful construction results, and fully demonstrate the style of green and beautiful Guangdong construction.

In order to promote green, low-carbon and environmentally friendly hosting of the competition, the "Notice" proposes five major actions. The first is the green venue construction action. Promote the architectural design of new and renovated venues to be carried out in accordance with relevant evaluation standards for green buildings, and promote the organic integration of the 10th National Games venues with urban style, city appearance environment, and natural ecology. The second is green energy action. Promote the 15th National Games to ensure that vehicles give priority to using new energy vehicles, non-road mobile machinery give priority to using new energy machinery, and venues ensure that conventional electricity gives priority to using green electricity. The third is the "National Games without Waste" operation. Advocate garbage classification, promote "Action CD" and green packaging, reduce the use of disposable plastic products, promote registration, registration, guidelines, manuals and other electronic measures to reduce the generation of various solid waste during the competition process. Strengthen the recycling of recyclable waste materials and the treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes, and jointly promote the construction of "waste-free cells" such as "waste-free hotels" and "waste-free restaurants". The fourth is the carbon neutrality and national transportation operation. Promote the establishment of an event carbon emission management system, strengthen carbon emission management and accounting throughout the event process, explore ways to achieve green and low-carbon hosting of the event by prioritizing the implementation of carbon emission reduction measures, and achieve carbon neutrality through carbon offset measures to neutralize the remaining carbon emissions of the event. Goal. The fifth is green procurement actions. Promote the purchase of environmentally labeled products in material procurement for the 15th National Congress, follow the green and low-carbon concept in the design, production, and sales of souvenirs around the 15th National Congress, and carry out carbon label certification.

In addition, the "Notice" also mentioned that it will actively build a public participation platform for the Beautiful National Games, plan and organize a series of volunteer activities for the Beautiful National Games such as carbon neutral National Games,"waste-free National Games", and green National Games, to guide citizens to practice green travel, green consumption and other green lifestyles create a good atmosphere for all people to participate in the Beautiful National Games.

It is understood that the Executive Committee of the Guangdong Division of the 15th National Games forwarded the "Notice", requiring the executive committees of the cities hosting the prefecture level and relevant provincial units to integrate the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection into the preparation, hosting and post-game use of the 15th National Games. The entire process and various fields of use will form a good situation of linkage between upper and lower levels, participation of multiple parties, and performing their duties to jointly create a beautiful National Games and make the 15th National Games unique, style and excitement.
